InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Attempt at the Tempest ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. I'm not making money off of this.
Attempt at the Tempest
Chapter 1
Miroku shut the trunk of his SUV, swung his backpack over his shoulder and hoisted his duffel bag and began the hike up the stairs to his dorm room. He trudged the two flights and rounded the corner into his designated hallway. There were people everywhere. Moms and dads were bringing in boxes and bins of clothing, electronics, and miscellaneous things. People hauled cases of ramen around like college was a place of starvation and survival. Miroku dodged through the crowd, glad he already brought most of his stuff in. He stopped in front of his dorm room and as he fished his key out of his pocket, he felt a thump on his shoulder.
“Hey there pervert.” Inuyasha grinned and grabbed Miroku's key out of his hand, opening the door.
“Finally. I was starting to think you were going to skip move-in day and wait until classes started to move in.” Miroku dropped his bag on his bed. Their dorm room was a modest size. He knew that it definitely wasn't the smallest room on campus, but definitely not the biggest.
“Yeah. Yeah. Traffic was bad and all that jazz. Are you going to help me unload all of my shit?” Inuyasha strutted about the room checking it out for the first time. Miroku sighed and looked at his best friend. They had met in middle school and bonded over soccer and later on the lack of parental figures in both of their lives. Miroku's mom died during childbirth and his father after due to some medical mystery that people were still researching. He had lived with his drunk uncle for most of his life. Inuyasha's mother died in the middle of his junior high career and he had moved in with his great aunt because his father was reluctant to accept the bastard child that resulted after the affair with Inuyasha's mother. His father made up for whatever guilt he had about it by providing Inuyasha with whatever funds he needed.
“Psh. You weren't here to help me unload my crap. Why should I help you?” Miroku gestured to the few bins and boxes he brought in on his own.
“Because daddy dearest bought yours truly a brand new flatscreen and the largest mini fridge our dorms allow and I only share with people who help.” Inuyasha challenged him to say otherwise about the situation. Inuyasha was stubborn and Miroku couldn't pass up the opportunity of late night campaigns gaming and cold monsters to keep him through it.
“Fine, but only because you asked so nicely.”
After two hours of unloading, rearranging, and unpacking, the two had finally set up their man cave. Their loft beds had been pushed off to the sides, with their desks residing underneath them. Hot girls and beer pong poster adorned the walls. The hot girls were mainly on Miroku's side. Next to the closet the two shared, they set up their own little kitchen area, complete with fridge, microwave, and hot water heater for Inuyasha's three cases of ramen. And at the center of their humble abode was the ultimate gaming set up: a 42” flat screen TV, PS3, XBOX360, and two very comfortable gaming chairs.
“I should've asked for a bigger TV,” Inuyasha speculated looking around the room.
Miroku plopped down into one of the gaming chairs. “It's fine. What do you want to do now?”
Inuyasha turned away. “Well, I was going to…uh…check out the other dorms…to uh you know…see them.” His lie was obvious.
“You want to go see Kagome?”
“NO! Of course not. Why would I want to go see that wench? Psh. I can't believe she's even at the same college as me. I can't stand that bitch.” Inuyasha ranted to cover up his obvious interest in the girl. They had a very…interesting relationship. Both of them were reluctant to admit their feelings and they were both stubborn as all hell, so it became more of a love/hate relationship between the two of them more than anything. But Miroku knew better than anyone, that the sexual tension between the two of them was bound to explode.
“It's cool. I wanted to check out the ladies on her floor anyways.” Miroku waggled his eyebrows as Inuyasha mumbled a low `pervert' in his direction. They grabbed their keys and respective wallets and headed out to Kagome's dorm. Her floor was the one directly above theirs. Miroku couldn't believe the amount of pretty girls standing around in their skimpy summery clothing. He knew Inuyasha was getting irked at being held up at every door as Miroku introduced himself to every pretty lady he saw, occasionally charming his way to their phone numbers. But as it had become his catch line, Miroku just couldn't help himself in the presence of a pretty woman. They finally made it to Kagome's door. It was open and the sound of music and light girl chatter could be heard from the hallway. Miroku knocked lightly and let himself in as Inuyasha trudged behind him.
“Oh! Hey Miroku…and friend.” Miroku sniggered a little at Kagome's attitude toward his friend. He knew she was still a little upset at Inuyasha's last attempt to catch her attention. Miroku and Inuyasha caught up with Kagome doing her dorm shopping and she innocently asked which color suited her better pink or green. Miroku remembered Inuyasha, being the macho man he is, mentioning something about how Kagome was so helpless to even choosing a color for her bedspread and that she needed him for everything. After a few choice words, the bickering two finally stormed out leaving an amused Miroku behind.
“What are you guys doing here?” Kagome's voice broke Miroku of his flashback. Before Miroku could answer, Inuyasha opened his fat mouth.
“Psh, wench. We're here making sure you don't strain yourself doing too much work.” Miroku was sure that Inuyasha meant it in the best of ways, but his tone turned it on himself for the worst. As the fight broke out behind him, Miroku turned his attention to the girl sitting quietly on her bed watching the fight with slight concern. The girl was quite familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. She had high cheekbones and a very fierce face, but there was a surprising femininity to her. Her long chestnut hair was pulled into a high ponytail. Her eyes were a warm brown color, almost molten. She was gorgeous, and Miroku was struck with a feeling that he didn't recognize. He pushed it to the back of his mind and focused on seducing this remarkable brunette.
“Don't worry. They fight like that a lot. It's because they like each other.” Miroku whispered to her. She jumped slightly and looked up at him.
“Hello, I'm Miroku and I do hope you share your name with me.” Miroku extended his hand with the most charming smile he could muster.
The beauty looked down at it and looked back up to him. “Sango.”
Miroku was a bit miffed by her obvious disregard for his hand but brushed it off quickly. “Sango, what a lovely name. From where do you hail, gorgeous maiden?”
“Really Miroku? Do you not recognize her?” Kagome's voice sounded off.
“Sango…” Miroku said the name again. It sounded so familiar to him. Sango, Sango, Sango… He faintly remembered a girl of the same name from the first two years of high school. She dominated almost all of the women's sports offered. She made varsity her freshman year for soccer and field hockey and carried both sports to championships her sophomore year.
“Sango!? Butch Sango?! Sango the bull dyke?!” Inuyasha blurted out.
Miroku suddenly remembered her. She turned down every guy that asked her out. Miroku at the time, was going through an awkward phase and had avoided girls at all costs, but he did remember the rumors of her being a lesbian. But when junior year rolled around, Sango wasn't at school anymore and no one really knew why. There were rumors of her going to an all girls school so she could eat all the muff she wanted, or her deliberately try to go to jail for the same reasons.
“INUYASHA!” Kagome screamed, bewildered that he could even say something like that. Miroku chuckled as he watched Kagome chase Inuyasha out of the room.
Miroku looked back at Sango. She didn't look offended at all, actually quite amused. “I apologize for my friend's obvious crassness. It has been a long time since I've laid eyes upon you. You certainly have grown.” He let his eyes wander to her obvious curves under her clothes.
Sango rolled her eyes. “Do you speak like this with every woman?”
Miroku looked back up at her face. “I like to use the power of words to make every woman feel beautiful.”
“Well, waste them on someone else. If you don't mind, I should get back to unpacking.” She stood and gestured towards the door, then turned to unload some of the items from a box on the ground. Miroku took full advantage of the view. He appreciated the obvious firm swell of Sango's ass. Miroku felt a slight twitch in his pants as his mind drew fantasy after fantasy around the voluptuous rear in front of him. His hand reached out with almost a mind of its own, but was interrupted Inuyasha and Kagome reentering. Miroku quickly placed both of his hands back in his pockets and looked to the other couple. Inuyasha was rubbing his cheek and mumbled out a sorry of some sort, while Kagome nodded in satisfaction.
“Yeah. You two should get going. But we should catch up for dinner later of something.” Kagome said to Miroku. Despite Inuyasha's relationship with her, Miroku had always liked Kagome and made it a point to be her friend. But he did keep his friendliness in check because if he didn't, Inuyasha would have his ass on a platter.
“That sounds lovely. I hope to see you again, Sango.” Miroku gave her one last charming smile. He thought he saw a hint of a blush on her cheeks, but wasn't sure as he was dragged out into the hallway by a grumbling Inuyasha.
Weeks passed. Miroku and Inuyasha fell into their respective schedules. Go to classes, eat at the cafeteria, go to the gym occasionally, party on the weekends, and sleep. Inuyasha's life had certainly started changing and Miroku had noticed.
Even though Kagome, who would sometimes bring Sango, often ate with them at the cafeteria, Inuyasha began seeing less and less of her, and Miroku started seeing more and more of Inuyasha's new girl, Kikyo. Inuyasha mentioned that they used to know each other in middle school before he moved and met Miroku. Kikyo was definitely something to look at and she was nice, but Miroku thought that Kagome was a much better choice for Inuyasha. Kikyo, in comparison to Kagome, seemed…well…dead. She wasn't nearly as lively as Kagome, but Miroku shrugged it off because as long as Inuyasha was happy, so was he.
From time to time, thoughts of the lovely Sango crossed his mind. He had one class with her, anthropology. They both took it for the history credit they needed for their general education requirements. He tried to sit next to Sango many a time, but she always arrived early and sat in the front of the lecture hall, which was always filled. He tried a couple times to get her to study with him, but she just brushed him off politely. Miroku had started to think she really might be a lesbian. He saw other men try to approach her and get the same response. Despite not getting Sango's attentions, Miroku had others.
Miroku definitely enjoyed the amount of pretty ladies at the parties and the attention he got from them. His first two years in high school were very awkward for Miroku. He was a late bloomer, so he was still pretty short going into high school and acne was at full force. However, the summer after his sophomore year was a miraculous one. He grew into his frame, lost the baby fat, and his skin cleared up. With his new found hotness, 17 year old Miroku found himself flooded with plenty of ladies willing to fulfill his awkward preteen fantasies. After he had slept with a good portion of the female population at his high school and others, Inuyasha deemed him with the title of pervert and Miroku couldn't disagree.
Parties after parties had taken a toll on Miroku's wallet. His funds going into college were limited. He was basically there on a full ride, but his spending money was all his own. He'd been looking through the jobs on the student resource site and through the newspaper, but nothing caught his interest. He logged onto the student resource site for the third time that week and saw something new that caught his eye.
“Wanted: Night shift worker for adult store,” Miroku read aloud. He clicked on the link. It was a part time job during week days from ten pm to two in the morning in an adult store. Most of those places he understood as sleazy and dirty, but he recognized the name Fantasies For All. He'd been in there once that year looking for a gag gift for Inuyasha. The store was clean and well organized. It wasn't a typical sleazy porn store. Miroku checked out his schedule and most of his classes didn't start until noon or afterwards, because he was a horrible morning person. So he applied online hoping he'd get the job.
A few days later, Miroku received an e-mail from the prospective employer. They asked him to start right away. Miroku smirked, knowing that he'd now have a steady cash flow and a discount off of all the porn that he could ever want. That night, he left his dorm around nine fifteen, hoping he'd be early enough to impress his future employer. He pushed through the doors around nine thirty and walked up to the cash register.
“Hello, sir. My name is Miroku and I applied for a job here.” The old wrinkled man looked at him for a long, hard second. In an instant, his face eased and brightened.
“Oh yes! You. Well, Miroku, glad to have you on board.” His voice was crackly and rough, like a smoker's voice. Miroku just smiled and nodded slightly. “Well, let me show you around.” He stepped out from behind the counter and showed off the store. “Over here is our immense collection of DVDs and we still have some VHSs. It's mainly organized by groupings, hetero couple, lesbian couple, gay couple, then threesomes, moresomes, lesbian orgies, gay orgies, etc… Then we have some more popular fetish categories over there on that wall. And of course, our new releases are over by the front counter.” Miroku nodded and followed, not at all affected by the older man's usage of such sex terms.
The manager continued with his tour of the store. “Over here we have our collection of lingerie and costumes. It's not very extensive, but we do have a catalog that our customers can order from. It's located behind the desk. And over here, we have our sex toys. In the glass cases, we have our more expensive toys. Every vibrator, dildo, c-ring, pocket pussy, and penis pump that costs over 75 dollars are stored there, for obvious reasons of course. Now, we pride ourselves on hosting every kind of sex toy imaginable, but if for some reason, a customer can't find it in store, we also have another large catalog behind the counter.” The manager gave his spiel about how to work the cashier, the procedure for checking out one of the private viewing rooms, and how to close up the store.
“Now have fun. I'll see you tomorrow at ten.” The old manager waved and was out the door like that. Miroku was left in a whirlwind of new information and a plethora of sexual items. He grinned and took his position behind the elevated counter.
Miroku snuck back into his dorm room. He shut the door quietly, but realized he didn't need to; Inuyasha wasn't even in the room. Miroku assumed he was with Kikyo. Miroku lay down in his bed fatigued, not from overworking but from sheer boredom. During his entire shift, he helped probably six middle-aged men, three middle-aged women, a gaggle of newly eighteen annoying high school boys, and a few others. Miroku hadn't even thought to ask if it was alright if he watched some of the porn during his shift. He didn't, because he didn't want to be in trouble. Miroku figured next time he'd just bring his homework with him and get that done while he was there.
The next day during anthropology, Miroku tried his hardest to take notes, but his professor was too caught up in his tangents and inside jokes for there to be any information to take notes on. Miroku instead decided to focus on the back of the lovely Sango's head. Even though she barely gave him the time of day, he kept an interest for her. Inuyasha, as well as most of his dorm floor, was sure she was a lesbian; however, Miroku wasn't convinced. Until he heard her swear that she's a lesbian, he wouldn't believe it.
“Lady Sango, wait up!” Miroku jogged to catch up with her swishing ponytail.
“Lady?” Sango gave him a questioning glance as he finally caught up to her stride.
“Well, I think the title is fitting, unless I should call you sir?” Miroku joked.
Miroku thought he caught the hint of a blush and she laughed it off. “Well still, calling me lady is like me calling you monk.”
“Then monk it is, Lady Sango.” Sango rolled her eyes a bit and quickened her pace. Miroku quickened his as well. “Well, I was wondering if you'd like to catch dinner with me?”
“We usually eat with each other in the dining hall with Kagome and sometimes Inuyasha.” She stated bluntly and turned off to another path.
“No, no. A real date. With real dinner.” Miroku and Sango stopped in front of the Education building.
“No, thank you. There's no need to let the money on my meal plan go to waste. I shall be seeing you later…monk.” With what Miroku thought was a hint of a grin, Sango slipped inside.