InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bartenders and Brunettes ❯ Spiked?! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chap.4- Spiked!?

She sat down at the bar. Rush hadn't started yet so there were few people there. "Kagome you're here early." Inu said walking behind the bar.


"And normally no one's here to run shift until eight."

"Yeah well so I'm an hour early… who cares?"

"Why Kagome, why you here so early?" that silky voice said from behind her. She felt his fingers on her back and moved away uncomfortably. "I just felt like coming in early. Is it a problem?"


He had noticed her uneasiness she knew. "Inu get her a Blue Moon, since it's her favorite drink. Actually I'll fix it." Sesshoumaru said moving behind the bar. "Any extra fruit you like? Lime, lemon, pineapple, coconut?"

"No." she watched his hands move easily preparing the drink in seconds. He dropped the mixer only once.

"You should have moved farther right." She commented.

"Do you mix?" Inu asked.

"Used to… before… never mind." She stopped when a distressed Kikyou walked in. "Inu-Yasha, will you give me children?"

"Go away Kikyou. Please." He hissed. "Don't have to get all cats like on me Puppy. It's a simple question. Oh, hello… Kagome, right?" she passed out before Kagome could answer.

"Drunken Bitch." Sesshoumaru whispered.

He put Kagome's drink on the counter. "Thanks."

"It's Friday tonight; busy… you up for helping me behind the bar?" Inu asked eyeing Kagome's face. "Sure…"

She sipped slowly on the Blue Moon. "Inu…"


"I don't feel so good." Kagome whispered as she slipped off the stool. Sesshoumaru caught her and then looked at his brother with a scandalous smile on his face. "You didn't…"

"I did… Come on, you know you want to." He hissed above Kagome. Her head went limp against his arm, and her body was heavy. "Inu, you wanted her, now you have her."

"I can't, Sesshoumaru. Not with her. And you won't make me." Inu said looking at her form. It was perfect. No flaws, no wrongs of any kind, no scars that he could see, practically glowing.

A knock on the front door said it was time to open. "Take her now or I'll put her in the Red room for someone else."

"I'll take her." He moved around the bar and took Kagome's light body from Sesshoumaru's arms. He went into the Red room as his brother opened the door then moved to the rooms behind it. He laid her in his own bed. Covering her with the silken sheets, he looked at her glowing face. "I want you but right now I can't have you." He kissed her forehead and left to tend to the bar.


"So Inu what's been going on in your world?" Miroku asked looking around.

"Nothing much, Kikyou is getting on my nerves. Other than that nothing at all." Inu replied to his friend.

Sango walked up frantic. "Have you seen Kagome, it's not like her to be late."

"I'm sure she's fine Sango. We worked her hard yesterday maybe she's still at home sleeping. Why don't you call?" Inu suggested really knowing where she was. "Her brother goes to bed at seven, and her grandfather is probably not home. I'm not waking Souta up."

"Have you checked the red room?" Miroku asked.

"If I hear another word from you I'll kill you. She doesn't even know what the Red room is, let alone any guys here. She's not that stupid to go in there with just anyone." She replied to Miroku.


Kagome woke fuzzy headed. Whose bed was she in? How in the hell did she get here? Where was here? She had a head ache, her fingers and toes were numb and she hurt all over. Nauseating pain filled her when she sat up so she plopped back down into the dark blue silken sheets. They were cold to the touch but warm. Her head rested on the soft pillow, wishing her back to sleep. She wouldn't go back to that place where her parents died.

She tried to sit up again. Her head still pounded but the nausea subsided. She stood shakily and made it to the bathroom before she threw up. "One hell of a hang over, if that's even what it is…" she looked at the clock. "Wait it's nine, two hours after I'm supposed to be at work. Crap…" she ran for the door.

Then the next, and out into the music of the bar.

"Oh, shit." Sango was up on the bar dancing. Kagome worked her way there and went around the back with Inu. "What the hell did I drink?" she asked with a scratchy voice.

"You need to go back to bed, sleep for awhile you'll eventually remember." He answered preparing a drink for a blonde.

"But I asked you, didn't I? Tell me Inu, just fucking tell me."

"A spiked Blue Moon, Sesshoumaru… he's stupid when he's alone with girls."

Sango jumped down and hugged Kagome. "Gods, girl I thought you were dead. What happened?"

"Nothing…" Kagome looked at Inu. He went back to his job.

"Sango I can't dance Inu asked me to mix with him."

"So go mix…" she gave her a shove and climbed back up on the bar.

After about three dropped bottles and two glasses Kagome gave up. She sat at a booth watching people move through the bar. "Damn p.o.s. for a boss…"

"You have a run in with him?" Sango said coming up behind her.

"No… yes… sorta." She stuttered the reply.

"What'd he say?"


Sango knew something was wrong but dropped the subject. "So how's Souta?"

"Upset about the job but happy with the money… oh yeah I for got to split it with you…"

"You need it more, it's okay."

"Other than that he's not doing too good, sleeps after school and through the night, if I didn't wake him for school he'd probably sleep until next Christmas." Kagome said a smile playing on her lips.

"And the HIV?" Sango asked slowly and quietly.

"It's AIDS… it progressed, that's why he's been sleeping so much. It's the only way for him to be normal again after what she did to him."

"Yeah I know…" she sighed deeply. "Well back to work for me, shake off whatever's gotten into you and get going, we're gonna need you soon."

An: My friend gave me the idea about the AIDS so that part isn't my fault completely… at the end of Chap.2 Kagome tells Sango. she'll tell what happened later between Kikyou and Souta and there you have it ladies and gents… I needed something to do and now I have it!!! Okay so review por favor…. If you have questions about anything write me at