InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boo-a-peek ❯ Boo-a-peek ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By Majicman55
Okay, okay. I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
It hadn't been a hard day, yet it had been difficult.
They had not recovered any jewel shards, nor had they picked up any new shard rumors, nor had they fought any youkai. Well, except for Miroku…and he had fought a very small youkai (one that Kagome described as being like a “skunk,” whatever that was).
Anyway, as luck would have it, as the monk sucked the creature up in his Kazaana, it had sprayed him with some sort of noxious perfume that, hours later, retained its potency…causing everyone to give him a wide berth. The monk had been relegated to walking well behind the rest of the group.
This was doubly annoying to Miroku as he could no longer sneak up on his Sango's sweet posterior. She, of course, “detected” him immediately and wouldn't allow him anywhere near her. Of course this also meant that there would be no “targets of opportunity.”
All in all, Miroku was in pretty bad shape. His eye had developed a twitch and every time Sango looked in his direction his hand seemed to be clenching and unclenching of its own free will.
The demon slayer pulled Kagome aside, whispering “I'd almost rather have him grabbing my butt than put up with this.”
As Kagome nodded her accord, she realized the sentiment she was agreeing with and gave her friend a strange look.
Before Kagome could say anything, InuYasha called out, “Oi! We're stoppin' here for the night.” The hanyou noticed Miroku catching up to the rest of them. “Not you, bouzou!” InuYasha gestured towards a small stand of trees. “You keep going. Past those trees is a hot spring where you're gonna take a bath.” The h hanyou wrinkled his nose. “Make that several baths.”
“Are you saying I…stink, InuYasha?” the monk called out.
“Just take a bath!” both girls yelled in unison.
“The sooner you're done,” said Sango.
“The sooner we get one,” finished Kagome.
“And, yeah, you do stink,” concluded InuYasha.
Miroku sighed and continued on to the hot spring, disappearing into the treeline.
InuYasha had just finished placing rocks in a circle to create a firepit when a thought struck him. “Oi, Kagome.”
“Yes, InuYasha?” The young miko was getting things out of her pack to make supper.
“You got anything in there to make the bouzou smell better?”
Kagome giggled. “Anything I have would make him smell like a girl.”
Sango put down the firewood she had been gathering. “At least it would be better than he smells now.”
“Okay, okay. He can have it…but don't be surprised if I need to go home sooner to get more.”
InuYasha grumbled and then sighed. “Feh. I'll make an exception this one time.”
Kagome tossed the hanyou a couple of plastic bottles. “Here ya go.”
“Oh, no. I'm not takin' `em.” The hanyou tapped his nose. “I can't get close to him.”
“Well, I'm not doing it.”
InuYasha tossed the bottles to Sango. “You do it.”
“Me?” Sango was developing a prize-winning blush. The taijiya was seriously regretting her insistence that Shippo stay with Kaede after the kitsune had been hurt on their last trip. She turned to her other hope. “Kirara?” Where was that neko youkai when you needed her?
“Okay. I'll go.”
Miroku reached the hot spring, took a quick look around to make sure no one was watching, and quickly disrobed.
He knew he did stink. The advantage he had over the others (if you could call it that) was that his constant exposure to the smell had at least somewhat inured him to it.
“First things first,” he thought as he stripped down to his fundoshi.
He cleared out the many inner pockets of his robe and, out of one of them, retrieved a pouch containing the soap he used to clean his garment. He moved down to the end of the end of the hot spring, where the water ran out as a small rivulet, took some soap and began scrubbing away.
After three scrubbings and rinsings, Miroku decided that the robe probably smelled better than he did and also came to the conclusion that he wouldn't be able to tell if its smell was acceptable until he, himself, didn't “stink” anymore.
Miroku first squeezed as much water as he could out of his robe, then shook it out a few times, and - finally - laid it over a rock in what was left of the day's sun.
All this accomplished, he loosened his fundoshi and removed the undergarment. He almost laid it on the rock to simply air out, but then thought it a good idea to wash everything as long as he was washing the robe. The monk knelt by the outlet, again, and began rigorously washing the undergarment. He even began to sing a little tune Master Mushin had taught him that helped pass the time while doing his chores.
Sango knew she was approaching Miroku and the hot spring when she heard splashing and singing. “He must be in the water,” she thought. “Good. That will make this easier.”
Although the taijiya was making no effort to conceal her presense, the monk - due to all the splashing and his own singing - did not hear her approach. And so it was that when Sango stepped out of the treeline, she was faced with a very naked monk who had no idea she was there.
Sango froze.
Sango blushed.
For one second, she almost yelled “Hentai!” - except, she realized, she would have been the hentai. And the longer she stood there, looking, the more of a hentai she was turning into.
She really didn't know what to do…until she noticed that Miroku had started wringing out the undergarment and would probably see her when he turned around to go put it out beside his already-drying robe.
So she hid.
And Miroku did not see her.
But she could see him. Boy, could she see him.
Sango's eyes got big. She had seen men naked before, but only by accident and for an instant. And while she knew she was developing feelings for Miroku (which Kagome teased her about relentlessly), she wasn't sure she was ready to see him quite this way.
Fortunately, the monk turned around and waded into the hot spring. The taijiya almost breathed a sigh of relief, but stopped herself when she considered the monk might hear her. She remained perfectly still as Miroku reached the other side and found a convenient rock to sit on…to her mortification, turning around and “flashing” her just before sitting down.
The end result was that the monk was relaxing in the hot spring while the taijiya was anything but relaxed in the little stand of trees on the other side.
“Maybe he'll close his eyes,” she thought. “Then I can sneak out of here.”
And the monk did close his eyes...and the taijiya relaxed a little, thinking that soon she'd make her escape. But as she quietly turned around, she heard something that made her look back.
She shouldn't have turned back. She knew she shouldn't have turned back, but he had said it with such need that she couldn't resist looking back.
She should have. Resisted, that is.
Now she was frozen as she watched the part of Miroku's arm above water clearly indicating what the lower part of his arm, and hand, were doing below the surface.
If possible, Sango turned redder. Yet she couldn't leave. All she could do was move back into her original, hidden position and hope the monk didn't see her.
Sango prayed to any kami who would listen that she would find the strength and opportunity to leave before she was discovered. She watched the monk closely for her opportunity. If only he would stop that…activity…and fall asleep!
But Miroku mumbled something like “enough soaking…gotta wash” - and stood up!
Sango did gasp this time, although Miroku didn't seem to hear her.
The monk was no longer half erect, as he had been before, but now his member looked as long as his shakujou. Sango blushed again as she realized that she had been wondering what it would be like to be impaled by the monk's “staff.”
Miroku began lathering up with his own soap, which had been in another pouch within one of the inner pockets of his robe. After a minute, he closed his eyes again, which made Sango wonder what, exactly, he was doing…
…until she heard the monk softly uttering “Sango…oh, my sweet Sango” as he began to…stroke…his erection.
Sango was too mesmerized to run.
“How I've longed to make love with you, my Sango! To hold you, to join with you…”
Sango found herself strangely…excited…by Miroku's actions.
“…to feel your legs wrapped around me, pulling me into you, until I make you the mother of my…uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”
Sango watched wide-eyed as thick streams of the monk's seed shot out several feet before landing in the water. Finally the monk was through and he settled back down on his underwater rock seat to rinse off and relax. “Ah, my dear Sango,” he murmured. “Hopefully it will last longer when we do it for real, but I could not risk being discovered.” Miroku's head lolled back and forth. “You have taken so much out of me, Sango. I must rest.”
A mortified, yet (strangely, to her) excited Sango waited until snoring could be heard from the hot spring and took that as the cue to make her getaway.
Sango paused for a few moments to collect herself before walking back into camp. She strode in as if nothing had happened, noting that Kirara had chosen to return in her absence.
“Oi! Did the bouzou use any of Kagome's stuff?”
“Yes. Did he?” asked Kagome, who was now cooking a couple of rabbits InuYasha had caught and cleaned for her.
“Getting as close to the truth as possible is the best way to lie,” thought the demon slayer. “When I got there, he had finished washing his clothes and had just gotten into the water. I decided not to embarrass him by walking in on him, then.”
“Why not?” asked InuYasha. “He always spies on you!”
“I…I wouldn't do that.”
InuYasha didn't notice, but Kagome did. A barely noticeable blush had appeared and disappeared quickly from Sango's face.
Later that evening, after supper with a much-better-smelling monk joining the group again (Kirara even lay beside him), Kagome finally found an opportunity to ask Sango what had really happened at the hot spring.
“I saw that blush when you came back, even if InuYasha didn't.” demanded the young miko. “Now, spill!”
Sango smiled sheepishly. “Interesting choice of words.”
“What did you see?”
“I can't tell you.” Kagome moved to protest, but Sango put her hand on Kagome's shoulder to keep her seated. “Please don't make me tell you now. Maybe someday.”
Kagome sighed and sat back down. You can't tell me anything?”
“One thing.”
Sango winced, but continued, “From now on…you and I…always bathe first.”
A/N: In case you're wondering, I called it “Boo-a-peek,” because, for once, Sango peeks at Miroku. Sort of a turnaround.
Okay, I'm over-explaining.