InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ between the species ❯ New moon Battle ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10: New moon Battle

Disclaimer: don't own Inuyasha

"Stupid Says''

Kirra: Hi!!! I made Kirara cool, least to me

Kagome: YAWNS I am sleeping

Kirra: I'm the one who yawned a minute ago.

Kagome: I know

Kirra POP

Kagome: Ou-oh, she is mad

Evil Smirk

Kagome: um, here is the story got to run.

Takes Off

Kirra: She gone, now my favorite character entrance

Kagome appears out of nowhere

Kagome: Sorry Kirra, but you can't until I gave the people the character information.

Evil Stare

Kirra: mumble, m

Kagome: Okay here it is

Runs away from a mad Kirra

Hiss [KUKS]

*Character's information

Inuyasha: Hanyou/leader of tribe

Kagome: Miko

Naraku: Mayor/ geranial

Keade: servant to Inuyasha

Sessho-maru: Inu's older brother/ Lord of the western land

Rin: Sess's wife

Miroku: Priest [monk]/ husband to Sango

Kouga: Leader of the wolf demon tribe, a rival tribe

Kirara: protector/ goddess-cat form

-Human form- of the tribe

Kagura: daughter to Naraku who first wife had died in the fire

Kanna: Sister of Kagura, also Naraku's daughter

Shippo; Orphan Kistune

Inutaisho: Inu/Sess's father

Juromau: Naraku's brother

Kageromaru: Juromau's twin brother and Naraku's brother

Kikyo: Kagome's grandmother

Toki: Sessho-maru's mother and Inuyasha's first wife

Tsubaki: Nakura's fist wife, who died in the fire

Megumi: Inuyasha's mother/ currently Inutaisho's mate

Rose: is the servant for Sessho-maru

Kagome: Now on with story

Story time

Kirra: meanly

Kagome: Sorry, now on with the story

Naraku and Kouga keep walking to Inuyasha's village, until Naraku stopped walking and said to Kouga "You take your men around the back of the village and attack from that way, and my men shall attack from the front.''

"Okay'' said Kouga signing his men and Kagura both walked around, and went the back route to get to the village.

`Prepared yourself, dog demon, and all his people.' Thought Naraku evilly







Kirara was in a clearing playing with a rock and thinking about lady Kagome and Inuyasha, when Naraku had walking in the cleaner with his men on his tail, until he raise his hand to halt them.

Then Naraku start to walk toward Kirara, who was in a tree with a lime stone ih her right hand. Naraku stops in front of Kirara's tree and says up to her.

"Where is your dog-demon friend, cat -demon?''

"Wouldn't you like to know.'' Sneered Kirara jumping down from her tree and landed in front of him.

"Tell me.'' Said Naraku looking deeply into Kirara's eyes


"Why not''[Whined] Naraku {Said Kagome, but the way you said it, sound like whining]

[Meany] {I'm …um we're interrupting aren't we] {Yep}[Back to the story] {Mm}

"Remember your last battle.'' Gloating Kirara as she ignoring the last question

"Answer my question or else.'' Threaten Naraku

"Or what you shot me, afraid it won't hit me.'' Again Kirara gloated

"What?!…. Heh try this.'' Said Naraku as he grabbed a gun and fired it at her head.

Sigh Kirara puts up one hand, and a barrier appears in front of her. The bullet disincarnates when it hit the barrier.

"This is what happened last time'' Kirara informed Naraku "right'' from there Kirara mocked Naraku

5 mins later

Kirara continue to mock Naraku to keep him busy and out of the village.

"This battle is so boring.'' Said Kirara using the valley girl accent

{Growls in the background.]

[Yickes, say something stupid now running]

"Shut up'' Naraku yells

"You brain washed Kagome.'' Said Kirara taunted Naraku

"I said pause Shut UP!'' yells Naraku, who is pissed now {^__^}

"Keep you filthy hands off here, demon'' again mocking Naraku, who is still ignoring, suddenly hear some of the villages hiding behind some trees. Kirara smiles as Naraku rum about what is going on.

Kirara dodged a bullets that was aimed at her and does a back flip, and landed on her tree yelling "ATTACK''

The villagers pop out of the bushed and trees and started the attack on Naraku and his men.

In the village Inutaisho and Sessho-maru are armed and ready for a battle.

"Rin and Megumi are fast asleep.'' Said Inutaisho

"Rose, watch and protect them'' order Sessho-maru

"Yes, my lord'' [Inutaisho has give control off all his landed to Sessho-maru, making him the lord of the western lands and Inuyasha ruler of the tribe] answer Rose

Meanwhile Inuyasha sits and listens in his hut. `I have to hide, while father and Sessho-maru get to battle those white bastards, well they are on our land and Sessho-maru is the lord of the land.'

He then turned his head to a sleeping Kagome 'She is so beautiful, when she sleeps' he smiles at that thought

Sango and Miroku were at the opposite of the village, when Kouga and Kagura came with her fan. Kouga thro a punch at Sango and she blocked it with her boomerang by putting it front of her.

"Hey that my wife.'' Said Miroku be Procter as he tried to hit Kagura with his staff.

"I can care less, what she is.'' Said Kouga again tried to punch Miroku down

Miroku blocked that attack by hitting his staff on Kouga's head and start to fight each other. Kagura and Sango also started their own little battle. The villagers of the tribe against Kouga'men tribe men and the battle start.

Inutaisho and Sessho-maru walked in the front of the village, and they saw Naraku and Kanna. Sessho-maru grabbed his sword and started to join in the attack against Naraku by fighting against Kanna and her mirror. Inutaisho went against Naraku himself with the help from Kirara's help.

A brother of twins of Naraku had sneak into the village undeletable, his name was Kageromaru and he was the brother of Naraku and he had a twin name Juromau. Kageromaru was taller then Juromau and His twin brother had stay in the battle and fought Inutaisho.

Kageromaru was the one to sneak in and he had a bow and arrow, which was made to Killed Inuyasha.

Inuyasha had step out of the hut, he heard gun shots, `Father, Sessho-maru, I hate being half-demon' thought Inuyasha until he saw a tall man with purple/silver hair came in front of him.

"Inuyasha'' said the purple hair man who was dress like Naraku did at the other battle, who had a bow and arrow on him, also a sword on his side.

"Who the hell are you.'' Said the human Inuyasha

"I am Kageromaru, you worst nightmare.'' Said Kageromaru as he grabbed his sword and stated to battle with Inuyasha

Inuyasha grabbed the tetsuaiga, but his sword didn't change into a big fang like it was suppose too.

Kageromaru and Inuyasha started to give each other scares and stuff like that.

*************************************************************** *********

Kagome woke up to a cry, and she peeks outside to see a very human like Inuyasha fighting Naraku's brother Kageromaru. The sun start to rise and you could her the battle song called Half-demon playing in the background. Inuyasha' hair had return to silver/white and his CUTE DOG-EARS had also return.

Kagome took in a grasp as she saw the change in Inuyasha

"No, you don't'' said Kageromaru as he drew his bow and arrow and aimed at Inuyasha. But with Inuyasha's demon speed, Inuyasha had hit Kageromaru and had the arrow sent to Kagome.

The arrow went through the buffalo hide of the hut and hit her injury ankle. Inuyasha had hit Kageromaru and ran to see if Kagome was all right. When he tried to touch the arrow with a scorpion on it, his hand burned and had to take it away.

There was blood leaking out it, so Kagome gripped it and pulled it out, Then with power she didn't even know she purity it. When she did that she pulled a bow and arrows that she had found when she had clean Inuyasha's hut.

She grabbed the bow and the once tainted arrow and shot it at Kageromaru, by destroy him. On both side of the village had stopped their fighting.

Kagome had again pulled an arrow and was ready to shot at Naraku, but before she does she says to him "I said I want to stay here, Naraku'' as she let go of the arrow and let it fly toward him, but it miss Naraku by an Inch.

He then yelled to his men "Retreated'' but before he could ran with his men, he was caught by some fox-demon. Kirara walked to a beat Naraku and said to the fox-demon take him to the hut, where all the captured go''

So the fox-demon took the beat up Naraku to a old looking hut, and tied him to a pole that was in the middle of the hut. Inuyasha stood up and picking up a wound Kagome who was still had the bow in her hand.

"Kagome, we did it'' said Inuyasha as he took hold of face and kiss her on the lips. Again in the background the people were aww them and saying how great a couple they are. Inutaisho and Sessho-maru just stared at the couple, until Kirara came behind them and gave them a couple hugs and said "It looks like I will back to bless their union.''

`Oh no' thought Inutaisho and Sessho-maru together

****Back with Naraku ****************************************************

Naraku was in the hut, and tied to a pole, but some how he had untied himself and sneak out of the hut. While everyone was celebrate Naraku had sneak out of the village and across a river to lost them of his scent.