InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Buffy the Youkai Slayer ❯ Dating Your Watcher is Probably Against the Rules ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

28. Dating Your Watcher is Probably Against the Rules

Higurashi Shrine, Tokyo, the present day

With Sango and--surprisingly--Faith helping chop vegetables and make marinade, dinner preparations were going well in the Higurashi household.

The delicious smell of garlic and ginger sauteeing in hot oil followed Buffy out of the kitchen as she carried a platter of boneless chicken, neatly chopped and threaded onto long bamboo skewers along with onions, out to the front yard, where Grandpa and Miroku were tending the hibachi.

The injured combatants, Kouga and Kagome, were both napping, Kagome in her bedroom and Kouga stretched out on the couch in the living room.

As Buffy made her way to the front of the house, Inuyasha's voice, pitched low, caught her attention. " fault...Kagome got hurt..."

A flash of red robes, and she stopped. One of the sliding doors lining the main hallways was open a couple of inches. Peeking in, she saw what must be Souta's bedroom--unless Grandpa Higurashi has a thing for giant-robot posters...?

Inuyasha stood in front of Mrs. Higurashi, hands tucked into the wide sleeves of his freshly-laundered kimono-thingy.

Inuyasha's bowing to Kagome's Mom?

Yep. Definitely bowing. Talk about the last thing she ever expected to see! Buffy hovered at the doorway, trying to figure out what was going on.

Inuyasha's long silver hair curtained his face, hiding his expression.

Mrs. Higurashi sighed. "I don't blame you. My father told me what came out of the well." She shuddered.

"Yeah. But I should have--" Inuyasha began to mutter.

"Please, don't be so hard on yourself. I know you did your best." She reached out and ran her fingers lightly over one of his ears. It twitched under her touch. "I trust you, Inuyasha. But, tell me, please. Do you think you can win against that--that thing? Kagome told me it's gathered most of the shards of the Shikon no Tama."

His head was still bowed. "I'll keep her safe. I'll bring her home. I'll always bring her home to you." His voice sounded rougher than usual.

And Buffy noticed he hadn't really answered Mrs. Higurashi's question. Which told her all she needed to know.

Damn. They're good people, all of them. Even the demons.

Suddenly ashamed of her eavesdropping, Buffy tiptoed away, leaving them to finish their conversation in private.

* * *

"...and when you didn't return within three days, I became worried about the seals on the well holding out against another wave of youkai," Koji was saying, between neat bites of grilled chicken and onions from his chopsticks. "Given the evidence of the previous attacks, I was able to convince the Watcher's Council to authorized emergency airfare for another Slayer to protect Tokyo..."

But as he talked, Buffy noticed that his gaze kept sliding over to Kouga, who was seated at the other end of the table, next to Mrs. Higurashi...and safely away from Inuyasha.

Koji gave a small, embarrassed chuckle as he realized he'd been caught peeking. "Is he really a full-blooded youkai?" Buffy heard the same wistful tone she'd heard in Giles's voice many a time. "There are so many things I'd like to ask him...not many native Japanese youkai left in this day and age..."

Faith, sitting on Koji's other side, caught Buffy's gaze, and rolled her eyes expressively. Watchers!

Buffy found herself agreeing. Koji was sort of cute--no, make that extremely cute, with his dimple and spiky, highlighted hair---but he was definitely geeky, like every other Watcher she'd ever met.

Sitting across the table from them, Kagome frowned. "Grandpa, you really should have mentioned that Minamide-sensei and Faith-san were here, too, when I phoned you from the train station. I was worried sick about you, here all alone!"

Grandpa muttered something unintelligible into his rice.

Koji grinned, and the dimple reappeared in his cheek. "It would have been remiss of me to allow giant bugs to invade your neighborhood, Kagome-chan."

Mrs. Higurashi had found another table in one of the shrine's outbuildings, and the guys had carried it into the house. It was a tight fit in the kitchen/dining room area, but everyone had a place to sit, even if the chairs were mismatched.

Shippou, the little mooch, had made himself at home on Mrs. Higurashi's lap, where he was shamelessly sucking up to her and sharing her plate of food.

At Buffy's end of the table, Miroku and Grandpa Higurashi were busy discussing the history of the shrine, and Inuyasha was gobbling down his food in his usual manner, as if he was afraid that someone might take it from him if he didn't eat quickly enough.

Ten days ago, Buffy had been appalled by his table manners. Now that she knew a little more about him, and could guess what his boyhood must have been like, she wondered how close he had come to starving before he grew big enough--and strong enough--to feed himself.

At least he was using his chopsticks...but only because Kouga was using his. Speaking of which, Kouga also looked as if he were sucking up mightily to Kagome's Mom.

But Buffy didn't think Inuyasha had to worry about being replaced in the Higurashi family's affection--she noticed that Mrs. H. had given the hanyou an extra dish of his favorite bright yellow pickles.

"So, what are you going to do now, Sango?" asked Buffy. The other Slayer had been sitting silently amidst the hubbub of the other conversations around the table. "Are you and the others going to do a bit of sightseeing around Tokyo before going back to your time? I could probably extend my stay a little and play tourist with you guys..."

Sango shook her head. "We have to return as soon as possible, Buffy-chan. You got your Portal Key back, but Naraku still has the shards. We must find him before he regenerates his strength."

Inuyasha's ears had twitched at the mention of Naraku. "We'll leave right after dinner," he announced, around a mouthful of food. "Kagome, are you pack--"

"No," said Mrs. Higurashi, calmly, but something in her tone brought all the conversations at the table to a halt. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha," she said into the resulting silence. "But my daughter isn't going anywhere until she's feeling better."

"I'm fine, Mama," Kagome said. But she didn't look fine. She looked exhausted, even after her nap, and there were dark shadows under her eyes.

Inuyasha put his elbows on the table, his brows drawn and mouth set in a stubborn expression. Mrs. Higurashi met his gaze, and everyone at the table--Buffy included--held their collective breaths.

Then, to Buffy's surprise, Inuyasha looked away first.

"Forgot humans heal so slow," he muttered. "Fine. She can stay until her ribs heal."

"Thank you." Mrs. Higurashi smiled at him. "More pickles?"

"They're a funny color," said Shippou. "I saw them at the food-merchant's today. They even had red and green pickled daikon!"

Mrs. Higurashi turned her smile on the little kitsune. "Shippou-chan, I forgot to thank you for helping Faith-san, Buffy-san, and Sango-san purchase the ingredients for this fine dinner."

"The shop was great! I even," he said, in a too-casual tone, with a sideways glance at Faith. "Bought Inuyasha a present!"

Uh-oh, thought Buffy, as Faith smirked. Please tell me she didn't actually...

But Shippou didn't produce the expected bag of doggie treats.

Instead, it was even worse. He reached into his vest, brought out a small package wrapped in tissue paper, and tossed it over to Inuyasha.

The hanyou caught it with a suspicious glare, and tore off the paper with a single swipe of his claws.

It was a vinyl bone chew-toy.

Inuyasha looked down at it blankly for a second, then Buffy heard the growl start in his chest. He vaulted over the table with a clatter of dishes as Shippou shrieked and ran.

"I am not a fucking dog, dammit!" The hanyou took off in pursuit, his bare feet drumming on the wooden floor.

"What did he say?" Faith asked, looking just a little too innocent. "What's going on?"

With a sigh, Buffy translated. As Faith began laughing her ass off--as expected, thought Buffy, sourly--she noticed that Kagome was glowering in the direction of the doorway Inuyasha had disappeared through.

Faith saw it, too. "Oh, man, I think the dog-boy is going to catch hell later!" she said, between giggles. "Did you see him jump over the table? He looked just like one of those kung-fu movie guys!"

Miroku calmly helped himself to more rice and vegetables. "The crisis must indeed be at an end, " he observed. "If Shippou-chan and Inuyasha have stopped being on their best behavior. I was quite concerned, for a while."

"Hai, hai," murmured Mrs. Higurashi, Granpa, Sango, and Souta in chorus. Taking Miroku's cue, they resumed their meals with unnaturally serene expressions.

After a moment, Kouga picked up his chopsticks again. "Kagome," he said. "How can you stand that rude, immature guy? You would be better off as my woman."

"Maybe I would," Kagome said, biting off each word.

Buffy could practically see storm clouds gathering over her head as the sound of Inuyasha's swearing, Shippou's shrieks, and pounding footsteps resounded through the house.

Something crashed to the floor upstairs with a breaking sound.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome, looking nearly as murderous as she did when blasting Naraku, pushed her chair back from the table.

Kouga almost fell over himself rushing to help her up. Then he caught sight of her expression, and backed away. Kagome braced her hands against the table, slowly got to her feet, and, very deliberately, walked to the door of the kitchen.

She waited, as the sounds of pounding feet went back and forth upstairs. Finally, Buffy heard them start back down the stairs.

Kagome put her hands on her hips.

"Inuyasha," she said, very quietly.



An indignant yell, one last crash, and the sounds of pursuit ceased.

"What happened?" Faith asked.

"Long story," snapped Buffy, not wanting to give the other Slayer any additional ammunition.

"Shippou-chan," Kagome said, in same dangerously quiet tone.

"K-kagome?" The little kitsune's voice quavered as he edged cautiously in the kitchen.

"That was unkind, Shippou-chan."

Shippou drooped visibly. "It was just a joke, Kagome! Inuyasha has no sense of humor!"

"Apologize to him, please." Kagome returned to her seat. After a cautiously assessing glance, Kouga solicitiously took her elbow and helped her down.

There was still no sound from Inuyasha, who was presumably pinned face-down on the tatami until the subduing spell wore off.

"How come I always have to apologize?" wailed Shippou. "Inuyasha never apologizes to anyone!"

Mrs. Higurashi surprised them all by saying, "That's not quite true."

Kagome gave her mother a swift glance with raised eyebrows, then looked down at the little kitsune. "Please, Shippou-chan. I know your mother and father raised you right."

Oh, she's good, thought Buffy. Only fifteen, and she already knows how to guilt-trip like a Mom!

Shippou pouted a few seconds longer, then he ran over to put his head in Kagome's lap. "Okay," he agreed. "But only because you asked me to."

"Sango," asked Buffy. "Did Shippou steal that dog-toy from the store?"

Sango, who looked suspiciously pink from suppressed laughter, shook her head. "Faith-san bought it for him."

"You bought it?" Buffy asked Faith, in English. "Faith!"

Faith was still giggling. "Ohmigod. That was the funniest thing I've ever--did you see his face?" At Buffy's glare, she took a deep lungful of air, and tried to control herself. "Okay, okay. I'll apologize later. I promise."

Buffy frowned at that, remembering Faith's favorite way of dealing with the aftermath of battles. She asked, tartly, "So, how are things with you and Principal Hottie? You guys still an item?"

"Sort of," answered Faith. She leaned back in her chair, and stretched. "I mean, Giles drafted him into the new Watcher organization, along with that creepy little twerp Andrew, so we, uh, still see a lot of each other."

She gave a slow, salacious smile that left absolutely no doubt in Buffy's mind as to what seeing Robin actually involved.

For a moment, Buffy considered telling Faith to keep her paws off Inuyasha, then figured that the dog-boy was old enough...and strong take care of himself.

* * *

"Where's Inuyasha?" Shippou asked, a couple of hours later.

The group--minus Kagome, who had made her goodbyes back at the house--stood gathered around the Bone-eater's Well, waiting for Buffy and Koji to open the portal to the Sengoku-jidai.

"Never mind about him," Kouga said, with a shrug. "Dog-turd can catch up with us later."

But Inuyasha had been right behind them as they walked down from house. Speaking of which, thought Buffy, looking around. Where's Faith?

Not that the other Slayer had any vested interest in saying goodbye to the gang, but still, her absence, combined with Inuyasha's, made Buffy a little uneasy.

She pushed the thought out of her mind, and turned her attention back to the group of humans and demons who had become her friends in the short time they'd traveled together.

"I'm going to miss you all," Buffy said, and gave Sango a hug.

The taijya stiffened momentarily in surprise, then returned the hug. "Come and visit us again, please, Buffy-chan. We could use your help in fighting Naraku."

"I'll think about it." Buffy smiled. "And don't let Miroku get fresh with you, even if he is your Watcher now. Are you sure you're okay with that?"

Koji and the monk had come to an agreement at some point over dinner, and Sango hadn't protested. But then again, she was so damned polite, it was hard to tell what she was thinking.

Sango shrugged. "Houshi-sama is a learned man. It makes sense for him to take responsibility for being my youkai-scholar. Even if he is a lecher." Her tone was casual, but she blushed a little as she said this.

"Yeah, well, you have any problems, just tell Kagome, and Koji will straighten him out," Buffy said, with a wry grin.

"I take my responsibilities very seriously," Miroku interjected, in a hurt tone. "And I would never take advantage of Sango-san...unless she wanted me to."

Buffy noticed that his gaze was fastened to Sango's chest, where Hiraikotsu's carrying strap cut across her breasts and pulled the neckline of her kimono down a bit.

She sighed silently, and extended her hand to Miroku. "It's been a pleasure, Miroku-sama."

His eyes lit up, and an instant later, Buffy found herself crushed to his chest. "This is how friends part in Kari-funya, is it not?" he murmured.

She laughed, and hugged him back. "Yeah."

Then she felt his evil hand cup one of her butt-cheeks, and pushed him away, hard enough to make him stagger. "Except for that part. Jeez, don't you ever stop trying?"

"Not while I'm still alive," he said, but Buffy caught the underlying sadness in his tone.

"Great. You're gonna grow up to be one of those dirty old men on the park benches."

He smiled, curling his evil hand into a fist. "If Buddha wills it...and we defeat Naraku in time."

"If anyone can do it, it's you guys, houshi-sama," Buffy said. "And try to keep your hands off Sango. I think it's probably against the rules for Slayers to date their Watchers."

"Now you tell me!" But he was chuckling as he stepped back.

"My turn!" Shippou leapt in her arms.

She kissed his cheek, and got one of his cute little fanged smiles in return. "Please, please come visit us, Buffy! And bring me some candy when you do!"

That left only the wolf-prince. "Kouga-kun, I'm glad I had the chance to meet you," she said. "Thank you for helping me." She extended her hand.

"Anything for one of Kagome's friends," he said, his fingers closing around hers.

On impulse, Buffy hugged him too, his armor pressing against her chest. She stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. Startled, he turned his face at exactly the wrong--or right--moment, depending on how you looked at it. Her mouth met his, squarely.

He gave a muffled yelp against her lips, and she felt him jump, as if he'd just received an electric shock instead of a kiss.

She pulled away. "Um, sorry?"

God, he was cute when he blushed! He was staring at her with a panicked expression. Then, with visible effort, he regained control of himself. "Please don't apologize. I'm, uh, I'm...flattered." But she saw him edging back, as if he were afraid she would try to kiss him again.

"Try not to beat up on poor Inuyasha, too much," she said, knowing it sounded lame but unable to think of anything else to say.

He scowled. "I should probably stay here with Kagome--"

Sango cut him off. "Time to go, Kouga-kun." Without actually touching him, she managed to herd him over the edge of the well, which was now glowing blue in response to the Portal Key that Koji held.

As Sango followed Kouga, Shippou, and Miroku down into the portal, she turned one last time, and waved to Buffy.

Then they were gone, and the light extinguished itself.

"Good-bye," whispered Buffy, with a pang, wondering if she'd ever see them again. It wasn't as if the Watcher's Council would lend her a Portal Key any time she wanted to make a jaunt to the past.

* * *

Returning from the well-house with Koji, something caught her eye--a flash of pale hair in the darkness just outside the faint glow of the shrine lamps.

"You go on ahead," she told Koji. "I want to talk to Inuyasha."

He nodded, and continued on across the courtyard.

Buffy heard an angry exclamation, and hurried forward.

She stopped short. Faith had Inuyasha cornered in the courtyard around the Sacred Tree.

He looked flustered--and mad--but the other Slayer seemed oblivious as she leaned into him, chest first.

"Half-human, hmmm? And which half would that be?" she purred, in English, running a finger over his rosary beads.

"Get away from me, bitch!" Inuyasha growled, in Japanese. He tried backing away, and found himself pinned against the fence enclosing the Sacred Tree.

Crossing her arms, Buffy waited to see if an intervention would be required.

Faith laughed at his flusterment, and continued pressing herself against him. "C'mon, dog-boy, I just wanna have a little fun."

"Get away from me!" Inuyasha made a strangled sound as Faith gave him an open-mouthed kiss.

"God, you're so cute! What's the matter--you still a virgin, or something?" She grabbed his hair, and pulled him down for another kiss.

"Bitch!" He pushed her away so hard that she flew across the courtyard, coming to rest near Buffy's legs.

Nope, no intervention required, thought Buffy, looking down at Faith.

"You really should learn to take no for an answer, Faith." Buffy was having a hard time not laughing at the shocked look on the other Slayer's face. "Or at least learn some basic Japanese. I could have told you he wasn't interested."

"Because he's already in love with you?" Faith snorted. "What is it with you and demons, B.?"

Buffy sighed, loudly.

Faith looked at Inuyasha speculatively. He was scrubbing his mouth with the back of his hand. "Tell me you're not really dating him!"

"What's she saying?" demanded Inuyasha. Buffy waved him off.

"I'm not dating him, Faith. He's sweet on Kagome, and he's really not your type. And...he's a friend of mine " Which, surprisingly enough, was true now, even if it hadn't been at the beginning of this whole adventure. "So, just lay off.

"Whatever," Faith said, sounding bored. "I only wanted to apologize for the whole stabbing-misunderstanding thing this afternoon."

She sauntered off in the direction of the house, but with an entirely unworthy sense of glee, Buffy noticed the other Slayer was limping a little.

Prison time--and her friendship with Angel--seemed to have dulled Faith's malicious edge, but she was still as wild as ever.

Inuyasha's harsh demand yanked Buffy's attention back to him. "Kagome? What were you saying about Kagome, bitch?"

"Nothing. It was all just a misunderstanding, Inuyasha," Buffy said coolly, walking over to him.

"That taijya seems to misunderstand things a lot." His silver hair was mussed, and he still looked kind of skittish.

"Yeah, she does. Oh, and, Inuyasha?" She reached up and he actually flinched. "You've got lipstick on your ear."

Author's note: Almost done! Just the Epilogue left to go! Thank you again to everyone who's left me a review. You've all given me a lot of joy these past three months.