InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Avoidance ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Well, minna, I am glad to say that we have another chapter to read and enjoy. I am enjoying writing this fic, and I just thought I'd show a little appreciation for your encouragement and reviews to keep it going. I really appreciate it, and without further ado, here it is!
Chapter 11
(Inuyasha's POV)
As the day went by, I continued to watch the tree line, as Kagome slumbered, her head in my lap.  She had said not too long ago that something bothered her, and she decided not to leave my side, not even for a second.  Heck, she even acted like a scared little child, and literally begged me to walk her to the bathroom, convinced something would happen to her while in the privacy of the bathroom.  Like anyone would abduct a woman while she's doing her business on the Jon, for goodness sake.
However, I stood guard to keep her feeling safe and grumbled inwardly all the while.  As soon as she was finished, we headed to the kitchen to grab something to eat, and then returned immediately to the tower.  We ate quietly and concentrated on the scenery.  I was glad she had put trust in me, and to have a woman to protect once again.  Another chance to prove to myself that I can protect the ones I care for.
When she fell into a light nap, her head falling into my lap, I closed my eyes for the first time, and concentrated on her aura.  I once again thought about what Koga had explained to me, about what he had noticed in himself.  I finally noticed that her pure energy does bring warmth.  Her scent is pleasant, and she does have some way of calming, even a beast such as me.   
When I opened my eyes, I found that I had unconsciously cradled her close to my body during the observation.  She continued to slumber, not noticing the closeness of my body as I continued to eye her sleeping face, her eyes, and then her thinly parted lips.  Before I knew it, my head had dipped lower, and my lips grasped hers in a tender kiss.  Her lips so soft, tender, and beautiful.  Suddenly, she began to kiss me back. 
My eyes opened slightly to see her eyes still shifting under her eyelids.  She still dreamt as I kissed her.  As a strange thought hit me, I closed my eyes and delved into the kiss.  Her lips parted to allow access and my tongue darted in to taste her.  Her arms snaked around my neck as her mouth began to hunger mine just as much. 
As the kiss continued, I began to lose control, due to her dream, which I had obviously gained control over.  I suddenly gained a thought and concentrated my hearing past her moaning to the outdoors, and that was when I heard it.  Someone had jumped through the tree line and landed in front of the mansion.
"Shbbt" I mumbled against her lips, as she pulled me to the floor atop of her.  As her mouth continued to ravage mine, I tried to free my mouth from hers.  The more I tried, mumbling her name into her mouth, she held me ever closer.  Gaining frustration, I grabbed both sides of her face and lifted my face from hers. 
She awoke with a gasp, a priceless expression on her face.  "Inuyasha?  What the…"
"This is not the time to explain.  Koga's here.  You stay here, out of sight.  And I must ask that you sit far enough away from the windows so they will not see you," I explained as I lifted her from the ground and sat her up against the far wall.
"No, what just happened?  Why were you on top of me?" she asked as I drew the blinds and closed them.
"I told you, this isn't the time!  I have to take care of this first.  As long as you don't interfere, no matter what you hear, we will talk later."
"You mean you're going to keep me in suspense of the fight as well as your answer?" Kagome asked as she stood, blocking my way from the stairs.
"Kagome, if you do not let me past, they will follow our scents up here, fight me in close quarters, and more than likely make off with you.  If I am to protect you, then I suggest letting me pass," I commanded as I walked up to her, my eyes scrutinizing hers.
"No."  Insolent wench.  Whether or not she had just turned me into a heating pad with the emotional embrace she had me in, I wanted to smack her away badly.
I closed my eyes as I came back with, "Then you leave me with no choice."  As she stood gawking at me, I placed my right hand on her left side and pushed her away, her body flumping to the floor.
"Ahhh!" she gasped as she hit the floor.  "What did you do that for?!" she managed.
"You were standing between me and your freedom, idiot.  Don't get in my way of protecting you.  If you continue, then I will forget what just happened and toss you out the window where Koga can have you," I spat as my glare hit her eyes, causing her to slink back with a gasp.   Seriously, how dumb can she be?  Her mind must not be functioning now.
After a few moments of silent glaring at her, I descended the staircase and headed straight for the dojo to grab the sword.  Once the treasured Tetsussaiga rested at my hip, I then leapt through the open shoji and onto the grass beside the mansion.  I jumped high and far, and then landed seconds later just before the entrance into the mansion.  "Where do you think you're headed, wolf scum?"
"Ah, there you are.  I was beginning to wonder where you were for a minute there.  A bit slow on your senses aren't you?" Koga goaded as he sniffed a moment, a glare appearing on his face.  "Why you…I smell her all over you.  Tell me, what you have been doing with her!" 
"As if I'd ever tell you!" I spat as I drew my sword.  "You will not pass, least not without being blown to bits that is."
"Koga is that the weapon you mentioned earlier?" the blonde-haired wolf to his right asked.
"Yeah, that's the one." His glare pierced my eyes as he answered his pup of a comrade.
"So, I see you couldn't challenge me on your own.  How cowardly, three on one is hardly a fair fight." I pointed out as I angled the sword toward him, using it to point rather than my finger.
"Well, I aint stupid, Mutt.  You and that sword make it wise to bring two others, since I alone can't fight you in the way I would like to."
"This has nothing to do with brains, wolf.  This has to do with fairness.  If you are not man enough to fight me on your own, then you certainly haven't the nerve to handle a woman like Kagome."
"What do you mean by that?  And you aren't one to criticize, wielding a demonic sword when I have no such powers at my disposal.  Now who's the coward?" 
"Shut up!  You're pissing me off!" I spat as I released the energy for the wind scar, raising the sword vertical in an offensive stance.
"Maybe we should've listened to our instincts, Ginta" the other wolf lackey observed.
"Quiet…I'd rather suffer his wrath than Koga's"
"You should be so lucky.  I will show no mercy, which I'm sure this softy of a wolf would give," I stated as I then readied for my attack.  "This attack will obliterate all three of you, aura and all!"
"Only if you're fast enough, Mutt!" Koga shouted just before I released the wind scar.  As I stood, watching my attack fly and then dissipate, silence fell as the dust began to settle.  I waited, poised for another attack if needed.  A moment later, I heard groans from the two pawns the wolf brought with him. 
I looked desperately for my target.  When it hit me that the wind scar missed him, I was hit from behind, and thrown forward into the dirt, my sword stance completely broken.  "How pathetic, dogface!  You have such bad aim that you couldn't even hit my comrades who never even moved!"
I lifted myself onto my elbows and strained to look at him over my shoulder as I spat, "Asshole…"
"Tsch…I aint an asshole, I just have better instincts.  You can't get rid of me that easily."
I stood up and faced him once again, my sword readied for another attack.  The only thing different was my approach to the situation.  In gauging Koga, I chose to attack at will, and see how he'd react.  Seeing as he's one to leap out of harm's way, I have no choice but to pull a bluff.  "So, you're afraid to taste the strength of my attack, eh?  I would at least try and withstand what I could, you weakling."
"You're crazy, you know that?" Koga pointed out as he stood lazily against the post just to the side to the entrance into the mansion.
"What difference does that make if I am?" I spat. 
"Are you gonna shoot your mansion with your attack?  You very well may kill Kagome.  Then I'll definitely have to kill you instead of just defeat you, Mutt."
"I wasn't planning on that, stupid!"
"Then come at me without the ridiculous weapon!" he egged me on, hoping to get me to sheath the sword.
"Hell no!  You have a sword on you too.  I'm not stupid enough to disarm myself in front of the likes of you," I pointed out, what a fool.
"I'm not saying that, I will only draw my sword of you come at me without any power release!  Meaning, only if you play fair!" he shouted.
"Oh, I get it.  One on one sword fight without any tricks, eh?  You're on!" I shouted as I charged him, causing him to draw his sword.
(Clang) Our blades met, as we grunted from the amount of strength used to hold each other off.  We fought, clanging and slicing at each other's swords, nothing existing around us save for our glares, and the sweet sound of metal on metal. 
As the two demons fought, sword against sword, the two wolf demons regained consciousness and noticed the fight transpiring between Koga and the hanyou held their full attention.  They both eyed each other and winked in agreement to do what they felt was right.  They got up, snuck off to the side, and into the mansion to seek out the girl Koga had talked about earlier that morning.  Only problem was, neither of them knew what the woman smelled like, not knowing which scent to follow.
As they explored the first floor, they noticed the scent of the mutt was everywhere, almost cloaking any possibility of another scent lingering.  They decided to look through the rooms blindly, hoping Koga could hold the hanyou's attention long enough to make off with the girl. 
"You have no style, mutt face!  How do you expect to fight offensively if you have no technique?"
"Shut up!  You're just as chaotic, wolf!  I have to be defensive until I find a hole in your stance!"
"Like you're ever gonna find one, mutt!"
We argued over each other's fighting as we continued to clang swords together, switching off on knocking each other off balance and into attacks only to end up parried by the other.  An even match, the toughest kind of fight to end up in.  I do love a good challenge when I fight, but this was just frickin annoying!
"You're attacks are just as weak, wolf turd!" I ground out through my clenched teeth.
"Shut up!  You're such a hypocrite, you hanyou scum!" 
Damnit!  This fight has to end sometime!  That was when I looked over my shoulder and saw two opponents missing.  My eyes shot open wide in realization.  While Koga locked me into this weak fight, they made their way past us and into the mansion!  "You bastard!  You brought them with you not to gang up on me, but to make off with Kagome!"
"Tsch…Took you long enough, dog breath!"
"I can't believe I fell for it!  Son of a Bitch!" I shouted as I switched angles, got his back to face the trees and swung my sword against his as I released the wind scar at him from close range. The wind scar engulfed him and he leapt out a second later, just in time to survive.
He landed a few feet away from the trenches of energy and fell to his knees panting and groaning.  "That's my wind scar.  Hope you enjoyed it, wolf." I spat over my shoulder as I made my way into the mansion.  "Kagomeeee!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs.
When I arrived in the tower, I saw that they had found her just before I arrived.  One had her tied up and stood with a sword to her neck from behind.  I stopped immediately.  "Kagome…No…"
"You may have beaten Koga to get up here, but we're not letting her go.  She's not yours to hoard any longer."
"You think that's what this is all about, huh?  I don't know what Koga had fed you, but I am protecting her, not holding her against her will as Koga may have stated.  You are not rescuing her, you're kidnapping her."
"Shut up!  You're wrong!  Koga would never harm a woman!" The other idiot spat.
I set the sword over my right shoulder as I stood shifting my weight onto my left leg.  "You know shit about the situation.  She asked for my protection.  If you'd listen to her, she'd tell you the truth.  I have done nothing wrong here."
"Okay, I'll release your gag, but I want you to be truthful, woman," the captor spat in her ear as he pulled the rag from her mouth.
"It's true, I ran to Inuyasha.  He was trying to push me away, but I decided to trust in him."
"Trust in this hanyou?!  Why?"
"Because Koga was stalking me, and making me feel uncomfortable!  Then, when he caught wind of some sort of relationship between Inuyasha and me on the airplane, he got wickedly jealous, claiming me to be his woman, when we never even dated!" she exclaimed as she shifted gazes at both of them.
"Why would Koga do that?"
"It's because of the energy she possesses," I cut in, causing them to give me their full attention.  "He admitted to me last night that her scent calms him, and her energy causes him to be attracted to her.  He figured I was the same way, calling me lower than him and wanting her all to myself, which is far from the truth.  I am here merely to keep her safe from a perverted possessive asshole like you're comrade."
"Well, you are right about one thing, Koga can be possessive.  But, I don't know what you're talking about with all the scent and energy stuff," the one holding her spat.
"Pay close attention to the energy around you.  Her energy has the ability to calm even the most hateful of beasts." That gained an interesting look from the beautiful captive before me.  I held nothing back from the gaze that caressed her eyes.
"Inuyasha…" she whispered in realization of what I had just said.
"I will admit, she is amazing as a human, but I am not a stalker, and I do not feel addicted to her.  I feel a different need.  A need to keep her safe, happy and provide for her.  Much different from your friend.  I assure you, I am nothing like him."
At the realization of my explanation, Kagome was released and she ran to my arms in tears.  I wrapped my arm around her, and settled the grand sword at her back protectively.
The two wolf cubs eyed us in silence as the mastermind came barreling up the stairs behind us.  I sidestepped against the nearest wall, Kagome still cradled in my arms.
"What the hell?  What's going on here?" Koga asked as his gaze shifted from his comrades to us, huddled in the corner against the adjacent wall.
"Get your hands off her!" he shouted as he rushed us.  Just as I braced my sword against her back for protection, he was held back by his comrades. "What the…Get your hands off me!" 
"Koga, look at them!" he stopped struggling and eyed us, Kagome's scared face, and her hands gripping my shirt tightly. 
"Koga, I had her in my arms, but when I released her after Inuyasha explained what was going on, she ran right to him, and she hasn't let go of him since."
"What, are you calling me a liar?" he asked the one at his right appallingly.
"Yes," the other one stated, his harsh gaze piercing the one who had just answered.
What happened next was shocking.  He freed himself and then beat the two down in frustration, his eyes glowing red with wrath.  As Koga went off on his comrades, I released Kagome from my arms, and directed her to the wall behind me.  "Inuyasha, what are you….” 
"Stay behind me.  There's no telling what he will do when he's finished with them." I explained as I took a step forward and readied my sword to hold him off.
"Okay," she replied as she grabbed hold of my shirt from behind.
"You insolent companions.  I should have killed you both long ago!  You two have been nothing but trouble for me this whole time!" the wolf shouted repeatedly as one sat up and asked, "Then why did you save us all those times when you could've just left us for dead?"
"Because you're my best men!" he exclaimed, causing him to stop beating the one below him.
"Hey, wolf…Am I still your opponent here?  Or are you just gonna finish getting your jollies off on these two?  'Cuz if your fight no longer includes me, then I suggest you take it outside."
"Oh, no.  I aint finished with you, hanyou.  I won't be finished with you until your heart in is my hand as it beats for the last time," he spat as drool fell from the corner of his lip, showing he had totally lost control.
"As if I'll ever let you have that satisfaction.  You might as well quit while you're ahead."
"Shut up!" he shouted as he left the wolf and charged me instead, causing me to back Kagome against the wall.
"Shit, Kagome…" I ground out as he pushed my sword back with his, the strength obviously greater than a few minutes ago.  Sweat began to bead on my forehead as I began to worry over the situation.
"I'm…all right…" she ground out behind me; I could feel her struggle to breathe behind me, her chest pulsing directly into my back as much as it could.
I did what I could to push Koga back to give her room to breathe, but he removed his hand from his sword and punched me in the chest, knocking the wind from me while knocking Kagome unconscious.  I fell forward gasping and coughing for air, exposing her as she slid down the wall.  When she fell to the floor beside me, Koga finally awoke and ran to her calling her name.
I gathered my wits and turned to see him shaking her in fear.  I reached over and exclaimed, "Don't shake her; she has a fucking concussion because of you!" I shoved him away form her, as I gathered her into my arms.
"I didn't know she was behind you.  Damnit!  You are the one to blame, you asshole!"
"You're the one who went ballistic with her present.  It's your fault, because you want her so badly you ended up hurting her.  You don't truly care about her, you only care about yourself!" I exclaimed, sending him a piercing glare.  "You better leave this mansion now before I grab you and run you through with my sword, right here and now."
Koga remained silent as my glare remained on him intensely, never wavering.  He closed his eyes in shame, stood and sheathed his sword.  I watched him as he picked up the unconscious wolf and dragged him down the stairs without a fight.  The one who remained conscious came forward.
"I do apologize for my lord Koga.  He's never lost a female to another, so he's taking it very hard.  Believe me, we have tried many times to get him to let go when it seemed hopeless, but he's very prideful, and does not like to back out of a fight, whether the female meant something to him or not.  And my name is Ginta, the other's is Hakaku." He explained with a bow.
"Ginta, eh?  Keep an eye on Koga, or you're not getting past my sword either.  No man has the right to possess a woman, no matter what the situation.  If he can't understand that way of honor, then he has no business ever having relations with females of any species." I stated, gaining a bow from him once again, stating he will abide.
He then made eye contact with assurance and quietly left the mansion to follow the wolf leader back to their den.
In the silence of the mansion tower, I cradled the woman in question and felt the back of her head for any lumps.
Finding a slight one, I lifted her into my arms and descended the stairs to take her to her futon to take care of her, and nurse her back to health after such a traumatic injury.
"Thank God he finally realized what he had done to this woman.  How he frightened her, and how he hurt her.  When one loses control over his instincts and wants, he is more apt to hurt the one he longs to possess.  Even I know that, having lost Kikyo in a similar way long ago."
Wow! 7 pages, in 3 hours! Can you believe that? I have finished this chapter in record time, and I am glad to say, I actually got this ready for you all sooner than I thought. I enjoyed this chapter thoroughly, and I certainly hope you did the same. Well, `til next time, ja ne!