InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING: This story contains male on male relationships, abuse (verbal and physical), descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it's AU. If you oppose any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read this. I'm pretty sure that covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.
Chapter Twelve
Sesshomaru woke up to the sound of running water. It was early in the morning and Naraku was in the shower getting ready for work. When Naraku was done, he got up. He was about to go downstairs but Naraku decided to push him onto the bed and pin his arms above his head. Sesshomaru knew Naraku wanted to take him last night. He was nice enough to give him a break though. He was probably burning with need by now. He was nice to me…I shouldn't deny him so much.
“I wanted you last night,” Naraku whispered in his ear. He then shoved his hand into Sesshomaru's pants. “Tonight…you won't escape me until I take you over and over again…” Sesshomaru moaned softly in response. Despite the fact he never wanted to have sex, he could feel himself growing hard from Naraku's touches. “Got that?” He stroked him a few times.
“Yes Naraku,” Sesshomaru groaned.
“Good.” He pulled his hand away. “I have to leave for work now.” He placed a kiss on his lips before he got off him. “Bye, and remember what I said.”
Naraku left the house and also left Sesshomaru with a hard-on. Mildly surprised, Sesshomaru got up to shower and to take care of his problem.
“Are we walking to school, Papa?”
“Yes, Rin,” Sesshomaru told his daughter.
As they were walking, Naraku texted Sesshomaru. It said `Tell Kagura to pick Rin up so we can have our fun.'
I don't want to bother her…again. Sesshomaru put off calling her. They got to the school a tad early. They weren't the only ones who did. Rin was the first to see them.
“Hi, Shippo!” she shouted across the grass as she ran up to him. He wasn't alone though.
Sesshomaru smiled at Inuyasha. “Hi, Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha shouted jokingly in the same fashion as Rin.
“Ha, happy to see you too.”
“So how've you been since, y'know, yesterday?”
“Just peachy. Naraku wants me to call Kagura to pick Rin up after school though. I'm putting it off.”
“Why? Well why are you putting it off, first.”
“I don't want to bother her too much. She's probably sick of me.”
“Doubt it. And just why does he want her to watch Rin?”
Sesshomaru glanced at the kids to make sure they weren't listening. They were wrapped up in their own conversation. “He wants to have some `alone time.'”
“Oh, so basically he just wants to take you again and again without worrying about your daughter walking in.”
Sesshomaru felt the slightest tinge of embarrassment. “Yeah…pretty much.”
“Ha, well hey. If you want, I'll watch her.”
“Really? You wouldn't mind?”
“Not at all. I'll already be watching Shippo anyways. She'll entertain him.”
“Thanks, Inuyasha.”
“No problem.”
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Inuyasha is going to pick you up after school. I…have a few errands to run so I'll pick you up later.”
She smiled and looked at Inuyasha. “Okay!”
It was time for class so the adults said bye to the children.
“So Sesshomaru…want to walk back to my house together? We can get my truck and maybe do something.”
Sesshomaru thought about it for a second. Naraku can't get mad at what he doesn't know…and it's not like me and Inuyasha are in love. We're just friends. “Sure, sounds good.”
“Do you wanna go see a movie?” Inuyasha asked once they were inside his house.
“Yeah,” Sesshomaru answered. “Little early though.”
“Well, we can find something to pass the time. Here, follow me to the kitchen.”
Sesshomaru sat at the counter while Inuyasha got a cup of coffee. “Is Miroku here?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Nah, he's at work. I'm here because I have the next few days off. You want a cup?”
“Sure.” Sesshomaru stared out the window. He heard Inuyasha coming behind him so he quickly turned around. The next thing he knew, the front of his shirt was drenched in hot coffee.
“Fuck, I'm so sorry,” Inuyasha apologized. He hurriedly grabbed a small towel.
“Don't worry about it.” Sesshomaru wanted to take his shirt off because it was hot but he stopped himself. What would I say about the scars?
“Damn, you take that off while I go get you a new one.”
Inuyasha ran upstairs. Fuck. I'll just keep my undershirt on. He hesitantly took off his light gray t-shirt but he kept his white tank undershirt on. His chest and stomach weren't visible but his upper arms and shoulders were.
“Here you go,” Inuyasha said as he tossed Sesshomaru a new one.
Inuyasha looked at him for a moment. He had some muscle and his shirt fit him quite nicely. Inuyasha quickly realized what he was doing. “Uh, I'll take that other one for ya.”
“Okay.” Sesshomaru was glad when Inuyasha went out to what he assumed was the garage. He ripped off his damp undershirt and put on Inuyasha's shirt as fast as he could. He noticed that Inuyasha had been staring at him. Was he staring at my scars…? He decided to follow Inuyasha and ignore it.
Sesshomaru looked around. The laundry area was near the door but past that was the rest of the garage. It was clean and not full of a bunch of junk. “You got a pool table.”
“Yeah. Want to get your ass kicked?”
“Hell, my ass won't be the one that gets kicked.”
“Oh yeah? We'll see about that.”
“You're gonna regret it.”
And regret it Inuyasha did. Inuyasha had four balls left and Sesshomaru only had one left. He was a lot better than Inuyasha had expected and now it was his turn again. His last one was in an awkward place so he either had to switch the way he held the stick or bend over the table. He settled for the second option. Sesshomaru hardly even realized what he was doing but it didn't slip past Inuyasha. Sesshomaru's ass looked so perfect in his jeans. It also didn't help that he was practically right in front of him.
I shouldn't be looking at him like this. He's married. Even as he told himself that, he couldn't take his eyes off him. At least not until he stood up again.
“Your turn, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha looked at the table. Sesshomaru had made the shot and now only had the eight ball left. “Damn.” He tried to take his mind off the image from a few moments ago. It was tough.
Inuyasha ended up losing. That's what he got for underestimating Sesshomaru. They went to the movies but Sesshomaru couldn't help but feel slightly worried the whole time. What if one of Naraku's friends saw him with another man? Naraku would definitely let him have it then.
Sesshomaru's behavior didn't go unnoticed by Inuyasha. Sesshomaru looked tense and he kept looking around every so often.
“Uh, Sesshomaru. Are you okay?” he asked.
“What? Yeah.”
“Oh, because if you didn't want to come…”
“Inuyasha, I wanted to come with you. If I didn't then I wouldn't be here right now.” Sesshomaru didn't want Inuyasha to think he didn't want to be there, he was just worried about being thought a cheater.
Sesshomaru visibly relaxed once they sat in the darkness. Inuyasha felt better once he did. He wondered what was up with his strange behavior. He doubted he would be told if he asked though.
Both men enjoyed themselves. Sesshomaru couldn't remember the last time he went somewhere with another man without worrying about doing something that would result in a beating. Jaken didn't count, he just didn't.
Inuyasha was happy. Honestly, it had been ages since he went out with a guy like this. The last time he went out with a boyfriend to the movies or anything had been with Koga…What the fuck? Sesshomaru's not my boyfriend. He panicked slightly. The last time still was with Koga. Sesshomaru was just a friend, not a boyfriend. His eyes widened. He felt a hand touch his own. On his right side. The side Sesshomaru was sitting on.
“Oh, sorry,” Sesshomaru whispered pulling his hand away. “I didn't see your hand there.” He really didn't but Inuyasha couldn't be sure. He tried to just play everything off- his thoughts, the way he looked at Sesshomaru earlier, and his hand touching his own- as nothing.
When the movie let out, it was almost time to get the kids.
“We should probably get going,” Inuyasha said.
“Yeah, Rin and Shippo get out soon.”
“I'll drop you off at your house and then go get them.” They started walking to his car. “Do you think Naraku will be there?”
I hope not. “Doubt it.” If he was and he saw Sesshomaru being dropped off by another man…oh damn. It'd be one hell of a night to say the least.
“Give me the directions to get there.”
When they reached Sesshomaru's house, Sesshomaru was relieved that Naraku wasn't home yet. He smiled at Inuyasha before he got out. “Hey, you're pretty fun Inuyasha. Thanks again for watching Rin. I'll see you later in the evening when I pick her up.”
“No problem. Do you want to just call me and I'll drop her off later? I don't mind.”
“No,” Sesshomaru said too quickly and he knew it. “It's fine…I'll get her.”
The way he said no made Inuyasha raise an eyebrow. That was weird. “Okay, but if you change your mind just call.”
“Okay. Bye, Inuyasha.”
“See ya, Sessh.” Sesshomaru noticed the nickname but let it slide. “Have fun with your husband.” He winked.
Sesshomaru forced a smile. “Ha, I will.” He then got out and walked to his front door. He waved before he went inside.
While Inuyasha drove off, another thought flooded his mind. Sesshomaru had a weird look when I told him to have fun tonight. I wonder what's up with that? Combine that with the conversation he had eavesdropped on and Inuyasha would be bold enough to think that maybe Sesshomaru didn't have a decent relationship.
Oh, he had no idea.
Jaden Birdie Blythe: Thanks for reviewing again. I'm glad someone took the time to do so. ^_^ Ha, with Koga…yeah, I've always disliked him in the anime and manga so it was easy to make him an asshole. Naraku's a bastard too in this but actually he's one of my favorite characters…besides Sess, of course. I have a plan for Koga. We'll be seeing him again but it won't be until much later. Oh, and I'm gonna try and have a couple more chapters posted tonight