InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bartenders and Brunettes ❯ Cold Welcome Home and Early Departure ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12- A Cold Welcome Home and An Early Departure


I sat at the bar. It was after hours but there were still people there. Sesshoumaru was on vacation and Inu had to clean up. Sango sat next to me her head on the bar. Several regulars were still in this dreary place, drinking and laughing. Inu had a habit of not closing up on time. I smiled watching him clean the bar. Sango looked up as the door swung open. "We're closed, please come back tomorrow." She called.


"Shut up you skank." Kikyou walked in looking her normal self. My head flew to her, my heart dropping.


Sango's mouth dropped slightly. "You're out of the hospital?"


"Yeah, Better than ever…" Kikyou said smirking, and tossing her hair. "Hey Inu." She dropped her voice low and dampened it with sweetness.


"Hello Kikyou. What do you want?" He said throwing the towel he had in his hand at the pile that was growing steadily at one corner of the bar. I stood and made my way around the bar, turning my back on everyone to wash the few dishes still left over from the night.


"She's still working here? I'm impressed. You shaped her up well I suppose." Kikyou said as if I wasn't even standing there.


"I was good before I came here." I hissed under my breath. Inu coughed, holding back a laugh.


"What was that wench?"


"I said, I was good before I got here." I said turning to her. "Or did you not hear me because your sluttish screams are still ringing in your ears?"


"I was good for your brother." She hissed at me.


"He didn't know better!" I screamed, dropping a glass in the sink shattering it.


Her eyes turned dark and stormy staring at me mercilessly. "It's not like I could resist his demands. He was my boyfriend." I moved close to the bar, inches away from her.


"He was underage, and didn't even know how to ask you for sex. He didn't want it, you did. And you took years off of his life!" I screamed again, Inu trying to hold me back.


"That wasn't my fault."


"You lying bitch!" I broke free of his grasp, sliding over the bar and throwing a punch at Kikyou. Sango intervened this time, pulling me back and locking my arms behind me.


She got me to the ground, on my knees, and whispered into my ear. "She's not worth it Kagome. Let it go. Let it go."


"She is worth it she killed Souta." I said through clenched teeth. Inu came around in front of me holding my face in his palms.


"He's not dead yet Kagome. Do you hear me? He's not dead yet." Inu's forehead rested against mine. I nodded slowly. My whole body was shaking, and Sango let me go standing up between Kikyou and us.


"Get out Kikyou. Don't come back. If you know what's good for you, you won't. If Souta dies- mark my words, I'll come after you myself." Sango said all seriousness she possessed in her voice. Kikyou looked at her with wide eyes.


"Fine. I'm gone."


"Good. Now vanish before I make you." Sango said again in a tone of stone cold anger.


The door was the only thing I heard from Kikyou as she left again. Inu still had my face in his hands, his eyes never leaving mine, making sure I was okay. Sango's arms circled my waist from behind, hugging me close. "Don't worry Kagome. Everything will turn out like it's supposed to be."



An: It's getting there... I'm still working on it… Will Souta die? *smiles* We'll see…