InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Best Friends ❯ Where is Kaname? ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Around the same time that Inuyasha had stumbled upon the girl that lay on the shore, Rin and Jaken sat around a campfire, eating cooked fish. Rin hummed as she chewed, looking behind her from time-to-time, wondering when her Lord Sesshomaru was to return. Jaken slurped his fish sloppily, and swatted at Ah-Un, who was licking at Jaken's fish from behind him.

The fire flickered, and neither the human girl nor the small youkai payed any attention to it. Then there was a spark that set their shadowed faces aglow, that finally made their eyes rise. The flames were dancing higher and higher, maybe a but wider. There was a 'whooshing' noise that made Jaken cover his ear with a holler. Even Rin's ears were affected by the noise, and she dropped her fish while clamping her eyes closed.

Almost as soon as it has begun, the commotion ceased, and there was a girl sprawled on the dirt before them. Rin gasped, and sat in place, while Jaken poked at it with his two-headed staff. Whoever this person was, he or she wasn't moving. Rin crawled forward, ignoring Jaken's orders to stay put.

"It's a girl, Master Jaken!" Rin exclaimed, looking round her shoulder at the small youkai. Jaken sighed in exasperation, but he came forward anyway. Sure enough, before them lay a clearly unconscious girl. She was clearly older than Rin, but maybe not over eighteen years old. Her hair was lightly-colored, which was quite uncommon among the average japanese person around her. But Jaken could tell by the scent that came from her, that she had no trace of youkai in her, so she was a ningen.

"Oh, Master Jaken! Is she okay?" Rin asked, a look of worry appearing on her youthful face. Jaken gave a quick examination, and saw that she seemed fairly unharmed, but that didn't explain her reason for being unconscious. "Can we wake her up?"

"Let me see...," Jaken scanned the area, and stopped his searching when he found something suitable to wake the sleeping girl. A canteen, about quarter full. He grabbed it, and dumped it over the unknown girl's face. Both jumped slightly as she woke up with a gasp, and then a cough when water went down the wrong pipe. When she had recovered, she sat up, and looked around. She saw Rin, and blinked in surprise.

"Hi... um, where am I?" she asked, looking around her. When all she saw was trees, she sighed, and closed her eyes to think.

"You're in Japan," Rin spoke up. "Uh, what's your name? I'm Rin, and this is Master Jaken." Saki squinted at Jaken, for a moment.

"Is he a frog?" she asked, visibly puzzled. "And you dress him? How... cute..."

"I am most certainly not a common frog, wench. I am a frog-youkai," Jaken squawked. Saki jumped when he began to speak, then she just stared. "It can talk...?" Rin began to gigle behind her hand, but immediately quieted herself when Jaken shot her a glare.

"My name is Saki, Rin-Chan," Saki said, and smiled.

"Maybe Seshoumaru-Sama will let you stay with us. What do you think, Master Jaken?" Rin said happily, and clapped her hands. It was due time for a female playmate, and not a wrinkled little toad that had a sharp tongue.

"Ha! Sesshoumaru-Sama would never take this... scum in with us!," Jaken spaat.

"Scum?! Look at you, you little toad!" Saki stood suddenly, looking very tall compared to Jaken. She reared her right foot back, kicked him, and sent him flying. She was a great soccer player. Neither Rin nor Saki could see the small youkai, but after a few seconds, they heard his squawking voice that said, "Ah! Sesshoumaru-Sama, there was a disturbance while Rin-Chan and I were eating... Sessoumaru-Sama?!"

Saki blinked as a tall man walked into the firelight. His clothes were strange-looking to her, but she knew that they were japanese-made. His hair was long and silvery, and calm eyes looked down at her. Her first thought was that he was very attractive, and if she knew he was a youkai, she would perhaps know why.

"Sesshoumaru-Sama! Look, this is my new firend Saki-San," she introduced Saki, and Sesshoumaru didn't seem to hear Rin.

"Where did Saki-San come from Rin-Chan?" Sessoumaru asked.

"She came from the fire, m'lord! Just spat her out!" Jaken said, and finally came walking into the light where he could be seen. There was a red mark on his left cheek, but he seemed to be used to it. Sesshoumaru had his share of stomps and kicks.

"From the fire?" Sesshoumaru asked quietly, to no in particular. He stood rather close to the campfire, but before Rin could warn him that he could burn, he turned and looked at Saki while walking to her. He grabbed her forearm, and though it appeared he was rough, he was quite gentle as he pulled her to her feet. Sure enough, she smelled like ashes, and some were smaeared on her forehead and cheeks. He examined her clothing, and found they were burnt, but when it came down to her skin, there was nothing indicating that she was touched by fire.

"Are you a miko, onee?" he asked, while releasing her. She shook her head. "Hmmm...."

"Well, fire can't hurt me, if that's what you're wondering about," she explained timidly.

"Demonstrate," he ever so slightly nudged her shoulder, but she almost tripped as she neared the flames. She stuck her hands completely into the orange haze, and it was visible that she neither caught fire, nor it hurt her at all. Sesshoumaru nodded as she proved her point. Rin laughed, and complimented Saki on her trick.

"Arigato, Rin-Chan," Saki smiled as she thrust her hands into her back-pockets, like she usually did.

"Where did you come from, ningen? Your clothese are strange to us," Jaken asked quite rudely. Saki glared at the amphibious little toad, but explained.

"I came from Japan, if you're wondering. These are clothes, like everybody wears, at least where I come from. Looks like you guys wear old-fashiond kimonos and stuff," Saki said.

"Old-fashioned?" Rin laughed. "This is what everybody wears here, silly."

"Where is your family?" Sesshoumaru asked, no emotion in his voice at all.

"Ah, well, I'm an orphan, actually," Saki said, a bit uncomfortably.

"Me, too, Saki-San," Rin said, and smiled. "I think Sesshoumaru-Sama is an orphan, too."

"Hai, this is right, Rin-Chan," Sesshoumaru told her, and attempted a smile. Saki smiled politely, but her thoughts were going astray to that of the conversation. Frankly, she was wondering where Kaname was. She didn't break down in tears like Kaname had at the thought of her, but she of course worried. Then her eyes fell upon the youkai before her. She took a deep breath, and asked quietly, "Eh... Sesshoumaru... uh, Sama, is it? I was hoping that you might be able to help me find me friend. We were seperated, and I have a strong feeling she's somewhere... wherever we are."

"We live in Japan, too, Saki-San!" Rin piped up, smiling wide. Sesshoumaru examined Saki again, like she was some sort of product.

"Your clothing...," he said to himself. "They resemble that of a girl who travels with my baka sibling." It was true. She wore shorts, as she was camping, and a long sleeved shirt. "I suppose I could... lend some help. Your friend... does she have such abilities as you do?"

"Eh, well. Kind of. I have the power of fire, and she has the power of water. And our powers work only if we're together," she explained quickly. It was strange to tell someone about their gifts, other than Kaname, and even more awkward to that of a stranger. But Saki noticed that none of the three people staring at her were at all shocked by what she told them. They seemed to believe her. Like it was no big deal.

"Fine. It is done. And once we find your friend, you are on your own," Sesshoumaru informed her, and turned away.

"But--," she began to protest against that, but when he turned, to give her a drangerous glare, she swallowed her words. Sesshourmau now spoke to the other small youkai, "Jaken, take Rin and our guest home. I will return due 'noontime tomorrow."

"Yes, Milord," Jaken nodded quickly, and gaped as Sesshoumaru disappeared. "And you heard him, ladies! Let's get home!" Jaken scuttled to Ah-Un, and hopped on. The girls followed, Saki timidly taking her place behind Rin. She wasn't sure about Sesshoumaru, but he was going to help her find Kaname. And that was all that mattered.