InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away from Home ❯ Glimpses ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4 - Glimpses


"Ugh," groaned Kagome. What ungodly hour was this? She smashed the snooze button and read her digital clock.


Kagome glared at the alarm clock before turning around and attempting to fall back asleep. She didn't remember setting it this early.


Kagome screamed as Sango shone an extremely bright flashlight in her face.

The sleeping girl quickly recovered from her morning wake-up call and wasted no time in retaliating, "Sango! Don't you ever do that again!"

Sango laughed, "C'mon Kagome-chan, time to get up! We still need to check out the lake and forest. And umm, the theatre as well."

`Theatre? Why the theatre?' thought Kagome.

Reluctantly, the sleepy girl got out of bed. She thought she would've been able to get some sleep-in time before school started. Unfortunately for her, Sango had other plans.

After brushing her teeth, washing her face, changing, straightening out her side of the room, Kagome was ready to go.

Sango fought a yawn, "finally."

"It's your fault for not warning me about your wake-up calls," pouted Kagome as she gave her roommate a friendly slap.

Both girls had gotten a lot closer to each other faster than anyone would have expected. It was almost as if they've known each other for a long time… almost as if they've known each other forever.

Ten minutes later, Kagome and Sango arrive at the lake.

"Ooooooo… It's so pretty," admired Kagome.

Sango continued walking along, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Suddenly, a flash of white caught the corner of Kagome's eye.

`Ugh, this is getting really annoying. Maybe if I just ignore it, it'll go away!' thought Kagome hopefully. Unfortunately for her, the white thing DIDN'T go away this time. In fact, it stayed there, pestering the corner of her eye.


Slowly, she turned her head to look at the white thing. It was a person. A person with white hair. A person with white hair wearing a white dress shirt and dark navy blue pants. A person with white hair… wearing a white dress shirt… and dark navy blue pants… with an extremely… extremely… nice body.

Kagome gasped.

"What is it Kagome-chan?" asked Sango, not noticing the object of Kagome's attention.

This person was obviously a man, considering his clothes and stance. His long white hair flowed down his back and ended below his waist in an elegant and graceful manner. He seemed to be admiring a large willow tree close to the side of the lake.



Kagome turned to Sango.

"I saw someone,"

Sango laughed, "Kagome-chan, there are a lot of people in this school. Why are you so surprised?"

"No, I saw someone!" said Kagome persistently. She pointed at the spot where the man was standing, "over there!" She turned to look at him, but no one was there.

Sango looked around. There was a large willow tree next to the lake, with a few birds chirping in the branches above.

"Umm, Kagome-chan… that's just a willow tree."

`No, I could NOT have been imaging things…'

"Kagome-chan, are you alright?"

"No! I swear! There was someone there!"

Sango gave her friend a funny look, "what are you talking about? I don't understand why you're getting so excited over this… There are a lot of people in this school, silly,"

Kagome stared at the willow tree. There really was no one there. She could not have imagined that… could she? Maybe she's just homesick, and her brain is telling her to go home because she doesn't belong here. Maybe she's going crazy from all this stress. Maybe little aliens came through her window late at night and crawled through her ear into her brain and is using her as some type of maniacal experiment…

`AGH! Kagome! You're going crazy! Stop thinking stupid things!' screamed Kagome mentally.

"Kagome-chan… are you alright? You're beginning to worry me," said Sango worriedly.

"No, I'm alright Sango. I probably just didn't get enough sleep," replied Kagome.

Sango giggled, "maybe I shouldn't have woken you up like that this morning."

Kagome glared at her roommate, "yeah, it was probably your fault," she stated defiantly before running off at full speed towards the field.

"HEY!" screamed Sango defiantly before speeding after her friend.

……………………… ……..

Sesshoumaru woke up at 6am the next day. He hadn't gotten as much sleep as he had hoped because he stayed up most of the night thinking about what had happened.

`Kikyo is here.'

No, that's impossible. Why was she here? Surely, father would not have let her in. He knows who she is, and he knows what she did. She's not even a good student. The only way for her to get in would be to…

`Oh no…'

So that was how she got in. Her father paid her way in. If you didn't get invited through extreme academic or athletic performance, you could get in by paying the outrageous tuition fee.

Sesshoumaru sighed. He would have to think about this very carefully. All he knew was that Kikyo was here, and that he would have to watch his back.

He changed into a white dress shirt and dark navy pants before making his bed and heading out the door. All he wanted to do today was to relax, something he hadn't done in a long time. He thought relaxing in the new school would be easy enough, but with Kikyo here, his plans have changed.

The lake seemed to be a pretty nice place to take a stroll. It was peaceful, serene and no one would be awake on a Saturday morning at 7am.

As he walked on the cinder path to the lake, he couldn't help but approve of the designs of the garden. Father must have paid a hefty amount for this place to be built.

Sesshoumaru stopped walking when he came upon a large willow tree.

`Hm. This place looks strangely familiar.'

No, it couldn't be. He had never been here before.

"Ooooooo… It's so pretty," said a girl behind him. He didn't turn his head to look at them. Instead, he just listened. There a short period of silence followed by a worried voice, "what is it Kagome-chan?"

Someone was there, in his area, in his peace, in his space. He slipped inside the long boughs of the willow tree, seeking privacy.

Sitting down next to the tree trunk, he watched through the lower branches as the two girls conversed with each other. One seemed a little frustrated while the other looked slightly worried and was giving her friend funny looks.

The worried girl was wearing black pants and a pink tank top. She had long, straight hair and was quite slender. Sesshoumaru guessed she was the athletic type after assessing her stance.

The frustrated girl was shorter than the worried girl. Her hair was also wavier. She looked strangely familiar as well…

Sesshoumaru's eyes widened a fraction of an inch. Was that Kikyo? No, Kikyo wasn't as friendly looking, nor did she have such a vibrant aura. Kikyo was almost like a dead corpse, cold, unforgiving, almost evil. This girl was more pure and innocent.

`She's quite attractive,'

Sesshoumaru mentally slapped himself. What on earth was he thinking? She's not pretty. She wasn't worthy of his attention. No, he would ignore this girl just as he had ignored the rest. She's probably the same as all the other girls anyway. Shallow, deceitful, selfish, greedy… Once she sees him and finds out who he is, she'll probably start trying to "get" him. It happens with every girl he's met so far. He has yet to meet a girl who likes him for him and not his money.

Sesshoumaru's train of thought was interrupted when the frustrated girl ran off towards the field with her worried friend in tow.

`What nice hair,'

He mentally slapped himself again.

……………………… ……..

Inuyasha was up and awake at noon, eager to go check out the new school. He had spent the whole day yesterday unpacking and cleaning up. He also met his new roommate.

Miroku, Inuyasha's best friend, was Inuyasha's roommate. They had been best friends since they were in Grade 5, even though it didn't seem that way.

"Miroku, wake up,"

*prod prod*



Inuyasha had been trying to wake Miroku up for the past twenty minutes.

Inuyasha thought for a bit, "hmmmm…" Then it hit him. He grinned evilly.


"HUH? WHAT? NAKED??? WHERE!?!??" Miroku was alive and awake.

Inuyasha doubled over, laughing.

"Where? Where are the naked girls?" questioned Miroku frantically. He heard naked girls. He wanted naked girls.

Miroku looked at Inuyasha, "Inuyasha! Where are my naked girls?!" The pervert was still half-asleep.

"Oh, shut up Miroku. Get changed, we're going out," said Inuyasha.

Miroku rubbed his eyes, "where are we going? It's still so early, let me sleep for another hour or so,"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "Miroku, you have got to be kidding me. It's 2pm! We're going to check our schedules for the year,"

"I'm going back to sleep, check my schedule for me will you," mumbled Miroku.

"Well, alright then… but if I see any hot girls, I won't tell you," teased Inuyasha.

Miroku suddenly rose from the dead.


……………………… ……..

Miroku woke up, cleaned up and changed in record time. By 2:10pm, they were out the door and headed towards the office.

Unfortunately for Inuyasha, there were a lot of girls walking around campus in the afternoon.

"Why, hello there ladies,"


"Oh my, what are you beautiful girls doing out here by yourselves?"


"Hello la-"



Poor Inuyasha had to literally drag the lecher to the office. After a full twenty minutes, they finally arrived.

"Hello brother, fancy seeing you here,"

Inuyasha turned around and saw his brother.

"Sesshoumaru," he said coldly with a curt nod.

"Inuyasha," replied Sesshoumaru, replicating the coldness of Inuyasha's voice, "there's something I am require to tell you."

"Tell me later, I need to check out my schedule," said Inuyasha, walking towards the front desk.

Sesshoumaru stopped his brother with an outstretched arm, "brother, it's about Kikyo."

Inuyasha froze.

"Umm, eh heh… I'm going to… go check my schedule," stuttered Miroku as he quickly slipped away. He did not want to get in between the Masataka brothers, nor did he want to be anywhere near them if something happened. He knew what they were capable of doing.

"What about Kikyo?" asked Inuyasha carefully.

"She's here," stated Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha gave his brother a bewildered look, "no…"


"How do you know?"

"She came by my room last night,"

"How'd she get here? She's no top student…"


"Oh… right,"

Sesshoumaru waited for Inuyasha to soak in the information. Kikyo was here.

"Inuyasha, I suggest you stay away from her," advised Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha was silent. Kikyo, his first love, his first heart break, she was here.

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes, "Inuyasha, I'm serious. Stay. Away. From. Her."

The younger brother locked eyes with the older brother.

They were in deep doggie doo.

……………………… ……..

CHAPTER 4!!! Hehehe… I wasn't sure if I was allowed to say the bad version of "poo" so I stuck with "doggie doo" ^_^… Hehe, pun intended!

Sorry this chapter took so long… I promised myself I'd finish chapter 5 before posting this up… and lately, I've gotten a little lazy… SORRY!!

Thank you everyone for your reviews! I'll try to get chapter 5 up asap!

Kaguya's Chaos- Thank you! I'll try to get the next one up asap ^_^

Tonomi- Yes, you are rushing me… Jk, hahaha.. It's alright, I'm having fun writing this story… Thank you for your review! It's a big confidence boost ^_^

Bern!- Good to hear you love my story ^_^ I love it too!

Story Reader- Omg, thank you so much! You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside!!

Me!!!- You!!! Again!! Hehe =P… The suspense is going to last a little longer!! Hehe!!

Tsukasa- Thanks for your review, I love you!

Sesshou-chan Lover- Thank you so much for your super long review!! ^_^ For you readers sake, I will try my bestest best to stop the game for a while… As for your question, hehehe, you're going to have to wait to find out!! ^_^… and yes, you did send twice =P… three reviews! You're awesome!! Haha..

Miko Sorrow- I'm trying my bestest best to update fast!! Thank you!

Kira- M33p!! I love encouragement… I love you! Thank you!

Princess- I'll try my best! Thanks!!

kagami tenshi anei- AAAHHH!!! BUGS!!! Hehehe, thank you sooooo much!!!!!! I really wanna go to that school too… Hahahaha, as for the prefect thing, well, you're just going to have to wait and find out! Fourth chapter up, fifth coming soon! Thank you sooooo much!! ^_^

hyper person- You are very welcome.

Gin'noryuu- I know. School is in western Japan, its no where NEAR Tokyo…

Maddi- I will.

Jerry- Here you go! ^_^ Updated!

Kaze-ko- Thank you very much! I'll try to keep it at this speed ^_^

FanFic-Faerie-Rikku91- Thank you!!! You're an awesome awesome awesome reader too ^_^ I love you!!! Hahahaha…

Moonlightassassin- COOKIE!!!!! *shoves all into mouth* I r lublub cookies ^_^ Thank you!!! I'll update fast if you have more!!! ^_^

Silver Ivy- Hehehe, yes I did! Bop bop ^_^

ThienHuynh- Thanks =)

Addanc-TSC- Thanks! =)

Hanoi- Another beta reader?? Ok!! ^_^ I'll add you on msn when I finish chapter 5 =)

Silvan- Hahaha, you poo…

SacredKoorimeKitsune- AHHH!! PUPPY EYES!!! Must… resist… well, guess I can't… cuz I UPDATED!! ^_^

Angl4uluv- Omg… I had a spelling mistake!?!?! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! >_<… WHERE IS IT!?!?!

Sesshoumarugrl- Hehehe… Yes, I'm purposely putting that off until later ^_^

Clowangel- Hahaha, thank you!! ^_^ It's so fun making readers miserable sometimes… with cliffies and suspense of course!

Love_Sess- Thank you!! I updated ^_^ I love you too!!

7omkat- Hehehe, I will! Thank you for your review!

KC :P- Updated!! ^_^

NightSky- Damn, those puppy eyes got to me =P… Thank you for your review! I updated ^_^

Amber- I will ^_^

Witchesfire- New chapter! Just for you ^_^ Thank you for reviewing!!

You guys are all very very awesome, I love you all very very much! You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside ^_^. I'll try my bestest best to update real soon! Ja ne! ^_^