InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Birth Marks ❯ Aishiteru ( Chapter 40 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 40: Aishiteru
Wow, I never thought that I'd get this far in this little story of mine. Despite the fact that I still don't own any of the characters from the Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho universe, I still feel as if my little baby of boredom has blossomed into an entire online novel. Oh, and before I forget, I guess I have to make a public apology: Geisha are not prostitutes; they are private entertainers for paying customers in tea houses. In chapter eight, I guess I got carried away about my teahouse girl and have unfortunately pissed off many of my wonderful readers by degrading her position. I am sorry and I will not do anything of the such again, but I will not change my chapter after all this time.
(Now that that's over)
Last time: “Welcome to the family runt,” Yusuke murmured, watching the family settle in for the night.
This time: Kagome-inu glared at Shippou. ::sleep!:: she growled, her patience waning with her lack of sleep. Shippou cocked his head to the side and gave a fox-like grin before circling and splashing into the cave pond. Standing, Kagome walked around the others and stood at the edge of the pond, watching the newly white kitsune swim and dive down into the pond. Apparently, what seemed like a shallow pool of water was actually quite deep and relatively warm. Lying down, she stuck one paw into the water and splashed at Shippou, growling.
Popping up from a particularly long dive, Shippou transformed back into his humanoid form, “Kaa-san, guess what?” Kagome shot the hyper child a dry look with her dark eye, “there's another room on the other side of the pond!” raising her eyebrow, Kagome grabbed the kit by the back of his fir vest and pinned him down with her legs.
:: Sleep. Now. ::
“I'll watch him,” Inuyasha spoke up, walking up to the tired dog demoness. Her tail thumped once, twice and she stood up, walking over to her sleeping bag and plopped down, snorting in annoyance.
Inuyasha watched Kagome go to sleep before kneeling next to Shippou and peeled off his haori. “So, you found the treasure room, huh?” nodding enthusiastically, Shippou dived back into the water, transforming mid-air to his animalistic form. Following quickly, Inuyasha dove to the bottom of the pool and though a tunnel that was nearly too small to fit through. Gasping for breath, they emerged on the other side in a room much larger and deeper than the room that they were in earlier. Standing up, Shippou extended his kitsune-bi as far as he could reach and watched the rocks glisten in the pale blue light.
Hopping down from the ledge of the pool, Inuyasha stepped carefully around the other various pools in the cavern. The floor was littered with various small objects that glowed in the dim light. Picking one up, he allowed it to absorb some of his youki and glow brighter, lighting up the surrounding area. Following his example, Shippou lit another rock and dimmed his kitsune-bi. “Sugoi,” Shippou breathed, looking at the rock that glowed in his hand. Touching the wall with a paw, the entire section lit up enough to not need the kitsune-bi's light anymore. Transforming back into his humanoid form, Shippou looked around in awe.
“If you ever need to have a place to hide if the outer cave is attacked, this is a good place.” Picking up a mon and examining it, he tossed it to Shippou. “I also have some money here if it comes to an emergency. As far as I can see or smell, the cave is safe and you can use it for yourself when you get older.” Looking at the piece of currency, Shippou reluctantly put it down and scampered onto Inuyasha's shoulder. “Just,” Inuyasha looked around the cave, “if you do use the cave to store treasure, make sure that you get something nice for you mother at least.”
“Okay Inu-papa-san!” Inuyasha glared at Shippou out of the corner of his eye.
“No `san' runt.” He grumbled before tossing the kitsune back into the pool with a bark-like yelp. Shippou came up sputtering and barely dodged with another yelp when Inuyasha dived into the pool also. Realizing that Inuyasha wasn't coming back up on this side, he took a large gulp of air and followed in pursuit of the glow-stone that Inuyasha still held in his hand.
Dropping the glow-stone at the bottom of the tunnel, Inuyasha sped up to air on the occupied side of the cave. Climbing out of the water, he shook off as much as he could, much to the chagrin of the early-risers in the group. Ignoring the glares and the sputtering fire, Inuyasha fished Shippou out of the water by the back of his soaked vest and shook him to get enough water off before plopping him down on his lap and wrapping his arms around the kit. Leaning against the wall by the pool, Inuyasha gestured to sleeping Kagome with his eyes before leaning back and closing his eyes. No one would be moving until Kagome woke up and transformed back to her hanyou form.
Looking up at the tall glass and metal structure, a handsome boy sighed and headed toward the front doors. Shuichi Minamino to most, Kurama to others, and Shippou to a very select few, walked up to the front desk and gave a charming smile to the woman of twenty-five or so that sat behind the receptionist's desk. “We've been expecting you Minamino-san. Please take the elevator to the twelfth floor and I will page Shiroi-san for you.” With a small nod and smile toward the receptionist, Kurama walked to the waiting elevator. As soon as he pushed the button for the floor that he wanted and the doors shut, Kurama slumped against the metallic wall of the interior of the elevator. Rubbing his head, he wondered for what must have been the hundredth time that weekend, just what was he doing, called to one of the most prestigious buildings in all of downtown Tokyo. The elevator `pinged' for the twelfth floor and Kurama straightened up as fast as he could, smoothing down his frazzled hair the best he could.
“Welcome to the Sho building, Minamino-san. Shiroi-san has been waiting for you. You can go up the stairs now.” A second receptionist that smelled slightly of demon smiled up at him and pointed to the spiral staircase tucked in an alcove behind her desk. The walls were painted white, while the desk and wrought-iron spiral staircase were the only decorations in the hallway that led both left and right. `What a snobbish place,' the Youko part of Kurama's mind spoke up, scoffing. Nodding internally, Kurama set his face in a determined expression as he climbed up the spiral staircase, the lights dimming until his surroundings started taking on only grey tones.
At the top of the staircase, Kurama was stopped by a door. Opening it, Kurama winced at the flood of light and put his hand up to shield his eyes. Allowing his eyes to focus, Kurama looked around and his breath caught. He recognized the figure looking out the window. His posture, his hair, his ears; he knew it was him.
In his sleep, Miroku pulled Sango closer, burying his nose into the softness of her hair. Opening his eyes slightly, he looked around and settled back down. After everything that happened yesterday and the previous day, it was best to take some time to relax and reflect. Inuyasha splashing around in the pool of water with Shippou; that was what all the noise was. Clenching his fist, Miroku touched his whole palm in absent amazement. Would he ever be able to fully understand that his hand was cured, that his family's curse was lifted, that death was no longer hanging over his head at every moment? Replacing his hand over the small of Sango's back, he kissed her forehead.
Houshi-sama, may I speak with you?” Sango stood over Miroku, rubbing her elbow in embarrassment, as if her red face wasn't enough of an indicator. Nodding, Miroku stood up and gestured to the tunnel. Giving Miroku a dry look, she gestured for him to go first and Miroku chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.
My apologies, dear Sango, I meant nothing but to be polite, but if you insist…” Miroku climbed through the tunnel first, turning around just in time to help Sango get out of the vines and stand. Jumping back from where Inuyasha and Yusuke were fighting about… something, Sango gestured off the other direction and started walking. Following shortly after, Miroku caught up and grabbed Sango's hand gently, allowing her to pull away if she wanted. Jumping slightly, Sango looked down and smiled shyly, squeezing his hand.
They walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts about what was to happen in the near future. “H-houshi-sama?” Sango asked, pulling her hand out of his and rubbing her palm.
“Sango-san?” Miroku looked at her, a concerned look in his eyes, “is something wrong with your hand?” shaking her head, she put her hands down, but started pulling on her apron sub-consciously.
“I-I'm fine, really. Really, fine.” Sango rambled, looking anywhere but at Miroku. He grabbed her hand, massaging it gently.
No, you're not. Something's troubling you.” Pulling Sango to a fallen tree, he helped her sit down. “Is it something that I did?”
Looking around, Sango took her hand back and set it lifelessly into her lap. “Yes… no… not really…”sighing, Sango slumped, staring at her toes. “Kagome-chan and Inuyasha have each other; it's only a time until they mate since they adopted Shippou and, well, what about us?”
Miroku looked at her curiously for a few moments before it dawned on him. Grinning, he looped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her junction. “Are you having second thoughts about our marriage, dear Sango? Or did I not actually say to you, on the shores of a river, that I would marry you when Naraku was killed?” Sango nodded dumbly, remembering what she only thought of as a fond dream. Kneeling in front of Sango, Miroku took her hands in his and smiled, kissing her fingertips. “Sango, my love, will you do me the honor of bearing my children?”
“Aishiteru, my love,” he murmured, staring at her fondly. Feeling more than seeing the rays rise on the horizon outside, Miroku caressed Sango's cheek softly, bringing her back to the world of the awake. Watching her eyes flutter open softly, Miroku smiled and stole a chaste kiss before sitting up. “It's almost dawn, Aishite (lovely), we should get up.” Blushing, Sango nodded, allowing herself to be pulled to a sitting position before Miroku went to revive the dying fire.
Looking around, Sango watched as the others woke for the day. Surprisingly, Kohaku was up and helping Yusuke get breakfast supplies together for when Miroku had the fire going again. Sango remembered her younger brother being nearly impossible to get up in the mornings. Frowning slightly she thought of what other effects Naraku's influences had on the boy. Sure, he was quiet before everyone… left, but he seemed much more reserved than before. Kohaku also had a small mesh bag that Kagome kept in her backpack sitting next to his knees, filled with different edible plants. The boys, at least Kohaku, had been up and around for a while, gathering the various plants to supplement their breakfasts.
Sitting up and shaking his sleep off, Inuyasha looked up at the lightening blue of the sky through the smoke hole in the cave's roof. Walking over to Kagome, Inuyasha placed Shippou down by her side and whuffed gently, rubbing his knuckles by Kagome's ear. Blearily staring up at Inuyasha, Kagome gave a small growl and placed her nose back into her paws. Grinning, Inuyasha crouched so that he was closer to Kagome face. Giving a short bark, Inuyasha rubbed the top of Kagome's muzzle, careful to put minimal pressure on his claws. Giving a deep growl, Kagome moved her head and tail to wrap around Shippou—who was half-awake—and hide her nose from abuse. Giving the couple a questioning look, Sango stood up and decided to help the monk get the fire started again. For all of his efforts, any semblance of a flame seemed to elude him.
Inuyasha sensed the sunrise, used to paying attention to the daily cycles after so long on his own. Outside, he heard the chirping of the pre-dawn birds, confirming his suspicions. Staring at the sky for a few moments, Inuyasha stood up and stretched as much as he could while still holding Shippou in his arms. Walking over to Kagome, Inuyasha hid a grin, ::morning!:: he whuffed, too quiet for human ears. Getting no response, Inuyasha nudged Shippou enough to get him to let go of his haori and placed the kit down by Kagome's side. :: The sun rises:: Inuyasha commented again, louder and rubbing Kagome's head around her ear.
Looking up at Inuyasha dryly, Kagome huffed, :: I know:: and closed her eye again. She had just managed to fall asleep from watching Shippou most of the night. Watching Inuyasha though slit eyes, Kagome growled as she saw his grinning face.
::We'll leave you.:: Inuyasha taunted, touching her muzzle to simulate a dominant bite. Jumping slightly, Kagome stared at Inuyasha for a moment before curling around Shippou.
::No, you won't.:: Kagome growled out, licking Shippou's cheek absently to clean him. Squirming, Shippou batted Kagome away futilely, finally just crawling up onto her back and settling down again. Nipping Shippou's tail playfully, Kagome pulled the kit off of her back and licked him again.
“Stop that Okaa!” shaking her head, Kagome whuffed a no and pinned Shippou down right as the sun passed the horizon outside and triggered the recession of her full demon powers. Groaning out, Kagome let Shippou go and curled up, panting.
Startled, Inuyasha brought Kagome into his lap and rubbed her back. “What's wrong?”
Shaking her head, Kagome took a few deep breaths and let them out slowly, still clutching her stomach. “Here's some water, Kag-chan,” Yusuke handed her an un-opened bottle. Nodding her thanks, they touched fingers as she took the bottle. Discreetly sending some energy through the connection, Yusuke nodded. “It doesn't help recessing when you're tired in the first place, ne?” Inuyasha glared at Yusuke discretely, sending the boy a silent message.
Downing half of the bottle, Kagome nodded in agreement. “Blood issues. I'm surprised that I didn't pass out this time.”
“Your reiki and youki don't blend well.” Yusuke supplied, charging up his finger that at first his spirit bullet was red, then blue, then red again, sending a small threat right back to Inuyasha. Dispersing the energy, Yusuke nodded
“You've passed out before?” Inuyasha asked, helping Kagome to sit up better. Nodding, Kagome remembered times during her training on Avalon that a moon god or goddess would `help' with her lessons by keeping the moon that shone on her one phase or another so that she could train in one form or another. In result, when there was the normal moon phasing, Kagome would sometimes become ill and pass out because of her blood attempting to purify itself. The small amount of energy that Yusuke passed her helped even out her blood better this time, but she was often able to manage it with a large amount of focused energy by now.
“It happens whenever I use too much energy when I'm `full' demon. Don't worry about me!” Kagome chirped, standing up quickly. Swaying, she was caught by both boys and was led over by the freshly re-built fire as Kohaku started cooking some of the larger roots. Sango looked over at Kagome, concerned for her health, but Kagome just waved it off with a smile. “I'll be fine by tomorrow; I just need a little more rest, that's all.” Using the last of the stew from yesterday, Kohaku put the cooked plants in the pot and added more water to make enough for everyone to eat. As soon as the stew was eaten, Kagome rinsed and put away the dishes in her backpack while the others smothered the fire.
Transforming the bag back into the earring form, Kagome held it up to Inuyasha, who shook his head and crossed his arms. “There's no way in hell I'm gonna wear that blasted thing!” he practically snarled at the golden object. “Besides, I don't have no holes in my ears!”
Smirking, Kagome dangled the earring carelessly. “You're right; you don't not have any holes in your ears.” Walking up to him, she snagged his ear and pulled it down to her eye level. “I pierced your ear the other day before we went into the lord's estate, remember.” Sliding the backing into the small hole by the base of his ear, the earring was completely hidden by his hair. Flattening his ears back, they were covered by his hair. Patting Inuyasha on the cheek, Kagome smirked. “Think of it this way, it'll only last until the day after the new moon, then your body will heal the hole.”
“Oi! What about me?” Yusuke pointed at his ear.
Sticking out her tongue, Kagome laughed. “You're stuck, dear cousin!” Yusuke gave an impressive growl and left the cave to wait for the others to exit.
Allowing the others to exit first, Inuyasha looked at Kagome and stared at her in concern. “Do you think you can crawl out?” nodding, Kagome allowed Inuyasha to lead out, keeping up with his crawling the best that she could. Sitting down about halfway through the tunnel, Inuyasha looked back at where Kagome was, “how are you doing back there?” Stumbling up to lay on Inuyasha's legs, Kagome mumbled something and groaned. “What did you say again?”
“You must be deaf or something Inuyasha, those ears aren't helping you at all.” Kagome muttered, getting up to continue on. “I asked why you stopped.”
Giving her a dry look, Inuyasha started crawling again. “You were falling behind.” Kagome snorted and bit her cheek, keeping the rest of her tired comments to herself. At the end of the tunnel, Inuyasha didn't even allow Kagome to touch the ground, but swept her up onto his back without a second glance.
Kagome gave an indignant growl and pulled on one of Inuyasha's ears. “I can walk, you know.”
“You're too damn slow.” Inuyasha grumbled, walking off toward the direction of Kaede's village. “Let's go.”
“We should go back and hurt that bastard of a village leader!” Yusuke suggested in one of his not-too-friendly ways. “The guy should pay for what he did to Kagome! And what of those other girls?”
Kagome looked down in thought, trying to find an easy way to break it to Yusuke. She opened her mouth, “no” Inuyasha said bluntly, “We aren't messin' with other people's business. It's their own issue to deal with.” Blunt as usual, Kagome thought closing her eyes and resting her forehead on his shoulder heavily.
“Inuyasha's right Yusuke, we can't go around righting ever other person's problems.” Kagome sighed, “but it would be nice to help everyone though.” She commented wistfully before relaxing enough to attempt to sleep on the walk back `home'. Inuyasha took the lead, silently signaling the others to follow. Miroku and Sango, hand in hand, followed closely after, followed by Kohaku and Shippou, and, lastly, Yusuke scuffed his feet before following at a distance. Sulking, Yusuke watched how the group ahead of him interacted. Realizing, after watching for the past few days, that Kagome was the safest that she could ever be within this small group versus even in their own time period. Yusuke shrugged, as far as Koenma was concerned, the Shikon was whole, Naraku was dead, and Kagome was living in this time period, period. There was nothing that the god-prince could do about it. Case closed.
Looking up, Yusuke heard a distinctive trill as a flying blue penguin landed on his head. “There you are Puu, I was wondering where you went.” Yusuke stroked Puu's cheek and the bird nipped at his finger and trilled affectionately. Holding Puu in his arms, Yusuke looked up at the sky. “You're right, it is a good day to go fly.” Placing Puu on his shoulder, Yusuke jogged up to Inuyasha and Kagome. “When Kagome wakes up, send Puu to me. I'll be up.” Without waiting for a confirmation, Yusuke set Puu next to Kagome and fell back to where Sango and Miroku were walking. He asked to borrow Kirara for a few moments and let his wings out. Soon after, Yusuke was experiencing the freedom of flight for what he had the suspicion of being one of his last times.
Shippou walked by Kohaku, trying to get the quiet youth to talk. “Whatcha thinkin'?” the kit asked, alternating using his hands to scamper and skipping around the older boy. Standing up fully, Shippou was nearly half the size of Kohaku and still clumsy with his new body. Forgetting about his large, animalistic ears, he constantly hit them on the lower branches and passing bushes. Absently rubbing a sore ear, Shippou watched Kohaku's solemn face as he ignored Shippou once again. “You don't like me, do you?” Shippou asked, standing out in front of Kohaku and walking backwards.
Kohaku looked down at Shippou and frowned, “you're a demon, and you're younger than me. Why should I like you?” Inuyasha's ear flicked backward, catching their conversation in the making. Snorting, he readjusted Kagome on his back before continuing.
Puffing up, Shippou frowned back, “not all demons are like Naraku and his minions, Kohaku.” He couldn't help but give Kohaku his cutest expression, “I'm too cute to hurt anyone anyway!” giving his version of an animalistic growl, Kohaku walked past Shippou and virtually ignored the boy. Hurt, Shippou walked in the back of the group, watching the others. Inuyasha was whispering something to the sleeping Kagome, Miroku and Sango were holding hands. “What about Kilala, do you hate her for being a demon?”
Kagome turned her ear to hear the boy's conversation. Unknown to all but Inuyasha, Kagome had been awake for a while now. Holding her breath, she waited for the slayer to respond. “Kilala's different.” Kohaku commented, looking over his shoulder, refusing to stop walking. “Father said that the most untrustworthy demons had a human form.”
“Kohaku!” Sango turned toward her brother, but he ignored her also.
Biting his lip, Shippou slid into his fox form and trotted to catch up to Kohaku. “Would you trust me better if I was like this?” the boy looked at Shippou and looked away dismissively. “I wouldn't hurt anyone unless they deserve it, why don't you play with me?”
Kohaku growled and swiped his hand toward Shippou, “leave me alone kitsune, go trick some other stupid human to fall into your traps.” Startled, Shippou stopped walking and stared after Kohaku. Down the road, Inuyasha stopped and allowed Kagome to stand on her own feet. Murmuring something, Kagome patted Inuyasha on the shoulder and walked back to where Shippou sat, stunned. Sango, hearing the end part of the conversation also, grabbed Kohaku by the ear and dragged him off the road to sit underneath one of the trees for them to talk. Kneeling down to Shippou's level, Kagome rubbed behind his ear until he turned to look at her. His eyes watered and he jumped into her embrace, letting Kagome pet him and whisper what she hoped would be comforting words into his ear.
“I guess we're taking a break then, ne Inuyasha?” Miroku commented lightly, watching between the two children and women on opposite sides of the road. Stuffing his hands into the sleeves of his robes, Inuyasha nodded and jumped up into the tree that Kagome sat at the base of, comforting Shippou. Looking down the road, Inuyasha could see the far side of the forest that shared his namesake. Minutes later, Yusuke touched down heavily, wrapped his wings like a cloak, and looked around. Giving Kagome a questioning look, Yusuke silently asked what he missed. Touching Shippou's hair, Kagome gestured to the two boys and gave a helpless shrug.
Taking Kagome's chin in his hand, Yusuke looked into Kagome's eyes and frowned, “you haven't been able to get enough sunlight yet. Come fly with me.” Yusuke pulled Kagome up and made her transform with a small shock of power. Fluffing her wings slightly, Kagome looked up at the sky momentarily before looking over at Inuyasha. “The runt can ride Puu if he wants to come also. And,” Yusuke bent over to whisper to Kagome, “It might be a good idea to have some thinking time to himself and explore what he can do now.”
“I don't care, we're almost back to the village anyway.” Inuyasha commented, sensing eyes watching him. Inuyasha stared at Yusuke's eyes, daring him to allow Kagome get hurt while under his care. Nodding stiffly, Yusuke called Puu and the bird transformed.
“…apologize to Shippou when he comes back. He's a good kit, so be nice to him.” Sango held Kohaku in her arms and laid her chin on his shoulder.
“But he's a demon.”
“Demons still have feelings, little brother, just like humans. What if they just laughed at you for being a human?” Sango tried to reason with her brother.
“Then I'd kill them like I was taught to do.”
“What happened to the shy little brother that I had?” Kohaku shook his head and rubbed his shoulder. Kohaku looked up at his older sister and she saw right then what had truly happened, what he remembered, in the dull stare of his eyes. The pain of the deaths of his entire family, living a half-life amnesiac while under the malevolent eye of Naraku, once he was revived, he could remember all of the pain that he caused. Sango held her brother tighter, as if she was afraid that her brother would disappear once again like he did so long ago after the massacre. “Shippou isn't like that; he's not trying to trick you. He just wants to be friends with you and welcome you into the pack that Kagome-chan has formed us into. He just wants to welcome you into the family. Think of him like a little brother.” Sango laughed at Kohaku's dubious expression. “Give it time and try to forget about Naraku. You'll see that Shippou's not a bad child.”
Inuyasha turned his head from the skies and down to the humans on the ground. He watched Sango rock the human man-child, Kohaku his mind supplied, and whispered to him. Miroku sat a few feet away under another tree, alternating between watching the skies and Sango. With a small grunt, Inuyasha jumped from the tree he sat in and gestured down the road, “The village is on the other side of the forest; we'll make it back by nightfall.” Inuyasha turned and started walking away, silently gesturing for the others to follow.
After the initial launch into the air, Kagome hovered around Puu and Shippou, making sure that the kitsune wouldn't fall off. “Kag-chan, he's fine!” Yusuke called, looping around Puu to fly under Kagome. She watched the kitsune lean over Puu's neck, holding onto its mane of black fur that lined the back of its neck. An expression of delight crossed Shippou's face as he leaned over the other side of Puu's neck to watch the ground passing far below.
Yusuke knocked into Kagome, jolting her out of her panicked sentry over Shippou's health. “Yusuke you jerk!” she screamed and dove after him, skimming the treetops before shooting upward in chase. Yusuke sent a grin back in response and banked, pivoting on one wing to turn sharply and tugged on Kagome's wingtip as she attempted to turn to follow.
“C'mon slowpoke! Catch me if you can!” with that famous phrase from somewhere and nowhere at the same time, Yusuke sped off for Kagome to attempt to catch up. At the top of her arch, she stopped and hovered, looking around in wonder. Even riding on Kilala, she had never been able to actually look around Musashi's entire domain and stare in wonder at the greens and browns and blues of what she called home. Not even at the top of one of Inuyasha's leaps she could see so far around.
“It's so beautiful” she breathed, hovering in place the best she could while looking around. She could float on the air currants for all of eternity, watching the life below, and never grow tired. Suddenly Kagome started plummeting down to earth, her wings collapsed. She couldn't help but scream and struggle, her wings and arms pinned to her sides as she heard triumphant laugher in her ear. The thing that pinned her and was laughing snuggled her head for a moment before releasing its hold. Snapping her wings open, Kagome grunted as her muscles strained not to collapse her wings again. She finally managed to open her wings enough to glide twenty feet above the treetops, making her landing a bit rougher than usual when she managed to direct her fall into a clearing. Rolling a few times, she came to a stop looking up at the sky and an overly large bird circling in to land in the same clearing.
The bird was laughing. Oh, great, her attacker had a sense of humor at least. “You didn't land that badly!” a familiar voice chirped, it landed with a deep thump and walked over to where Kagome laid.
“Yusuke, if I didn't know that your girlfriend would kill me for it, I'd kill you for that,” Kagome deadpanned, sitting up and staring at her cousin. He continued to laugh, dismissing the threat and nearly doubling over in his efforts. From out of the blue, Yusuke coughed and winced, holding his stomach. Looking up, he saw Kagome coming down softly after her roundhouse kick to his gut. Her feathers fluffed out, catching the slight breeze that ruffled them. Smirking at each other, Yusuke gave a slight nod, signaling the beginning of his retaliation. They traded blows, neither seriously injuring the other with their physical attacks.
“Mama and Yusuke-oji are at it again.” Shippou muttered to Puu, slipping off the bird's shoulder to land on the ground underneath a tree circling the clearing. Puu trilled in agreement and transformed back to its smaller size, snuggling up to Shippou. Unnoticed by the fighting pair, Puu had landed on the edge of the clearing that the two angels had landed in, which also managed to be the same clearing that also held the Goshinboku and the Bone-eater's Well. Whether by design or by accident, the fighting pair was mere yards from falling into said well. Wincing at a particularly hard hit which made the duo closer to the well, Shippou nudged Puu and gave the beast a brief hug. “You might want to wait by the well; they look like… too late.” Yusuke and Kagome pitched headfirst into the well and Puu screeched and bolted to follow quickly after.
Looking mulishly at the well, Shippou sighed and jumped up onto the rim to stare into the depths that held only bones in the bottom. Mama had forgotten to say goodbye again. At least she'd get him extra pocky in apology when she got back!
Sorry for being so late, but summer is always a hard time for me to update. I have to thank my reviewers that remember me even when I forget their names… in particular, I have a pair of sisters that PM'ed me: thank you for reminding me that I really needed to update, you know who you are!