InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bartenders and Brunettes ❯ Death Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chap. 5- Death Day

An: Kat21 about the violet eyes, in a lot of the fan fics I read for some reason his eyes are violet, but are also described as golden later. I just started out with violet, eventually I will change it to gold probably in this chapter.

Sango was right they needed her behind the bar. She shook away the dizziness and mixed beside Inu for what seemed hours upon hours. One drink after another, the same thing ordered twice, and then out of the blue a guy asked Kagome if she would bear his children. "Miroku! If she were to bear your children, you'd have to find a way to get into bed with her and that's out of the question because she would never go for a monk, of any sort, whether you were the pope your self." Inu answered.

"Water please."

"We don't serve water." Kagome spat and went to another customer for a second.

"Then what do you serve?"

"Jim, Jack, Jose, Bud, Scottie and Daniel, all my boyfriends, on the rocks or not?" she said getting a glass out for him.

"Scottie please." He smirked as she poured. When she turned Inu turned with her.

"Where the fuck did that come from?"

"Little something I picked up in Ambrosia." She said turning back with a bottle of Bud. "Heard of it never been there before though."

"It's a hole in the wall place, would pass right by it if you didn't know it was there. Naraku is an old friend of mine and gave me a job when no one else would, got free booze and he paid my house rent. It worked out great until my brother came down with HIV and we had to get closer to the hospital."

"How'd he get it?" Inu asked noticing how Kagome had slowed in her motions.

"Your girl friend, like I said she gets around. She likes young ones, new flesh to screw up. Kikyou came to our house a week after she had left him drugged up in an alley, overdosed and fucked up so bad he could hardly move. I nearly beat her to death, if he hadn't of been looking out the window at me kicking the shit out of her I would have never stopped." She slammed her bottle down finishing it off.

The force of the impact blew the bottom into the rest of the bottle. "I didn't recognize her until I saw the scar on her collar bone and neck. You ever ask her about it?" Kagome said dropping the bottle into the trash behind her.

"Yeah she said she fell on a staircase when she was ten and…"

"Ha, you actually believed that? I took a beer bottle and sliced her, she bled like there was no tomorrow. But she lived, she wasn't suppose to live." Kagome said with dark eyes still fixing people's drinks not stopping for an instant.

Inu started to work again and caught Kikyou's form out of the corner of his eye. He turned and looked at the scar on her neck, if Kagome's story rang true then Kikyou had AIDS, thank gods he hadn't taken their relationship seriously. Every other man had slept with her but him. A few dinners was all he had every paid for so he knew he was safe. He closed his eyes and flung the bottle into the air only he didn't catch it, it never came into his hand.

"Thanks…" Kagome said catching the bottle that was right out of Inu's reach.

"Girl, you are a wonder…"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Four AM, Closing Time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No one was left other than Kagome, Inu, Sango , Kikyou and of course Sesshoumaru but he was in the back doing something with the stock.

"Space off? I did not!!" Sango said.

"Yes you did and you were looking at that Miroku dude, he asked me if I'd bear his child!! The nerve." Kagome said smiling. Inu was distracted by her out burst and Kikyou grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her.

"I would never do that and you know it!" Sango said loudly.

"Prove it, prove you would never do it, proof, I need proof!" Kagome screamed.

"You asked for it." Sango moved closer to her and kissed her.

"Alright I believe you!!" Kagome said laughing and pulling away. Inu was watching them again, Kagome could feel his eyes on her back.

"Time to go ladies, it's four thirty."

"Shit I have school!!" Kagome jumped up and ran out.

Everyone followed but at a slower pace. "Sango is she your lover?" Kikyou asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"She was, a long time ago." Sango sounded pained to say it.

"But she's straight now right?" Inu's ears swiveled in nervousness.

"Yep, straight…" She mumbled some thing but he didn't hear it.


Kagome burst through the front door sweat dripping from her brow. She plummeted into her bed when she got there. Three hours to sleep was not enough. Her eyes opened went Souta pulled her curtains and dampened the room with light. "Do you know what time it is Kagome?"


"It's ten in the morning!! We had school today! I'm going to fail because my sister couldn't wake up on time!! I have exams to study for, and tests that need to be taken, Kagome are you listening to me?"

"Yes Souta…"

"Well, are you going to stay here tonight or do you insist on me failing?" he asked kneeling next to her bed.

"Souta, I will go to work and come home early. I promise you that. Plus tonight is Devil's Bridge Night I don't think I can stay at work all night." She said quietly.

"I know and that's part of the reason you need to stay here." He fell completely to the floor this time.

"I will come home early. I promise. And I never break a promise." Kagome said sitting up.

"Alright." Was all she received as he got up and walked out.


The bottle didn't fall into his hand again, she had grabbed it from him. "Stop doing that it's getting annoying."

"Not my fault, you move too slowly." She said handing him the bottle back.

He looked at her strangely, her aura was dark tonight slightly sad. "What's your brother doing tonight?" Inu asked pouring from the bottle she had given to him.

"Sitting at home waiting for me. I have to leave early tonight. I forgot to tell Sesshoumaru before I started on shift. Crap…" Kagome scanned the crowd for Sango. She didn't see her so she went back to work.

"Hello, pirate, can I have a Black Russian?" a familiar voice said to Kagome's back. She smiled turning around.

"Naraku… you found me. How's it feel seeing one of your girls in here?"

"Correction, two of your girls. How's it going N?" Sango said pushing through the crowd.

"None of your business. That Black Russian?" Naraku spat at Sango for being so rude to Kagome.

"Haven't we been through this before except you were in my place."

"You had ordered vodka not a Black Russian thank you."

"Can you hurry Kagome? There's a line waiting at the door and it's not even midnight we need to get these people in and out quickly." Inu said harshly.

"Yes I know… working on it. Go…" Kagome said meeting Naraku's eyes with slight annoyance at Inu.

"Good bye my pirates." He walked away. Sango was fuming.

"I'm not his." She murmured as Kagome moved on.


Thank gods, rush was over. Kagome was sitting at the bar spacing out of her conversation with Sango.

"Kagome you all right?" Inu asked the spaced off dancer drying some of the glass cups that had just been washed.

"I'm fine sorta."

"You can tell me what's going on you know." Inu met her eyes briefly.

"Tonight was the night my parents died. Take this would you?" she stretched her hand out to him holding something.

"What is it?"

"Just take it." She whispered, Sango had gotten up and was talking to some girl. Inu moved an outstretched hand to her and she dropped a silver two inch piece of gold into his hand, on a golden chain, with silver accents as if it had been worn a lot.

"What's this?" he asked examining it closer.

"Braile, my mother was blind the last two years of her life, it's also in German so if you were to translate it, it would turn out weird." Kagome shuddered with a shiver.

"But you said the day she died she was supposed to pick you up."

"I've lied to a lot of people and myself so long I've forgotten the true story." Kagome said burying her face in her hands.

"Why don't you try to remember?"

"Kagome, now's the time you need to leave if you want to get home early." Sango interrupted draping an arm over her shoulder.

"Who would want to remember the day your life went to Hell and heaven turned black and dreary?" she asked meeting his golden eyes, standing and turning away.

An: okay I changed them (eyes)!! Long chapter… so tired… must sleep!!

*~*Disclaimer: I no own, please no sue!!*~* &)~`~