InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bartenders and Brunettes ❯ Arrival Home ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chap. 14- Arrival Home
An: Okay this is going to take a few lines. I really am trying to get some stuff out today. I'm getting there. Pushing as hard as I can… This should be the second chap today… I'm trying to get at least one more out since it's been so long, but it might be done next week.
Thanks to those reading still. I need to go back and change the earlier chapters I don't like but I don't feel like it… Anyway, I'm working on getting to be free from all parental rule… Pray for me. Love ya ladies and lords… We will see you in the next chapters.
We arrived home early the next morning after packing up Souta`s stuff. Souta walked between Inu and me. It was hard not to just sweep him up into a hug, it was so good to have him home.
Snores of our grandfather traveled through the house to the door as we walked up. I cracked a smile. This is who I was, even if I didn't feel like it sometimes. This was the Kagome that needed to be there always.
“Okay, Souta I need you to go do your homework. I'm going to show Inu around. He may be living with us pretty soon.” I spoke softly.
Souta's eyes widened. “But… Whoa.” Souta looked up to Inu in that hero sort of way, mainly for the fact that Kagome thought Inu was a good guy. And she usually hated guys.
“You know I wouldn't mind living here.” Inu said starting to wander into the house after the little mongrel that had just ventured through the door. My soft hand caught his arm, and made him pull back. He stood on the step higher than mine making him at least a foot taller than I.
“You've gone soft.” I warned.
“What do you mean?” Inu inquired staring down at me intently through golden eyes, a hint of red and black streaking through them.
I smiled. “The guy I met on the island was much rougher than the man standing before me.”
“Perhaps.” He leaned down, kissing my cheek and forehead softly. “Which one do you like better?”
“The man, because he is all I have to live for. The rougher side- well, we'll have to see what it's useful for.” I smiled mischievously.
Inu laughed at me, a genuine sound for even me. “Again, Perhaps. You know, The stubborn girl I met back in that stupid club isn`t the remarkable woman standing here today.”
“Oh really? And which one do you like?” I repeated his own question back to him, smiling wryly all the while. My cerulean eyes looked straight back up at his now and I could see myself reflected in the golden prisms of his.
“Seriously? The woman, because she is the softer side of something so beautiful and cute, that you kind of forget the not so soft.” His mouth curved curiously. “And I like the woman because she is special to me and the girl was just a façade.”
I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck. Inu turned around, holding me close and carrying me into the house. I laid my head against his chest listening to the heart beat there. I loved him. Truly loved him. And that in itself scared me to death.
What of I lost him? What if… What if I lost my Inu?
An: Short yes I know… But at least it's a chapter. Going on to next. *blows kiss*