InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blazing Hearts ❯ In Her Hands Now ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blazing Hearts
Disclaimer: Alas, I do not own Inuyasha or company; I merely toy with them for my own twisted amusement.
In Her Hands Now
“The point is that your happiness and his are in your hands!”
“He loves you.”
“It's up to you, Kagome.”
“You are an idiot, Kagome!”
“Don't lose it, Kagome… he's not like them.”
Kagome tossed and turned in bed. Rin's voice was ringing in her head. She groaned as she stared at the ceiling. Could she be right? Was she right? Was Kagome being an idiot?
She didn't know anymore. Her head was screaming, “Don't be stupid! Forget them!” while her heart was begging her not to let him go. Could Inuyasha be the one? Could she trust him? Kagome knew she loved him and Rin said that he loved her… was it true?
“How could you think Inuyasha would be happy with anyone when it's so damn obvious he's already hung up on you?”
It made sense, she supposed. At the time she just figured that maybe Inuyasha was just being a challenge, kind of like Miroku minus the lecherousness. Maybe they could be happy together?
But what if Rin was wrong? What if Kagome said something and wound up looking like a complete fool? She couldn't do it, could she? Could she risk it? What should she do? The questions gnawed at her tired mind. She hadn't the answers to them. It was all up to her. It was all in her hands and she didn't know what to do.
A voice of logic inside her head told her to get some sleep and think about it in the morning. Kagome decided to listen to that one.
Inuyasha rubbed his head as he took a deep drag on his cigarette. He stared at the black sky. Sleep wouldn't come easily to him tonight. Abi was another waste. He doubted she was any more interested in him than he was in her. And Naraku… he didn't know what that man was up to… no, he did know. And that was what he didn't like.
All logic told him to forget Kagome. It told him to just let her do her job and be done with it. And Inuyasha agreed with it. But it was easier said than done. He would convince himself to leave her be, but whenever he was around her… something inside of him just wouldn't let him.
Especially when he saw her with Naraku.
He needed to strengthen his resolve, he needed to… he wasn't sure what he needed to do. He wasn't sure that leaving Kagome alone was the answer. Maybe he didn't have to leave her. Maybe he could keep her with him. That's definitely what he wanted to do. Was it so bad?
He sighed. Yes, it was. Everything would get ruined in the end and Kagome would end up hating him. But he knew that if he stayed around her, there was nothing to keep him from trying and he knew that he would try because he was stubborn and didn't even listen to himself.
That was it. He knew what he had to do. He had to end his trips to Blazing Hearts. He couldn't keep going there even if he fired Kagome and hired one of the others… he'd still be around her. What he needed was a clean break. If he didn't see her then he wouldn't try anything.
With that new plan in his mind, he put out his cigarette and headed off to bed.
“You're quitting?” Miroku asked; his eyes wide. He couldn't believe it, not even he quitted after all of his failures. “You can't do that!” Imagine Miroku's surprise when he went to the garage where Inuyasha worked and saw his friend so distressed. Over what, he had yet to learn.
“I can and I am,” his friend answered stubbornly.
“I don't want to talk about it,” he snapped.
At least he knew there was something to talk about. “I thought you and Kagome were getting along now.”
“That's the problem!” he yelled.
Miroku blinked. “Forgive me, but I'm at a loss. That's bad?”
“It's bad when-“ he cut himself off. “Forget it!” he muttered heatedly as he slid underneath the red corvette he was working on.
“I don't understand, Sango and I thought you were making progress. You seemed to enjoy being with-“ he stopped. “I see.”
Inuyasha slid back out from under the car to stare intently at him. “What?”
“You have feelings for our little matchmaker, don't you, Inuyasha?” he asked, teasingly.
Apparently, Inuyasha wasn't in the mood for it as he slid right back underneath without a word. Miroku's eyes widened, he hadn't truly expected that to be the truth. True, he had his suspicions, but he never thought much of the possibility… especially considering Kagome's relation to Kikyo. “Did you tell her?” he asked.
“No,” was his muffled reply.
“Why not?” Certainly if he had feelings, he should voice them and Miroku could think of worse pairings than the matchmaker. After all, she seemed that she could use some happiness too.
“It's complicated and I'm busy.”
Miroku sighed; he wasn't getting anything more out of his friend right now.
“He's not coming back?” Kagome asked in shock.
Kagura nodded her head, “He called before you came in. He didn't say why.”
Her brows furrowed and she turned to Rin, who was standing right next to her. Rin gave her a look that stated, “I was right, now look what happened.” Kagome could practically hear her voice.
Kagome sat at her desk and laid her head on her desk and groaned.
“So they haven't talked yet?” she heard Momiji ask.
“No,” Rin answered.
Kagome raised her head to look at everyone, “What are you talking about?”
“You and Inuyasha,” Botan answered her.
She blinked, “You all know??” Kagome couldn't believe it. She thought she'd be better at hiding things by now. Apparently the only one she could deceive was Inuyasha himself.
“Sadly, yes,” Kagura stated. “I'd thought that maybe you'd finally learn and forget these idiots, but it's your life and I can't make you what you aren't,” she shook her head in despair.
“Not for lack of trying,” Momiji laughed.
“At least she finally gets it, though,” Botan giggled.
“I'm so happy you all find entertainment in my life,” Kagome grumbled.
“Well, when nothing's on TV…” Rin trailed off, smirking.
“We have to tune in to the soap opera that is your life,” Momiji finished for her.
Kagome rolled her eyes; her life was a soap opera, wasn't it? Well that was just great, she hated soap operas… “Wonderful.”
Kagura rolled her eyes and sat on Kagome's desk. “I love you to death and the thought of you with a man repulses me in the worst way, I hate seeing you unhappy,” she cupped Kagome's cheek, raising her head to meet her own crimson eyes. “If that hanyou makes you happy, or you think he might, then you should go for it. He's a better choice than Naraku at least.”
“Damn straight,” Momiji spoke up.
Botan nodded her head and Rin merely stated, “I've already said my peace.”
“But do you think he feels the same about me?”
Yes!” shouted the women in unison.
Kagome laughed, suddenly she was feeling better. “Should I go see him?”
“I don't even know why you're still here!” Rin shouted.
Kagome took in a deep breath. She had gone to his house, he wasn't there. She went to the park he liked, he wasn't there. She went to coffee shops and smoke shops, still she couldn't find him. She was forced to call Sango, he was at work.
She stood in front of the garage, biting her bottom lip. Worry chewed at her mind. Was she doing the right thing? Would she look like a fool? What would happen? Would it be for the best? She didn't know.
She knew she loved him. She knew her son liked him. She knew that he, might, feel the same about her… or he at least felt something for her. Most importantly, she knew that it was up to her…
And she knew that if she did nothing now, nothing would ever happen.
She straightened her posture and walked in with her chin up and determination in her eyes. She wasn't going to play the broken victim of love anymore. The cards were in her hands this time and she couldn't wait to play them, she couldn't afford to.
“Can I help you, Miss?” asked a short balding man.
“Yes, I'm looking for Inuyasha Takahashi. He works here, right?”
The old man nodded, “Yes, but he doesn't normally have pretty ladies visit him.”
“Could you call him or take me to him?”
“Of course, follow me.”
He turned around and walked through another door to the back. Miroku was standing above near a red corvette and Kagome's tenacity faltered. She was hoping he'd be alone for this, or at least with someone she didn't know… her brows furrowed as she looked around, where was Inuyasha anyway?
“Kagome?” Miroku looked at her.
She heard an “Ow!” from under the corvette. Inuyasha slid out from underneath, rubbing his head. He must have hit it when he heard her name.
“This woman was looking for you,” said the old man.
Inuyasha nodded, “Thanks, Totosai,” he said. When Totosai took his leave, Inuyasha looked at her. He was covered in grease and dirt and Kagome never saw him look better. “What do you want?”
Kagome flinched at his tone, “You… you quit coming and I…” Could she really do this? She looked at Miroku, “Could you leave?”
“He doesn't need to leave,” he barked at her.
“It's all right-“ Miroku started.
“No, Miroku, stay.” Kagome interrupted, anger filling her voice. She glared at Inuyasha, “What is wrong with you?”
“What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? What are you doing here? Do you usually go bother old clients at work??” he yelled.
Kagome couldn't understand why he was so angry. “I just came to see why you left!”
“It's none of your business!”
“Obviously it is if I'm not doing my job right!”
“It's not about that!”
“Then what is it about??”
“You know I think you both need to-“ Miroku began.
“Shut up!” they screamed in unison.
Inuyasha turned back to Kagome, “You didn't do anything wrong! It's me!”
“And I love you!”
Nothing more was said as Inuyasha and Miroku's eyes widened. Kagome bit her lip again. Maybe she came on too strong…
“I know that you have feelings for me too and I know that you left because of that. Because you wouldn't try anything with me because of what Eri and Rin told you. But… we built a relationship and… I'd like to see where it goes,” she told him.
Inuyasha stared at her, “Kagome, I don't think-“ he was cut off as she leaped towards him, capturing his lips with hers in a chaste kiss.
“Everyone's been telling me that it's my call. But now you know how I feel and you have to decide. Do you want to be with me?”
Inuyasha stared at her, “Miroku?”
“Go home.”
“But it's finally-“
Go home,” he repeated, not taking his eyes off her.
Miroku shut his mouth, deciding not to argue and left; leaving Inuyasha and Kagome alone.
“All right, Kagome. It's my call now?” he asked, his voice low and predatory; sending a chill down her spine. She nodded. “All right then,” he pulled her closer by her waist. He placed his hands on her face, lifting her face to his. He placed his lips over hers and kissed her passionately.
That's that. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is far from the end though. Please review.