InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Becoming ❯ Kagome ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi does.

The last thing Kagome Higurashi remembers is being in a pitched battle with one of Naraku's minions, mind-numbing pain, and a flash of red light through the heavy rain blinding her... However, as she awakens, she finds herself lying not on muddy earth, but soft… fur? She tries to move, tries to look around, but all she can do is call out.

"S-Shippou? Inuyasha?" she whimpers, anything more causing the pain to come back... She feels more at ease as a beautiful, gentle female voice seems to wash over her like waves over a shore.

"Rest, child, you will be well soon… You have shown me that I indeed have made wise decisions..."

"Who… are you?" Kagome asks,

"Just a grateful mother... You have been a mother to my child after my death, and for that I owe you a great debt of gratitude."

Upon that pronouncement, an auburn-haired beauty appears in her field of vision.

"You… you're Shippou's…" Kagome struggles out, feeling more drained than she has ever felt before.

"Yes, Shippou is my son... Do not worry, they will be no worse for your absence, you are beyond time for the moment. This is all happening in the span of a moment in the real world… Now sleep, you need It, this battle will greatly weaken Naraku, but you will indeed need all your strength…"


"The spirit of a powerful miko has brought us together, to help bring happiness to her son, my son, and you…"

At that, Kagome drifts into blissful sleep, dreaming things she never has seen before, and realizing that she is dreaming the memories of the vixen that holds her entranced... The sharp pain of childbirth, the joy of raising a child... All of this passes to her as she dreams... She even experiences what it is like to be a kitsune, the cunning, the agility, the senses... She also feels a mixed sense of sorrow and perverse pleasure at the memory of draining a man of his yang energy... Kagome wakes again in the cold, rainy battlefield, but with a new sense of warmth and strength in her body, and some parting words from Shippou's mother echoing in her mind...

"I give you my strength, my memories. All that I am now passes to you, so that you may care for my child as only a mother can..."

Kagome re-enters the fray, calling out a new battle cry...