InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Get Enough ❯ Now Tell Me I Got Something For You ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Now Tell Me I Got Something For You
Her heart in her throat and a queasy feeling in her stomach, Kagome made her way to the library. How would she get out of this one? Things couldn't continue like this. There was one more day of exams to get through, should she keep her friends in the dark until then? If she told them about him now they would bug her until they got to meet him. But what would she tell them when he came to get her? His lust was visible in his eyes when he looked at her. `Hi guys, this is my boyfriend InuYasha the sex fiend.' Kagome groaned at the thought. Dejectedly she opened the door to the library and looking around, found an empty corner to sit in. She caught a glimpse of Eri looking around for her and grabbed a book, putting it in front of her face. But Eri had spotted her anyway.
“Kagome!” she said, “we were looking for you every where.”
“I've been here,” she said, “I was in the bathroom, maybe that's why you didn't find me.”
“Oh, sorry Kagome,” said Eri, “Was your diverticulitis acting up?”
Just then Ayumi and Yuka arrived.
“See there she is,” said Ayumi, “I don't know what Hojo was talking about.”
“We brought you some lunch,” said Yuka, handing her a bag.
“Thanks guys,” she said, “I better go outside and eat before our next exam starts.”
They followed her outside and that was the end of it. But her heart still hammered when she thought about Hojo and the custodian finding her books.
That night at dinner she caught her mother looking at her strangely a few times. InuYasha had behaved himself when she got home, but she could tell by the way his eyes twitched and his fists clenched that the pressure was getting to him. It took every ounce of her control to not have a complete breakdown in front of them all from the stress. God, I'd rather be back in the feudal era fighting youkai then going through this right now, she thought.
“Kagome can you help me clean up?” said her mother when dinner was over.
“Sure Mom,” she said.
InuYasha stood in the kitchen doorway watching her as she helped her Mom wash the dishes. His hot eyes were boring holes in the back of her head.
“Sota, can you keep InuYasha company while I help Mom?” she called.
“Okay,” he said, and grabbed InuYashas hand to drag him away.
“Go with him InuYasha, I'll be done soon.”
She glared at him and he grumbled, his eyes telling her that he was reaching his limit and she was in for it. That left her alone with her mother.
“Kagome, is there something you want to tell me?” said her Mom quietly.
She closed her eyes a moment, took a deep breath and steeled herself. It was time to come clean to her mother.
“I'm sorry I never told you before Mom, but InuYasha and I are…in a relationship.” She began hesitantly. “Things have progressed between us.”
“Are trying to tell me you and he have become lovers?” she said perceptively.
Kagome nodded her head.
“What's made things complicated is that in Youkai rut…and I am his mate, sort of.”
“Sort of?”
“He's never officially claimed me as his mate yet. But that part of our relationship had just started when I had to come back here.”
As she spoke to her mother, she blushed and could not look her in the face. Instead she kept drying the dishes her mother handed to her. There were a few moments of silence, and then she felt her mother gently stroke her back.
“I'm glad you told me,” She said, “I'm your mother and you shouldn't be afraid of telling me these things. Are you happy?”
Kagome smiled and turned to look at her, her eyes shining with tears of relief.
“Yes, I am. Thanks Mom,” she said.
“You know, you two should have some private time together. Why don't you and InuYasha go for a walk?”
“But Mom, I have to study for my exams tomorrow.”
“That can wait. I'll give you a blanket and directions to a place on Takaosan with a great view of Tokyo that you're Dad and I used to go to when we were dating.”
Kagome looked at her mother in wonder and smiled.
“That sounds great Mom, thanks.”
“You should go to him now before your brother drives him crazy.”
Kagome hugged her thinking that she should have confided in her earlier. Her mother was truly amazing to act like it was normal to be having a relationship with an inu hanyou in rut who came from 500 years in the past.
InuYasha was watching television with Sota and looking confused and bored. His eyes riveted on her as soon as she walked in the room.
“Hey, come here a minute,” she said to him, and beckoned him to follow her up the stairs to her room.
As they walked in he moved to take her in his arms.
“Wait, I have something to tell you,” she said, pulling away. “My Mom knows about us. She put two and two together so I had to tell her.”
“Hmph,” he said looking slightly startled and uncomfortable, “so what did she say when you told her?”
“She said we should have some private time together!” she said with a radiant smile. “She even offered to give us a blanket and directions to a place she used to go to on Takaosan with my Dad.”
“Really?” he said in surprise, “So when are we going?”
“Now,” she replied.
Just then her mother walked in.
“Here is the blanket and I've written out the directions.” She said. “You two have a wonderful time.”
InuYasha blushed, but Kagome looked happy, as if a weight had lifted off her chest. He took the blanket and she the directions and they left.
It was a pleasant evening, and still light out. The walk to Takaosan was only about twenty minutes from the shrine. Kagome remembered going there with her parents when she was little. After her father died, it seemed her mother never wanted to go anymore. Maybe there were too many memories of her father attached to it. InuYasha felt strange to be walking leisurely down the streets of Tokyo. Kagome took his hand and smiled, and he realized that this was probably the most relaxed he had seen her since he had been here. They entered the park, and found the mountain trail her mother had recommended. Luckily the place was not that busy at this time. InuYasha breathed a bit easier being on a wooded mountain instead of the unfamiliar urbanity of Tokyo. When they reached the spot they had been directed to, they moved off the trail and broke through the trees to a clearing on the mountain side that overlooked the city. The view was beautiful, with the sun slowly setting. He laid the blanket down and they sat down. She pulled up her knees and clasped them with her arms and leaned into him contentedly. He put his arm around her, drawing her close to him.
“Isn't this beautiful?” she said.
“Not as beautiful as you,” he said, blushing at having said something so romantic.
But he was rewarded by that radiant smile again, and he she was so irresistible he had to bend over and kiss her. The sweet moment was broken by the overpowering pull in his blood to have her as soon as their lips met. It told him to rip her clothes off and sink his demanding cock in her immediately. No, I won't do it. He thought. I will be in control, not you demon lust. I will have her on my terms not yours. He picked her up and put her in his lap, kissing her slowly and deeply. Then he held her tight and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. Her arms went around his back and she pressed her breasts up against his chest, so very available for her to feel through the T-shirt. His hands shook as he made himself take his time, loosening her blouse and unclasping her bra in front. Kagome reached to pull his T-shirt off.
“I want to feel your skin against mine,” she said, pulling off her blouse and bra.
“Are you sure?” said InuYasha, “What if somebody finds us?”
“I understand why you are worried, since it seems like people are always barging in on us. But I have a good feeling about tonight.”
`I hope you're right,” he said, as he took off the rest of his clothes.
When they were both naked, she lay on top of him and they caressed each others bodies, relishing the warmth and closeness. Between them his cock was raging, on fire and throbbing demandingly. You will obey me, he thought. He pulled her legs open so they were straddling his hips and started to stroke her between her legs with it. Slowly he drew his length up and down, rubbing her inner lips, opening and clitoris. His body shook with his fight for control. Kagome was gasping, and bit her lip as he stoked the fire within her. Soon his cock was slick with her arousal. Just when she thought she could not take anymore he slowly entered her. With every inch that filled her up she felt her climax building. Five slow deep thrusts later she was climaxing, arching her back and digging her nails into his shoulders, and screamed his name. But he did not greedily try for his own release. As she lay panting he kept the same rhythm and speed, and soon she was climaxing again. Tremors went through her from her two orgasms, but still he did not seek his release. He thrust in her harder, but changed nothing else, and this time her orgasm hit her in a cluster, going off like fireworks one right after the other and she screamed so loud she scared the squirrels and birds out of the trees behind them.
“No more InuYasha,” she gasped, trembling, “I can't come anymore. Please let me feel you come inside me. I really need to feel you come.”
Okay you monster, he thought, you heard her, you cam have what you want now. He picked up speed, pumping into her so hard he was practically lifting her off his body. Whatever wildlife that was in the vicinity surely fled when he roared as he climaxed.
They lay together, totally spent and in a state of after sex bliss. Finally they parted, their bodies making a sticky sound where their sweat had glued them together. It was starting to get dark.
“We should get back,” he said, “I don't want your mother to think badly of me.”
“Yes, you're right,” she said with a contented sigh, “and I have to study.”
Then it hit her and she groaned.
“I have to study but I'm sure Hojo, and the custodian from my school, have my books by now.”