InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Dreams ❯ Chapter - 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and if I did I would not be writing this story. I would be working on a squel to the first InuYasha.Okay people I'm not good at writing stories so bear with me. Oh and my hand writing sucks. If you don't like my story then don't read it.( I think that was a little harsh) If you like my story then R&R. You can flame if you want I don't care. Well on with the story.

Kagome In The Mirai

Chapter 1 - Capsule

" We need a testing subject to see if the project is going to work." said a man in a white coat.

" Well what are the qualification for the person we need?" asked another man

" Female, 5'5", young, and healthily. Do you think we can find some one?" asked the man for earlier.

" I know of a young girl who is my student that I hate that would be an exlyen subject for the test." said a man in the corner of the room.

" Who is she?"

" Higurashi Kagome, about 5'5", is 18 years old, and is the most athletic student in her class."

" I don't agree to this. You are putting a young healthily women into danger." said yet another men.

" We don't care what you think, but thank you for building the Freeze Capsule anyway." 'BANG' the man fell over dead.(well isn't that nice he's dead)

" Well now that we have thing settled lets get this girl and test the Freeze Capsule." said the man from the benign.

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Kagome woke up like every other day getting ready for school. She had been going to school lately because the jewel hunt was over. They had beaten Naraku and completed the jewel. Kagome had diced that she would finish up school and then go live with her mate, InuYasha. After the battle with Naraku InuYasha asked Kagome to be his mate and she said yes, but they couldn't live with each other until Kagome was out of school. So Kagome when back to her time.

" Mom I'm gone, see you this evening." said Kagome leaving for school.

" Bye honey."

<0> On the way to school <0>

Kagome was just walking along a usual when out of nowhere to men in black appeared in front of her.

" Wh.. Who are you guys?" she asked backing away.

" We are sorry we have to do this, but Kagome Higurashi you are coming with us."

" Oh no I'm not" she said turning around and running the other way, but before she knew it two other men were in front of her again. They garbed her and throw her into the back of a van that just so happen to appear.( I suck at writing can't you tell)

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<><> At the Lab <><>

" Did you get her?" asked Dr.Yumaki(I can't think)(hum that sounds familiar)

" Yes Sir we did." said a henchman of his

" Good, bring her to me."

" Yes Sir" said the (evil, evil . . . Mawahahaha) henchman

<><>(dun dun dun . . .) The Room<><>

Kagome woke to a throbbing pain in her head ( called a headache). Kagome looked around the room examing it.

" Were the hell I'm I?" she asked. There was no response.

About 30 mintues of boredom the henchman walked into the room. Kagome looked up and saw (the most uglyest man in the world) a young man of about the age of 20 or so. He was not that bad looking either.(hehe)

" You are to come with me." he damaned

" Why should I go with you?" she asked

" Because the Doctor want to see you."

" Who's the Doctor?"

" Don't ask question."

30 mintues later. In the lab.

" I see you have bougth the girl safely." said the Doctor

" Yes Sir." The henchmen

" Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" she said a little to loud.

" Oh, I'm sorry Ms. Higurashi that we didn't tell you that you are going to be a sudject for our project." said the Doctor in a weriod tone of voice.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" said Kagome with the look I'm going to kill you.

" You are going to be frozen in time." said the doctor(that I hate)

" You do not have my permission to do this." she said tring to take things comly.

" Who said that we need permission?" he said grabing her arm and pulling her closer to the capsule.

" What are you going to put me in the thing now?" she said as he throw her in the capsule.

" Yes. Good night." Was the last words that Kagome heard before she was a sleep. (Sorry about this I know you want to read the story. I'm a bad student. I haven't even done my home wrok yet and it's what 8:30 p.m. I'm normally in bed right now. I'm staying up to write this story.)

~~~~~Two Years Later~~~~~

" Dr. Yumaki how is the exspriment going?" asked a highly known person.

" Well it's doing just fine. There is no signs of toruble around and the girl seem to be doing very well." said Dr.Yumaki seting his cup of tea down on his desk.

" Do you know why I was sent here?" asked the other person.

" Yes you are here to warn me that the government has found out abot my little porject and is coming to destory it."

" So you do know what is going on. So what are you going to do?" he asked wanting for the next answer.

" I'm going to leave the porject were it is at and let the govrnment blow it up."

" But why? You have worked so hard on it."

" Because the world is in a war and they will think I'm working for another country." said Dr.Yumaki puting up the cup of tea and drinking from it.

A/N: I know this is bad, but like I said this was one of my first FF. Soon I'll be posting a original story. Oh Justine what is your penname on this site. Ja ne.