InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Best Laid Plans ❯ Best Laid Plans ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not on Inuyasha or any of its characters. I do own my little plot line though, so no stealing!

A/N: This is a thank you present for my friend yeahshippo, who wrote something trying to cheer me up when I lost granpa last month. Thanks for being a good friend Shippo.

Merry Christmas! XD


Best Laid Plans:

Bankotsu sat on the rock focused on polishing his treasured halberd. "So you remember the plan, right?"

The red haired demoness nodded. "We've gone over it three times now."

Bankotsu snorted and shrugged. "I want to make sure you got it right."

She sent him a wolfish grin. "Trust me, I got it." Emerald eyes shone with mischief. "I can't wait to see Kagome get what is coming to her."

He smirked. "Good," He stood up and placed his large weapon to rest on one shoulder. "Okay, get ready." He walked off.

'This will teach her to try and steal my man from me.' Ayame stripped her skirt and removed her top, leaving only a small bikini made of leaves to preserve her modesty as it hugged her body.

She smiled and set the bottle near the edge within easy reach. 'All I have to do now is wait and then when the time comes, play my part.' She giggled. "This is going to be great."


Miroku scratched his head. "Inuyasha are you sure?"

Inuyasha snorted. "The stench is too strong to mistake it. I'm telling you guys, I smell Bankotsu. He's close and he's not alone."

Kagome gasped. "I sense a jewel shard… no two of them. Over to the left."

Inuyasha inhaled and coughed. "Yup it's that nasty grave soil again." His hand clenched Tetsuaiga's hilt. "Let's go." He started running in the direction.

Miroku shrugged. "You heard him girls." He ran after his friend.

Kagome's arms tightened on Sango's waist and Kirara rode off behind the guys.

Shippo clutched Kagome's shoulder. "Do you think they will be okay?"

Kagome sighed. "Let's hope so Shippo."


Ayame's ears twitched. She whispered, "They're coming."

Bankotsu smirked. 'Perfect.' He jumped out of the bushes with Banryu held above his head.

Ayame screamed. "Please don't hurt me!" She pushed her back against the rock and put on a frightened look.

Inuyasha broke through the trees. "Bastard, get away from her!" His weapon clashed with Banryu.

Bankotsu grinned evilly. "Inuyasha, imagine seeing you here."

Their weapons clashed against each other and they both pushed their bodies' weights behind their weapons.

Sango and Kagome jumped off Kirara preparing to join the battle if needed.

Kagome drew her bow and prepared to shoot, only to stare in shock. "Ayame?" She scratched her head. 'Why is she here?'

Ayame cried out. "Kagome help me! He attacked while I was bathing." Her face showed only fright and her body trembled slightly.

Miroku halted at the sight of the nearly nude woman in the water. His eyes roamed her flesh before he scolded. "Bankotsu have you no shame." He drew up his staff and charged towards Bankotsu from behind. Miroku's foot hit a root buried in the ground and he flew towards the fighting duo.

Sango cried out, "Miroku!"

Bankotsu felt the impact of a body against his back. His eyes widened as he, Inuyasha, and whoever crashed into him, fell into the water, sending their weapons every which way.

Kirara had jumped forward trying to catch Miroku's robe with her teeth and she too fell into the hot springs.

Miroku, Bankotsu, and Inuyasha splashed around with their hands flailing, trying to find their footing on the mossy stones beneath the water.

Ayame's hands flew to cover her chest and she screamed. "You bunch of hentai, can't a girl bathe in peace?" She started smacking them, inadvertently knocking her bottle into the steamy water with them.

Each of the men received a lump on top of their heads and was sent back under water.

Bankotsu came up gasping and glared at her. "Oi! What the hell was that for?" He rubbed his assaulted scalp and felt a large lump.

Ayame growled. "You lunk-head, keep your filthy hands of my chest." She smacked him again this time sending him into Miroku.

Bankotsu huffed. "It wasn't even my fault." He rounded on Miroku. "You baka, you pushed me into the water."

Miroku's eyes widened. "It wasn't my fault, I tripped."

Inuyasha slipped under the water again. He resurfaced and spat the water out. "Well if you hadn't been attacking Ayame while she was bathing, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place."

Bankotsu's wiped his face and shivered in disgust. "Baka, don't spit that shit on me again. It's gross!" His fist connected with Inuyasha's jaw, causing Inuyasha's head to snap back and sent Miroku falling onto Ayame's chest.

She shrieked and smacked him. "Hentai!"

Kagome blinked. "Inuyasha, why are you all getting so fat all of a sudden?"

Inuyasha blinked. "Eh?" He stared at the ones around him and then noticed his large belly "Oi, what gives?" His body started floating into the air.

Bankotsu laughed. "We sure got you good." His body started floating up too. His eyes widened and his plump arms began flailing.

"Oi, what the hell?"

Bankotsu glared icily at Ayame. "I never told you to use that shit yet. Now look what you did." His arms continued flailing as he tried to grasp anything to ground himself.

Ayame's eyes widened as she Miroku and Kirara all lifted into the air. She glared from her huge body to the blimped mercenary. She stabbed a finger in his direction. "Damnit you stinking corpse, this is your entire fault!"

Sango stared dumbfounded. "What happened?"

Kagome scratched her head. "I'm not sure." She turned to the slayer. "What do we do?"

Sango shook her head. "Without Kirara to go up and help with, I don't know."

Shippo yanked the rope out of Kagome's pack and used his balloon form to fly up to Kirara, tying the rope around her foot. "Hang on Kirara, I got you."

She mewed at him and stared with wide eyes as she looked around her and then down at the ground which was growing farther away.

Wide amber eyes quickly became frightened. Inuyasha desperately latched on to one of Kirara's tails.

Kirara roared and began swishing her tail as she didn't like it being yanked on.

Inuyasha was waved side to side as his large clumsy fingers gripped tight. "Oi, cut it out before I fall off."

Ayame grabbed Inuyasha's wide foot, holding as tight as her fat hands would grip.

Miroku immediately grabbed Ayame's large foot. His eyes inadvertently got a show as the leaf bikini now barely covered anything due to how bloated she had gotten.

As he felt himself starting to float away, Bankotsu grabbed the monk's robe making sure he had a good solid grip. He shook his free pudgy fist and his large face bled crimson. "When I get down you're all going to pay for this - especially you Red!"

Ayame snapped. "It was your stupid idea in the first place!"

Bankotsu fired back, "You're the one who messed it all up!" His jaw clenched and his eyes shot daggers at her.

Ayame growled. "Why you…"

Ignoring the bickering duo, Inuyasha bellowed. "Shippo, get some of that damned rope over here, quick!"

Shippo huffed. "You could at least say please."

Inuyasha grunted. "Move it runt!"

Shippo floated back down to the ground tying the rope around a large boulder. He sat with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Not until you act a little nicer to me."

Sango hollered, "Miroku! You better not be eying where I think you are… If you are, you're toast!" She clenched her fist by her side.

Ayame shrieked and tried to kick the monk loose. "You hentai, when we get down I'm sending Kouga after you!"

Bankotsu rolled his eyes. "And you call yourself a monk? Pathetic," His fist shook again and he growled. "Soon as I get down you're dead wolf bitch!"

Ayame snarled. "Try it, corpse."

Bankotsu tried to pull his way up Miroku's robe and get at the wolf. "You're going to pay for this," He got two hands higher and aloud rip sounded in his ears.

Blue eyes widened as he saw he robe tearing. He grasped desperately trying to find a better grip. The material tore free due to the rapid movement.

Bankotsu floated through the air screaming. "I'm going to kill you," as a gentle breeze whisked him farther into the air and away from the others.

Miroku grimaced. "You ruined my robe."

Ayame was still kicking around and finally managed to connect one huge foot with the monk's fat face. "That'll teach you to ogle me."

Miroku cried out. "Wait…No!" The wind whisked him away.

Ayame smirked. "Serves you right, baka hentai," Her claws caught in Inuyasha's hakamas leg and it ripped.

She was ripped away from the rest and tossed on the wind. "Kouga, help me!"

Inuyasha shook a fist. "Mangy wolf, you ruined my hakamas!" He glared at Shippo. "Get the damned rope over here runt, or else!"

Kirara whipped her second tail and roared dislodging a wide eyed Inuyasha, which was quickly carried away by the wind.

"Shippo, I'm going to get you!"

Kagome's jaw snapped shut. "Uh… now what Sango?"

Sango blinked. "I'm not sure Kagome."

Kagome spotted the bottle floating on top of the water and when the label turned so she could read it, her eyes widened.

Expansion Potion:

Warning the effects of this potion will only wear off after six hours.

'Wait… this was a trap that Bankotsu and Ayame set up…. and it backfired on them?'

Kagome grabbed her stomach and rolled on the ground laughing so hard that tears fell from her eyes. 'Serves them right.'

Sango stopped glaring at the empty spaces her comrades had vacated and stared at her friend. She quirked a brow. "What's so funny?"

Kagome sat up and pointed to the bottle floating on the water and then fell back laughing again.

Sango's jaw dropped and she stood there speechless.

Shippo looked at Kirara who was hovering in the air and sighed. 'Well Kirara, at least you're safe.'


A/N: I hope you liked it. Merry Christmas everyone!