InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Battle of the Youkai ❯ Flowers + Hearts ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Oh my gosh! *crying* Such positive feedback. I'm so happy. I never expected like anyone to read this or actually like it! Oh! I'm just so happy. You guys are just so nice and supportive. I haven't gotten a single flame *knock on wood*! Anyway, the chapters won't come as quickly, as I'm totally redoing my story. I'm gonna try to make it a whole lot better than it is now. So, it might go to a chapter a week, at most *crosses fingers*. I don't want this to be like, where I can't post a chapter for a year O.O and get 97 reviews total. Well, whatever. Please r + r and tell me what is wrong with my story, with out being cruel. I know I have some problems with spelling, etc that my eyes just skip over. And, as I'm changing things, sentences might change, I might forget to delete a word, etc so please just tell me. Thanks!

Also, I know some of you will be absolutely pissed off through out the story, because I want Kagome to like both. Though she's unsure about Inuyasha's feelings for her, she can't totally rule out Kouga, who's always loved her. So, even if you're routing for Inuyasha and Kouga just happens to kiss Kagome, don't worry. It will all work out. Same for you Kouga fans!

Oh! I forgot to mention. There will be a kind of twist towards the end, where Inuyasha might actually get Kagome, but I don't know if I want to change that. Anyway, the story's about 11 chapters… I think. Let me check. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. This was my fist story and I wrote it a year ago, so it's worse than anything I'd write now. Anyway(I love that word), on with the story.

Oh! (This is getting to be a long author's note.) Please read my other story, that I hvaen't posted here yet. It's on under Inuyashachic515. I'll post it here in about a year, so if you want to read it before then, please go there. Of course, that is a Inu/Kag, the pairing I usually read. I admit, this is the only Kouga/Kag fanfic (so far) that I've read. Don't worry Inuyasha fans. He'll be winning Kagome's heart. I worte two alternate endings, one with Kouga, one with Inuyasha. I'll be starting a vote this chapter until the end. Please vote in your review. Thanks!


Battle of the Youkai Chapter 4


Kagome just stood there, breathless, thinking of the amazing kiss she just received. 'Oh my!

Kouga…. Does he really love me as much as he says?' Her thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling

her name.

"Kagome!" Sango yelled. "Where are you? It's time to go to sleep!"

For a moment longer, Kagome just stared in the direction that Kouga left, before yelling, "Sango!

I'll be right there! I'm coming!" Taking one last glance, Kagome ran back to the campsite.

Suddenly exhausted, she slowly climbed into her sleeping bag, Shippo curled next to her stomach.

Meanwhile, Sango and Miroku were having a private discussion. "Where is he? He disappeared at

the same time as Kagome." Sango was worried about their half-demon friend.

Miroku shrugged, eager to talk about a different topic. "So, Sango. I didn't quite hear you earlier.

What did you say as Kouga talked to Kagome?"

Sango blushed at the memory. "Well… um… I… you see…."

Miroku smiled slightly, watching Sango wriggle and twist her hands in an effort to come up with

something. "Well, I…"

"It's getting late. Maybe we should discuss this in the morning?" He leaned back against a tree and

slept instantly.

Sango sighed deeply. 'That was close. I must think of an excuse, if not… Sango shivered slightly,

he might get the wrong idea.'


Inuyasha silently cursed himself. 'Damn! He almost got her! I can't let him take her from me,

yet… who will she believe? Me, or that bastard? All he's done is be nice to her and proclaim his love for

her. And me? All I've done is call her wench and bitch, and insult her while giving all my attention to

Kikyo.' He slammed his fist into the tree, still in the same spot as when he listened to their discussion.

'Damn! She's falling for him! I could smell it! He'll win the contest at this rate! I gotta get her back!'

He jumped down, swiftly and quietly returning to the campsite. 'I gotta do something for her, but

what?' Suddenly he smirked, an idea coming to him. 'Yep! That will do it! Take this, stupid ookami.'

The next day…

Yawning, Kagome smiled, thinking of last night. 'Kouga came… and he… he kissed me.' Sighing

blissfully, Kagome looked around, and spotted something next to her sleeping bag. 'Hmm… what's this?'

Getting up to look at the object closely, Kagome found it a small bouquet of wild flowers and grasses.

When she picked up the bouquet, a small card fell out of it, onto the grass. Putting the flowers in her lap,

Kagome smiled softly and picked up the card and read it. "I am sorry for being such a jerk to you this

whole time. I just want you to know that you're mine and I won't let anything happen to you. I'll be by your

side forever."

Inuyasha blushed and smiled, watching her reaction to his presents while he sat in the tree, not

noticed. 'I wonder what she'll say,' he thought.

Kagome had thousands of thoughts running through her head. 'It can't be,' she thought, 'can it?'

"Kouga?" she said questionably.

Inuyasha fell out of the tree with a giant sweatdrop on his head. "What the hell?! How could you

think that idiot could give you something like that?!"

Kagome flung her head in his direction, jaw dropped, eyes wide. "What do you mean, Inuyasha? If

Kouga didn't give this to me, then who?"

'God, is she dense!' He thought. "Who do you think?! Is Kouga really the only one you think of?"

Kagome was silent for a few seconds before saying, "Hmmm. Well…the only guys I know that

like me are Kouga and Hojo."

Inuyasha sweat dropped again, but soon growled at both names. 'I forgot about Hobo. From what I heard, Kagome doesn't seem to like him very much. No competition then.' "What? What am I?"

Kagome thought again then responded, "I really don't know, Inuyasha."

3 sighs were heard as Miroku, Sango and Shippo shook their heads. "Kagome!" Pulling her off to

the side, Sango and Shippo tried to talk to her. "Kagome, we saw Inuyasha put all those things there,"

Sango carefully explained. Ignoring Kagome's small gasp of surprise, Shippo continued. "Yeah, Kagome.

He was sitting next to you, staring at you. He watched you sleep for awhile before he leaned in to smell

your sce-" His sentence was cut short by Inuyasha punching him. Kagome yelled at him to sit before

turning crimson.

Miroku grinned widely and winked slyly. "Inuyasha, you sly dog! What else did you do

while Lady Kagome was sleeping?"

Inuyasha growled in response while Kagome blushed deeper and Sango slapped the lecher.

Kagome was the first one to recover. Staring into Inuyasha's eyes, she whispered his name, "Inuyasha…"

Recovering from the sit, he got up and turned. "Keh. It was nothing."

Kagome smiled and walked toward him, carrying her gifts. "I'm touched. Thank you very much, Inuyasha." Leaning in, Kagome kissed Inuyasha on the cheek and then walked over to Sango. Blushing heavily, Inuyasha walked off, muttering "Keh."

Smiling widely, Kagome and Sango decided to go to a nearby hotspring, to wash and talk.

Smiling Sango leaned closer to Kagome. "So, Kagome, do what do you think?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Kagome put on a thoughtful expression. "Sango, is it just me, or have Kouga and Inuyasha been acting strangely lately?"

Nodding, Sango leaned back. "I noticed it too. Inuyasha seems a lot more possessive of you."

"I know, but why? Kouga has become a bit more forward, but it's not like he really did anything too bad."

Raising an eyebrow, Sango looked at Kagome skeptically. "Kagome, have you realized what has happened in the last few days? Kouga not only asked you to be his mate, he also kissed you."

Kagome nodded, but shrugged it off. "Well, it's common for boys to kiss girls in my time. It's a sign of affection."

Sighing, Sango felt like shaking the girl. "Kagome, did you forget that you're dealing with demons? Inuyasha obviously cares for you, as he protects you constantly and always looks out for you. I know it might not seem like he cares, but he treats you with great love and care."

Shaking her head, Kagome said, "No, Sango. He always runs off to Kikyo. He obviously doesn't care for me. He only sees me as her reincarnation." Tears watered her eyes as she lowered her head.

"Kagome, you know that's not true. If he only saw you as her reincarnation, why hasn't he just gone to Hell with her? Can't you see that he cares for you, and doesn't want to leave you."

"Sango, I just don't know who to believe anymore," Kagome said, crying.

Sango understood how Kagome felt, but she couldn't help but try to make Kagome see the truth. "Kagome, if I didn't know any better, I'd say he's thinking of having you as his mate. He already treats you as his. Remember the note?"

Kagome wiped the tears off of her face and looked up at Sango. "Do you really think so?"

"Kagome, I know Inuyasha loves you. He just wants you to be safe, so he distances himself from you. If his enemies knew that he loved you or that you were his mate, they would try to hurt you. Inuyasha wants you safe until he kills Naraku or anyone else that hates him."

Sniffling slightly, Kagome smiled softly. 'Maybe, just maybe, he really does like me.'