InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Battle of the Youkai (original) ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. I hate this stupid thing.
Battle of the Youkai Chapter 8
At this, the three companions (aka Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha), jumped and started to yell.
"What do you mean!"
"Yes, she's still free!"
The last comment was rewarded by a big bump on Miroku's head. Sango started to twitch at the terrible timing at what the priest has said.
The two youkai watched as Miroku was continually bombarded with blows from Sango's boomerang. (Can someone please tell me how to spell the name? I know it, but I can't spell it.)
Laughing silently, the two remembered the problem at hand and glared at each other.
Inuyasha was silently cheering. 'Yes! She's not his mate!' "What did you mean she's not your mate?"
"Yet," Kouga said coolly. "She wanted to wait awhile before we became mates. She said she wasn't ready."
'That probably meant she didn't want to go with him,' Inuyasha thought happily.
Ignoring Inuyasha's now happy smirk, he continued. "I don't know who took Kagome. They covered their scent too well."
Inuyasha laughed as he responded, "Yeah, right! Your weak nose probably just couldn't pick up the scent, unlike my superior one."
Surprisingly, Kouga responded, "Now is not the time to show off, inu. I need to get MY woman back."
Inuyasha just turned away, contemplating a way to get her back.
A few moments passed and as everyone noticed Inuyasha wasn't going to respond to his comment, they stopped what they were doing and turned to look at him.
Noticing the stares he was getting, he turned back around and angrily asked, "What?! Why are you staring at me?!"
Kouga, with a dumbfounded look on his face, just stared. After a few moments he said, "Why didn't you say something back, DOG-TURD?"
Pissed of by Kouga's insult, Inuyasha yelled "What the-"
Deciding now was a good time to interject, Sango walked between the two. All movement stopped as everyone looked at Sango. "Now stop! We must find Kagome! You two have got to stop bickering like little kids! Who knows what Kagome's kidnappers could have done to her?!"
Giving one last glare, Inuyasha turned away and muttered, "Come on. We gotta go save Kagome."
With that said, Inuyasha started walking east.
"Inuyasha, wait up!" Sango yelled as she dragged Miroku's unconscious body.
Kouga followed, mumbling "Why does dog-turd lead?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A few hours later, the group rested, Miroku now conscious and doing the one thing he knows best (yes, being a hentai).
As Sango and Miroku sat by the fire, Kouga paced, and Inuyasha sat in a tree.
'Kami, Kagome. I miss you.' Inuyasha sat quietly thinking of the times he was with Kagome. He thought about her smile, and her intoxicating scent. 'Why did you leave me Kagome?' Inuyasha thought, his eyes softening as he remembered her. 'Kagome, you don't know how much I love you. I swear, when I get you back, I will tell you. Even if you reject me,' his heart stung at the thought, 'I will always love you.'
Breaking out of his thoughts as he heard a loud THUD, he smelled something in the air.
Cursing, he jumped out of the tree, and ran through the forest, following his nose. (AN: doesn't that remind you of the Fruit Loops commercial? With the toucan? You know, toucan Sam?)
Kouga followed swiftly, suddenly realizing what he smelled.
Sango jumped up and ran after the youkai, forgetting about the monk.
Sighing, Miroku got up quietly, put out the fire, and followed his companions.
Jumping out of the trees, Inuyasha landed in a clearing where he discovered something that he would never forget.
Thanks to all of my reviewers for waiting so long. I just haven't been able to finish. The next chapter will be the last, and will probably be short. Thanks so much!