InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 28

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING (this story contains the following): male/male and female/female relationships, (verbal, physical, sexual) abuse, descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it is AU. If you oppose reading about any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read my story. That covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Rin came back to Inuyasha's with grins on their faces. They all had a lot of fun at Sango's. Sesshomaru was talkative and everyone liked him. Rin had also made friends with Kohaku and enjoyed playing with him and Shippo. They left late in the evening. Inuyasha was glad. Sesshomaru needed to see that people besides him and Kagura would be nice to him.
Sesshomaru was glad to have a nice day. He really needed it. For most of the day he was able to put Naraku out of his mind but now they were back. And he still had Rin. He checked his phone to see if he had missed any calls from Naraku but there were none. It wasn't like him to not call or anything, Sesshomaru had expected him to demand that he and Rin be home. Please, just let him not call tonight.
Naraku didn't. It was already half past nine and still nothing from Naraku. Rin had school in the morning and both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had to go to work.
“You don't have to ask,” Inuyasha said to Sesshomaru before he could say anything. “You guys are welcome to stay the night.”
“Thanks…I'll just leave early so she can get ready for school. I work tomorrow too.”
Inuyasha didn't want him to go but he knew he couldn't keep Sesshomaru there forever. Still, he wished he'd stay at least a couple more days.
“Papa, I'm tired,” Rin yawned.
“Here, I'll take you to bed,” Sesshomaru said.
“Where are you gonna sleep?”
“Uh, probably on the couch.” He had to lie to his daughter. Even if she wouldn't understand what it fully meant, he couldn't tell her that he was sleeping in the same bed with another guy.
“Oh, won't you get lonely?”
“I'll be fine, Rin.”
A little while later Sesshomaru came back downstairs alone. Rin was in the guest bedroom already asleep.
“You're not really sleeping on the couch, are you?” Inuyasha asked.
“No. I couldn't tell her that her Papa was going to sleep with another man though,” Sesshomaru told him. “…Wait.”
“Haha, you make it sound so dirty.” He stood up and grabbed Sesshomaru's hand. “Come, let us sleep together.”
He smiled before following his friend to the bedroom. He stripped until he was only in his boxers and t-shirt then crawled under Inuyasha's bedcovers. Inuyasha soon joined him.
“So did you have fun today?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yeah. Your friends were nice.”
“Ha, told ya.”
“I'm glad I got to spend time with Rin.”
“I'm happy you did too. She seemed to have a blast.” He looked at the clock. “What time do you work tomorrow?”
“I have to be there at eight. I'm not sure when I'll get off though. I've been missing so much lately. My boss probably won't let me off until I've done a lot of work. What about you?”
“I start at 8:30. I already told Kagome that I couldn't watch Shippo because I have to work later than usual.”
“Ugh, tomorrow's gonna be a long day.” And not just because of work…
“Yeah, I know. Bleck…let's just enjoy the time we have right now.”
“Sounds good to me.” Sesshomaru set the alarm on his phone then lied close to Inuyasha.
He wrapped his arms around him wishing that he wouldn't have to watch him go in the morning. “Night, Sesshomaru.”
“Night, Inuyasha…”
Fuuuck. Sesshomaru, still half asleep, reached out for his phone and turned the alarm off. He was tired and not in the mood to face the day's events. He was about to fall back asleep but Inuyasha yawned then tapped his arm.
“Sessh, time to get up.”
“No,” came the reply muffled by a blanket.
“Do you really want to be late to work?”
“I don't care.”
“Do you want Rin to be late for school?”
“It's only one day.”
“Ugh, fine.” Inuyasha closed his eyes again. If Sesshomaru didn't care about being late and wanted to sleep more then that was fine by him.
It was almost eight by the time Sesshomaru woke up again. He looked at the time and mentally cursed. Both he and Rin were going to be late now. He hadn't cared earlier when sleep had been more important but now he was worried about Bankotsu. He definitely wouldn't be getting off until well into the evening. He stood up and pulled his pants on then went to wake up Rin. Once she was up he went back to Inuyasha's room to find that he was waking up too.
“Morning, Inuyasha,” he said then leaned against the closed door.
“Morning,” he yawned. “Now you're going to be late. Was it at least worth it?”
“I'll decide that after I get to work. I should get going now.”
Inuyasha stood up and walked over to him. “I'll walk you downstairs.”
Sesshomaru pulled him closer to him. “We can't do this out there so…” He kissed him.
Inuyasha deepened it while pressing Sesshomaru against the door with his body. When he finally pulled way, Sesshomaru was panting slightly.
“Sessh…where are you going after work? You know you can always come back here.”
“I-I'll probably go home…I've been gone for a few days already.”
“If you want to come here then please do. Don't stay away for some dumb reason, okay?” Sesshomaru nodded. “Okay, let's go then.”
Rin was already downstairs waiting. “Papa, you slept too much. Now we're gonna be late,” she scolded.
Sesshomaru smirked. “You did too though. You can't blame it all on me.”
Her eyes turned to Inuyasha. “You could've woken Papa up.”
“What? How did this get blamed on me?” Inuyasha asked.
“She's right. It's your fault,” Sesshomaru told him.
He pouted. “Is not…”
Sesshomaru smiled. “Okay, we really need to be going now.”
Rin ran to Inuyasha and wrapped her small arms around him. “Bye, Inuyasha! Thanks for letting us stay. I had fun with you and your friends.”
“It was my pleasure. I enjoyed your company as did my friends.”
Sesshomaru smiled. “Bye, Inuyasha.”
“See ya later.” He hugged him then whispered in his ear. “Promise me you'll call if anything happens.”
“Yeah, I promise.”
“Good.” He let him go. “Bye, guys.”
The fear was quickly building up in Sesshomaru. He had been able to distract himself from it when he was at Inuyasha's but now that he was driving home it was hitting him like a punch to the stomach. He had no idea what he would do tonight when both he and Naraku would be home but he desperately begged the gods to make Naraku be gone for work when he arrived in a few minutes.
His prayers were not answered.
Naraku had just closed the front door as Sesshomaru parked. He saw them and a wicked grin appeared on his face. Sesshomaru was on the brink of having a panic attack. He made Rin go ahead of him and she greeted her daddy. She went inside while Naraku walked up to him and grabbed him roughly by the wrist.
“I'll be late to work so I can teach you a lesson,” Naraku growled, delighted in the way Sesshomaru looked at the ground in fright. He said nothing as Naraku dragged him inside and up to their bedroom.
Once the door was closed and locked he threw Sesshomaru to the floor. He straddled him and pinned his wrists to the floor. “You need to stop leaving for days. I expect you here, damn it. What the fuck are you doing that you need to leave?!” He became angrier when he received no answer. “You fucking whore! You're out having sex with every guy you meet! Is that it? Answer me!”
“No,” Sesshomaru cried. “I don't have sex with anyone except you.”
“Liar!” He released one of his wrists and slapped him. “Stay here.” He stood up. “I know you heard me when I came for you on Saturday. That made me very angry, do you know that?” He kicked Sesshomaru in the ribs. “Do you?!”
“Yes, I'm sorry…”
“No, I don't think you are. You're lucky I'm in a hurry right now.” He worked a foot between Sesshomaru's legs. “Beg. Beg for me not to do this.”
“Naraku, please. I won't do it again…please stop.”
“Stop lying!” He kicked Sesshomaru hard in the groin. Sesshomaru had to bite his hand to muffle his cry.
With a sick smile on his face, Naraku left the room. He took their daughter with him as he left the house.
For a long time, Sesshomaru stayed on the floor staring at the ceiling. He thought about everything Inuyasha and Kagura had been telling him for the last few days. He hated the life he had. He didn't want to live with this fear, this pain, that monster. But what else was there to do? Even though both his friends told him that his life would be better if he left Naraku, he still wasn't so sure he believed that.
Sesshomaru wasn't looking forward to seeing his boss as he climbed the stairs to his office. He had missed so many days. If Naraku weren't friends with Bankotsu he would probably be in a lot more trouble. A few minutes later his door opened but he was relieved when it wasn't Bankotsu.
“Hello, Tsubaki,” Sesshomaru greeted. “Bankotsu had to take today off?”
“Hi. Yes, he did. You're late.”
“Yes, I know.”
“You've also called in sick a lot lately.”
“I know.”
She looked at Sesshomaru. She was Bankotsu's assistant and even though the two were friends, she wasn't quite as cruel. She would give Sesshomaru a break and let Bankotsu handle it when he came back.
“…I'll let Bankotsu deal with it tomorrow.”
Sesshomaru nodded. “Is that all?”
“Yes. Continue your work.”
Inuyasha couldn't help but worry. He wanted to kick himself for just letting Sesshomaru go that morning. Naraku still could have been home. What if Sesshomaru was punished? It's my fault if he was. Inuyasha had to see him, he had to make sure he was okay. That was why he was currently driving during his lunch break down to where Sesshomaru worked.
He remembered where Sesshomaru's office was from when he and Kagura had visited last week. He climbed the stairs then knocked on the door before quietly walking in.
Sesshomaru looked up expecting it to be Tsubaki but was surprised to see Inuyasha. A smile appeared on his face. “Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here.”
“Just thought I'd surprise ya,” Inuyasha said while hugging him. “Wow…this looks like a lot of work.”
“It is. Bankotsu isn't here today though so I got off easy.”
“Well, that's good.”
“Yeah…are you on lunch right now?”
“Uh huh. Have you already taken yours?”
“No. I planned on working through it to get this stuff done.”
“Oh. I'm not bugging you, am I?”
“No, I'm happy you came.” He stood up. “Let's go for a walk. I'll take my break right now.”
Sesshomaru ended up telling Inuyasha that Naraku had still been home when he got there and that he had been mad. He didn't go into details though. He kept saying that he didn't want to talk about it at work. When Inuyasha left, Sesshomaru continued his work feeling a little happier than he did before he came.
Sesshomaru didn't get off work until the evening. Fear was taking over again as he drove home. Naraku would already be there and he'd still be mad from this morning. He'd probably be punished more and he had to force himself to keep from breaking down at the thought. His mind once again drifted to the words his friends spoke.
Could there truly be a life for him without Naraku?