InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bump ❯ Bump ( Chapter 1 )

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Darkness began to fall over the countryside as the travelers reached their destination. Shadows lengthened, obscuring doorways and the space between buildings as they walked.
“I'm not so sure this is such a safe place to be tonight,” whispered one, fearful of the unseen specters a raised voice might arouse.
“Nothing in this place is as formidable as we,” another responded, the voice at once soothing yet menacing in its tone.
As they walked down the streets, investigating nothing yet everything at once, one of the travelers separated from the small band. Was that shadow moving? Quietly, in hopes of avoiding discovery, the member crept closer to the point in question. Looking back to verify the others' continued presence, she realized they had all vanished!
On her own now, she strained to hear any sounds that might indicate where the others might have gone…nothing. Then there was movement up ahead; just a subtle twitch of light, then darkness again. She began to doubt her own eyes. Was she the hunter or the hunted?
Murmuring reached her ears, but no discernible words. She tried to determine where the voices were, but could not get her bearings in the darkness. The murmurs became louder, more distinct; they seemed to be above her, observing her progress. Still, clouds obscured her view of the rooftops. Were there people up there? Or was she imagining it?
The further she went, the more disoriented she became. Her senses, normally a source of comfort, became a burden as they shifted into overdrive to compensate for her total lack of anything useful. Shadows became beings; the murmurs thundered in her ears, taking on barely recognizable, nearly forgotten memories of people she once knew. The voices turned accusatory; the faces morphed into malicious sneers.
“Have you forgotten us?” “Why did you turn away?” “What happened to the fearsome warrior?”
Everywhere she turned, more faces crowded in on her until she feared she would run out of air to breathe.
Suddenly, a light appeared to her left…salvation! As she ran toward it, she realized the shadows were chasing her, getting louder as they came. Just when she believed there was no escape, the welcome voices of her companions reached her. She raced forward, never losing sight of the light or the sounds of her friends' voices.
Right before she arrived at the safety of her circle of travelers, she slowed down to a more sedate pace, not wanting to worry them further. One of them noticed her return, asking, “Where have you been? We've been waiting for you.”
Back at their home base a few days later, everyone had resumed their regular activities: Kagome went back home to attend school for another one of her `tests;' Inuyasha spent his days sulking in the Goshinboku when he wasn't chasing Shippou; Miroku worked on his ofuda while Sango honed the blade of her katana and polished her Haraikotsu.
While sitting companionably on the porch to Kaede's hut, Sango looked over to Miroku and said, “Look at Kirara lying in the sun. You'd think she would prefer the shade.”
At this, Miroku glanced over to where Kirara was sunning herself and replied, “Perhaps there are things in the darkness she prefers to avoid.”