InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Better Things than You ❯ Dizzy Dizzy Hanyou ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. That is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions.
A/N: This is really about half a chapter and part of my new partial-chapter-posting program. Basically I'll write a scene—like the one below—and post it. When I have two or three scenes, I'll make them into one chapter. I'm hoping this will keep the story moving because as of right now I don't have time to right full chapters. This one was supposed to ready two weeks ago, but then all hell broke lose, and so there you go.
Chapter 13
Miroku stared down at the hanyou at his feet.
So this is what I look like when I'm unconscious…not as attractive as I would have liked. He mused as he nudged his friend with the foot of his sandal.
Whatever Kagome did to you, she did it well...and without that blasted boomerang.
Unconsciously, his hand moved to the back of his head to inspect one of the many sites of damage done to him since coming in contact with the Amazons.
Only a sort while before, he had been waiting for Inuyasha to come and face him like a man when Kagome had burst out of the hurt looking more than a little afraid. And now, here he was, looking down at the unconscious man, debating what exactly he should do.
Kagome had clearly been afraid when she had come stumbling from the tent, but it was less for herself and more for Inuyasha. She had said he had changed, and almost hurt her, but she had been able to stop him. That had been all Miroku had stayed to hear; he had run off as fast as he could.
He had been expecting something dark and unnatural in the throes of demon nature.
Something cruel and twisted.
His friend as a monster.
A being to be stopped.
Not the puppy who lay at his feet at the moment.
It was true there were signs of Kagome's miko energy when it had purified the hanyou—the typical burnings scattering his skin, but other than that there was nothing.
What the hell had happened?
Inuyahsa made a strange sound, something between a sigh and a sort and Miroku glanced down just in time to see a clawed and fly out and grab his ankle. The Londoner was on the floor in an instant, attempting to pry off the claws firmly rammed into his calf.
“Where is she?” A gravely voice hissed near Miroku's ear where a moment earlier the hanyou had not been. Before he could even think to move to safety, he felt his arms hauled behind his back, his face pinned to the floor.
“Where is my BITCH!” Inuyasha growled in his ear, causing Miroku to hiss when at the same time claws dug into his shoulder.
“You can not see her like that,” Miroku held his ground. “Haven't you hurt her enough?”
Before his mind had time to register what was happening to him, Miroku found himself hanging in the air by the front of his shirt, looking down at a very pissed inu-youkai.
How do I always end up in this position? He wondered idly as he debated the best course of action.
In the end, he settled for what seemed the mostly likely option to both save his skin (literally) and his dignity.
He punched Inuyasha squarely in the nose with the fist the hanyou had forgotten to restrain. It was his own fault, and Miroku always thought to fight fair.
Inuyasha reeled for a moment, staggering backward as he dropped his friend. He stood doubled over for a moment, frozen as he faced the floor. Suddenly his head gave a violent shake and let out a snort that sounded oddly like a disjointed sneeze.
His head shot, eyes blinking with the most confused expression on his face. There was a large fist print cover his face, moving from his the bridge of his nose to the corner of his left eye. He tried to blink the rapidly swelling eye again, giving his head one more shake to remove the imaginary water from his ears, snort-sneezing in the process.
Eyes coming to rest on Miroku, he gapped for a moment. “Miroku?” He asked in disbelief. “Where the fuck am I?”
It was in that moment that Kagome rushed in with Sango on her heels. She looked first worried to her brother, and seeing he was not slashed to ribbons, her eyes instinctively moved to her ex.
The look of utter-confusion on his bruised and bleeding face, tugged at her hears strings and Kagome moved to his side.
“Inuyasha?” She whispered. “Are you alright?”
“Is he all right?” Miroku choked out from behind her. “Is he all right? What about me?”
Kagome ignored her brother, taking Inuyasha's injured face in her hands. She couldn't stop her heart from speeding up as their eyes met, and she smiled.
He's back. I have him back.
She sensed rather than saw him move toward her, but suddenly all movement—real or imagined ceased. Seeing Inuyasha was looked over her shoulder intently at something behind her, Kagome turned enough to see the short older woman who Sango had taken her to when she had first reached the village.
Said woman spoke to Sango, all the while staring at Kagome.
Sango looked a bit worried, but repeated the message to Kagome anyway. “She said you're coming into your miko powers. She wants you to follow her.”
As though the older woman was working under a cue, she turned, walking out of the hut. Sango had to give Kagome a push to get her to move, but Kagome found herself too soon in the bright sun tailing after the Amazon elder.