InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Autumn: Fairytale ❯ Dancing with the Darkness ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Two:
Dancing With The Darkness

Kouga kicked his brother's side trying to wake him. "Get up you ass." He commanded. He opened the windows, letting the sun in.

Minoru groaned and turned over, so his head ducked under a few pillows of the couch. "This has got to be abuse. okay, what do you want, an apologies? I'm sorry, okay."

"I've heard every excuse from you. I'm tired of you getting drunk like a lazy fuck. You're 19 and you have a little sister who needs you. Could you try to get grip?"

Minoru sat up and stretched. "I'm not exactly Yumi's favorite brother."

"That's not true--"

"Then why does she throw her books at me?" Minoru rubbed his head.

Kouga shrugged. "Maybe she noticed you were loser. Look, I'm going to head down to the office. Get to your dorm and I don't want to see you again unless you're sober, you got it?"

"Yeah, whatever,"

"And before dad kicks your ass, take a shower."

"Yes mom, I think I got it." He teased.

"Whatever smart ass, get your self together, or I'll kick your ass, and Ayame won't save your sorry self next time."

"Admit it,"

Kouga gulped down the rest of his coffee before dumping the pot and mug in the sink. "Admit what?"

"She's got you whipped."

"You want your ass kicked now?"

Minoru held up his hands in surrender. "Relax Chumbawumba."


Ayame dropped her stuff on the counter, only to be interrupted by a phone ring. "Hello," She answered.

"Hello, is this Ookami, Ayame?"


"This is the nurse from Ookami, Yumi's school. It seems she got a case of the flu. I was wondering if either you or her brother wouldn't mind picking her up at the school office. Her father seems to be at a meeting, and the secretary can't reach him from across town."

"That's fine, I'm on my way." Ayame responded before clicking the phone off.


"Sit on the couch while I take your temperature." Ayame told Yumi, who stammered over to the couch and flopped down on it. Her fever had already kicked in to super mode, and she was now dizzy and nauseous. "Okay, put this under your tongue for me sweetie."

Yumi did as she was told.

Ayame had to yank the thermometer out of her mouth and looked at it for a minute. "102.4," She announced. "I'd say that deserves a good bowl of ramen. What do you think? Honey, I want to you go up to my bedroom and lay down in my bed while I get your ramen okay?"

Yumi nodded and walked up the stair groggily.

Ayame set up the pot and turned on the stove. She opened the small package and poured the contents into the heating water. She waited a good 20 minutes and poured in the flavoring package. She stirred it a good while, turned off the stove, and poured the soup into a bowl. She grabbed a spoon and started up the steps toward her room. Yumi had turned on the T.V. and was watching a few Hello Kitty and Friends re-runs. Ayame smiled. "The ramen’s ready, you hungry?"

Yumi nodded. Ayame sat on the edge of the bed and handed the bowl and spoon to Yumi. "Thanks," She responded. It took about 15 minutes for Yumi eat the whole bowl.

Ayame set the bowl on the night stand, next to a lamp.

"Ayame, will you lay down with me? My Mommy used to lay down with me when I was sick."

Ayame could see a little sadness in Yumi's big orbs. "Of course," She laid her head against the head board, and watched the re-runs till Yumi fell asleep. Poor girl, she just a child. And she lost her mother at such a young age. She thought. Ayame yawned. The day must have taken a lot out of her, and she still had one chapter to finish and send to the publishing company.


"Kouga, you sister's school called." In formed the office secretary, "It seems she caught some kind of bug."

"Where is she now?" Kouga asked. He felt bad; Yumi must think his work mattered more than her.

"Your wife picked her up and hour ago."

"Oh, okay, Thanks."

After that, Kouga had decided to take his work home to check on his baby sister. He opened the door. Everything seemed fine, and quiet. No yelling, nothing out of the ordinary. He closed the door with his foot and set his things on the kitchen counter. He looked in his room, Yumi wasn't there. Then he walked toward Ayame's. Yes, Yumi was defiantly there. He recognized the Hello Kitty and Friends theme song. It was her favorite show.

Kouga saw Yumi sleeping soundly at Ayame's side. He picked Yumi up, he could feel the warmth of her body, it was too warm. He felt her forehead. It was very hot. He grimaced at that. He walked to his room and set Yumi on his bed. She groaned, but still hadn't woken up.

Kouga turned the T.V. off in Ayame's room and the lights. He pulled the covers over Ayame's body. Her chest slowly arose and lowered. Her breathing was almost silent.

"Kouga," Asked a dizzy Yumi, who kept rubbing her eyes, which burned from heat.

"What are you doing up princess?"

Yumi shrugged. "I'm not tired anymore."


Ayame shot up from her bed. Everything was quiet and dark. Her cell phone rang and she quickly got it. "What?"

"Nice way to greet your sister bitch." Jubilee joked. "Any ways, you won't believe it, you have to come over!"


"Just come!" Jubilee hung up before Ayame could protest.

Ayame had gotten out of bed moments ago and left the house. What Jubilee crazy or something? She had finally arrived at Jubilee's place. "Okay what is it?" She groaned as she stripped her self of her jacket and scarf. She walked into Jubilee's room, hearing giggles.

Sakura and Jubilee had set up camp in front of one of her apartment windows, in her room. Sakura sat on a chair with a bowl of popcorn in her lap. And Jubilee sat on the edge of her bed. Jubilee waved Ayame over. "Come here quick."

Ayame walked over to the window that kept both her sisters entertained. She gasped at the scene. The apartment across the street showed to lovers . . . doing their thing. "Eww! You people are strange!"

Jubilee giggled. "It's like free live porn. These newlywed neighbors get it on everyday! You'd think they learn to close the blinds by now." She grabbed a handful of pop corn.

Ayame leaned her head to the side. "That doesn't look very comfortable."

"Trust me, it's not." Sakura added.

"Whoa! I didn't know that was even humanly possible." Jubilee noted. "I hate them."

"Trust me, it's possible, but it hurts like a bitch." Sakura responded.

Jubilee and Ayame gave their sister a look.

"Since when did you become so experienced in these yoga-like positions?" Jubilee asked.

"Remember, I'm the oldest and I've had way more relationships than you have had one-night-stands." Sakura smirked at her victory and went back to watching the couple in awe. "So uh, where's Kouga?"

"At home," Ayame shrugged.

"Well, I really have to go, got a big case to work on." Sakura handed the bowl to Jubilee.

"You' don't want to watch the pathetic couple get it on?" Jubilee argued.

Sakura giggled and put on her jacket. "As eventful as that is, work is more important. I'll call you guys tomorrow." She said before closing the door behind her.

"Where do you think she's going?" Jubilee turned to Ayame.

She shrugged. "Home right, you heard her, she has work."

"Seems like that's not the only thing she has in mind."


Sakura knocked on the door once more. The lights were on and most likely some one was home. She jiggled the door knob and stepped inside the house, closing the door quietly behind her. She looked around, popping her head into the living room. Climbing the stairs slowly, she stood in front of Kouga's home office door. She hesitated as she twisted the knob. What are you doing Sakura? You're betraying sister. Her mind argued.

She doesn't care. She never cared.

She never knew.

Even if she did, she wouldn't care.

You can't lie to your self . . . I'm you remember?

"I didn't even hear you come in." Kouga noted, still looking down at some file.

"Really, I've only been banging at your door for 10 minutes. You'd think you’d get a good lock with a nice house like this." Sakura teased. "What are you working on?"

"The new case that came in today,"

"We've been pretty busy this month. Practically three clients each," She sighed and sat on his desk. "Well . . . Ayame will be gone for a while."

"My little sister's in the next room."

"We can be quiet."

"I don't want to risk her innocence. She still believes in the stork."

Sakura snorted. "Oh, you're serious? Gosh, I had the sex talk when I was eight . . . I don't really think me or my grandfather have yet to recover from that." She worked her way down on his lap. "Come on, it's innocent fun. I bet little Yumi is dead asleep. She won't notice." Sakura grabbed his face gently, turning it to face her. She looked into his eyes, with a pleading look. She kissed him hungrily.

Kouga pushed her away. "We shouldn't be doing this."

She stood up. "I don't see why it's a problem. It'll be our secret."

"That's the problem . . . secret. If something wasn't so wrong, we wouldn't have to keep it a secret."

"What’s wrong with you, Kouga? I mean, you never had a problem with it before. Why is it so difficult? Are you sleeping with Ayame too?"


"Okay, well, I better go. I think after their third position, I'm a little tired."

Jubilee giggled. "Well, it was fun while it lasted."

"More like disturbing. Don't get me wrong, I love sex as much as the next average moron, but I would feel really insecure with an audience. They could sue us if they caught us."

"Oh you worry too much. It was supposed to be funny . . . although now I'm kind of jealous."

Ayame rolled her eyes as she shrugged on her coat, and flipped her hair. "I'm out."

"Okay." Jubilee walked over to the window, watching a little more of the couple. She looked down, spotting a taxi with a certain male. Her eyes widened. "Wait, Aya, wait! Um . . . you should really take the stairs."

"Wow, did I gain that much weight?" She joked.

Jubilee followed her sister down the hall. "No, it's just . . . um . . . the elevator was tricky this morning. I got stuck for a while. I just, don't think they fixed it."

"Fine, I'll take your word on it. You okay? You seem a little worn out."

Jubilee laughed lightly. "I guess live porn does that to you." She turned and headed to her apartment, only to be met by a knock on the door. She quickly opened it, pushed him into the apartment and looked at both sides of the hall way, making sure no one saw. "Are you crazy, Minoru? My sister was just here, she could have suspected something. I though we agreed on you calling me."

"Well, not all of us have this as well planned as you, now do they?" Minoru teased.

Jubilee punched his arm playfully. "I thought we agreed they couldn't find out. You're like a child compared to me."

"You're only three years older. Look, just relax. I just got done my 5 hour shift; do you really want to have a battle?"

"Gosh, you mean you’re horny after having to operate?" Jubilee giggled.

Minoru chuckled.


Ayame set the mail on kitchen counter, next to her laptop. She closed it after reading her e-mail. A cluttering noise was heard, then a giggle. Ayame's head immediately shot up the stairs. "Kouga?" She called. She walked up the stairs and cautiously, and opened the door to his office. "I heard noises, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, I was just leaving. I didn't think you'd be home so soon." Sakura straightened her skirt out.

"Yeah, well I got tired. Plus, Jubilee kind of seemed like a wreck. I think she has secret." They practically ignored Kouga's existence.

"What if I knew a little something about it? But I can't tell you . . . it's a privilege thing."

"I've heard of doctor/patient privilege, not slutty sister/weird sister privilege." Ayame shot at her sister. She giggled.

"Ha, very funny you stupid bitch," Sakura giggled as she got her purse up off Kouga's desk. "I'll call you . . . about those files. Aya, walk me out."

Ayame nodded and Sakura followed her out. It was quiet till they were at the door.

"What's up with Jubilee?" Ayame got to the point.

"Honestly . . . I don't know. But she does seem secretive. I'll back to you on that." Sakura gave Ayame a kiss on her cheek, bidding her good bye for the night.

Ayame closed the door behind her and locked it. She picked up her laptop and tucked it under her arm.

"By the way, Jubilee called, you were fired from your office." Kouga told Ayame, who was passing by to get to her room.

"What?! Tell me you're just kidding."

"No I'm not, you were really fired." He had yet to look up from his work.

Well, this was just peachy. Ayame had worked at that wedding planning office fore 3 months, which was the longest she had kept a job. She was worse than Jubilee at keeping a job, and that wasn't a very pleasant comparison. Ayame had already completed her classes to become a wedding planner, and working there had given her more credit. By tomorrow she'd be fishing Monster for a descent job, hopefully one as the only job she had real experience with . . . wedding planning. Something about even a wedding falling apart, made her happy when she got a chance to fix. Of course her boss would scorn her over and over again with her pathetic tirades when she hadn't done a thing wrong.

"Why are you so upset anyway? Megumi-Sama was real hard-ass bitch." Kouga tried to lighten up the mood.

"Sure she acted like she had a stick up her butt a lot, but she wasn't that bad."

"Are you kidding? I thought she was going to smack you when you hosted two parties in one night, and the cakes got mixed up."

Ayame lightly giggled. "She couldn't even show any emotion that day because of all that botax she got. It was kind of gross. I for sure thought she'd eat my face."

"Kouga," Came Yumi's little voice from his bedroom. "Kouga," She called again.

"I'll get her." Ayame offered.

"No, I'll do it."


Jubilee winced as the morning sun hit her face. She turned away from it, opening her eyes slowly, enough to catch the first glimpse of her room. She inhaled deeply as she stretched. The clock read 6:30 AM. She began placing open-mouthed kisses on Minoru's chest, the covers slipping down her back.

"What time is it?" He rasped.

"6:30," Jubilee informed between kisses. "Come on--g'imme a quickie before work." She kissed him on the lips quickly. Waiting for his reply, she began kissing his neck.

Minoru sat up. "I have to get to the hospital, The Nazi's going to kill me if I'm late again."

"You have 30 minutes to spare . . . 30 whole minutes." She practically pleaded. She tugged off her tank top. "It's called a quickie for a reason . . . a really good, seductive reason."

"I don't have another condom."

"I'm on the patch."

She was irresistible. She couldn't stop kissing him. And he could never say no to her. Her natural fragrance of wild flowers and oranges drove him crazy. But he couldn't do it. "I can't have unprotected sex." He finally blurted.

Jubilee looked into his eye dreamily, not ashamed of any questions she was going to ask, or any answers he'd give her. "Why, do you have HIV or something?"

"Or something," Minoru gently got her off of him and pulled on some pants.

"Why are you so secretive with me. If you have some kind of un curable disease, I don't mind. I'm a big girl Minoru, I know how to be careful."

"I know. Don't forget your older than me--"

"Fine, you wanna know why I can't have unprotected sex . . . because I can't just make any one my mate."

"What? Mate? I don't get it?"

"Mate . . . I'm a wolf demon." He picked up his jacket off the ground where a clutter of clothing was and left.

Jubilee wrapped the comforter around her shoulders. "Demon?" She didn't know whether to feel bad for making him blurted out, or special because he actually told her. It wasn't fair of her to put him on the spot like she did, but something had to give. "Demon," she repeated.




This is a disclaimer which applies to An Autumn Fairytale and for that matter, the rest of my Autumn series. I do not own original characters of Inuyasha that are included in the Anime/Manga series. I simply own every character not created by R. Takahashi. She just inspired me to write fan fiction and manipulate the beautiful lives of her interesting character. This applies to every chapter.