InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bartenders and Brunettes ❯ Now & Then ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chap 9- Now & Then

"My parents were murdered. I was at a party and didn't know until I got home and found a letter on my pillow in my room. I was young, far too young to be considered a man, but I leaned how to grow up." He sighed. " My parent's were wealthy but we spent most of it on the funeral. We bought this place with the left over money and our lives became filled with it."

The silenced seemed to stretch out forever, then Inu spoke again. "I keep thinking if I had been there, if I had convinced my brother that we shouldn't go I could have protected them." He buried his face in his hands running his fingers through his silvery hair. Then he looked back to me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen.

"You couldn't have done anything and you know it. If you had been there you probably would have been killed too." I touched his hand, catching his eyes with mine. His eyes told me that he knew what I said was true.

"You are too compassionate for your own good." He sighed, looking away.

"You know you like it." I smiled then looked at the clock. "Shit, I need to go." Standing I kissed his forehead, feelings rushing through me. He looked up at me as if he was surprised.

I just walked away savoring the weight lifting off my shoulders.


I looked after her. The way her hips moved, the way her hair fell across her back, was driving me crazy.

I sighed, standing as well. I had to adjust myself before walking because my pants had suddenly become painful. "Damn woman." I whispered to myself closing the door to the Red room.

My eyes flicked up for a moment to scan the room for any faces I knew. Miroku was standing near the bar talking to some girl. She walked away, rolling her eyes. My eyes started to scan once again.

"Inuyasha?" A soft female voice asked to my right. I turned to find the one I least expected to find.


"Is Kagome still here?" She asked looking up guiltily.

"No, she just went. She was pretty upset when you left."

"I know." Her voice wavered. "Um, do you think I could take the night off?" She looked so forlorn and sad that I couldn't resist saying no.

I nodded slowly. "I'll cover for you. Go. You need the rest anyway."

"Thank you Inu. Seriously, I owe you." Sango smiled then turned away, walking quickly for the door. Why do I have to be so damn nice?


I hurried out to my car, slipping into it yet again. The key turned but didn't move for a few seconds. Where would Kagome be?

An: Wow… Haven't been in this story for awhile. Sorry it was so short I will try to post in it as soon as I get the chapters done. Relish in Your Life is taking me longer than I would have liked. I Promise that by next summer- long way away I know- I will be done with all three of my stories and have other ones going up… Thank you. Please review.

Nag, nag, nag, You're a stinking hag… Tehe… Lots O Love!!