InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Taken and Dogs ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well here is chapter two. Sorry it took so long.

Disclaimer: Don’t own Inuyasha. I dreamed that I got him for Christmas last night though. Does that count? Oh well.

Once Kagome got inside the phone rang. “Moshi moshi.” She greeted into the receiver.

“Hey Kags did you make it there alright?” “Hi Sango. Yup made it here perfectly fine. How about you?” “Sure did. I made it here about thirty minutes ago.” Sango said on here end while folding and putting some of her things in her dresser.

“Great well I have a couple of things to tell you.” Kagome responded nervously while looking around. “Ok what about?” Sango asked.

“Well to begin with Mom, Sota, and Gramps decided to go to America for Sota’s birthday. Mom also said they should be back a couple of days before I leave.”

“Oh well that didn’t sound too bad.” Sango said with a sigh. Kagome had given her a little scare with how she said she had a couple of things to tell her.

“Well Sango there is one more remember?” “Yeah you said a couple of things. So go ahead and tell me more.”

“Ok well after I found the note telling me about their sudden trip I took my luggage
upstairs then came back down….” “You didn’t put it away?” Sango wondered even though it really was no surprise.

“Well ……um…… he he….. not exactly.” Kagome said with an embarrassed blush now adorning her face.

“As I was saying, I then came back down stairs and turned on the TV. I stopped on one of those shy programs that only lasts about five minutes. It said something about Saturn and Jupiter. So you know me, I went and got my telescope and go try to find them. After I found it, I went out side with my CD player and sat on the porch swing. Ok Sango this is where things get weird.”

“Oh man this isn’t going to give me the chills is it?” Sango asked with a little nervousness laced in her voice.

“Of course not. Any way I was looking for one. As I found it a shadow passed over the lens. I looked up and looked around to see if anything caused it but nothing showed up so I put it off as my imagination. So I started to look for the other one. As soon as I spotted this one a shadow passed over again. I looked up quickly this time and I seen the outline of a figure disappear into the surrounding forest. I went inside after that. How weird is that?”

“Really. I am glad your ok though. Still intact and not kidnapped or anything.” Sango replied as she released a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

“So Kags what are you going to do if you run into Koga while you are there?” ‘Of course she had to go and bring him up.’ Kagome thought as she rolled her eyes. “I am hoping not to bump into him anywhere. I was done with him five years ago. I don’t want to see him any more.” Kagome said with a hint of anger towards the one they spoke of.

“I’m sure you won’t. Besides you have Hoho now.” “Hojo” “Yeah Hob……Hojo.”

“Well Sango to tell you the truth…I am getting really bored with him.”

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Outside~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*

“So when do we strike?” A figure hidden by trees asked. “When she..-” He was cut off. “ Huh? What the?”

“The girl is ours.” A new figure spoke up. “I don’t think so.” “Fine have it your way.” With that started a fight.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~With Kagome~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Kagome had just hung up with Sango when the phone rang again. “Moshi moshi. Oh hi Hojo.” She responded with no emotion what so ever in her voice. ‘To bad he can’t pick up on it.’

He said something that she didn’t catch so she made a noise so he would think she was listening and thought about what Sango said before they hung up.

“Kagome if you don’t like him why don’t you break it off?” “I can’t Sango he is too sweet of a guy. It would just crush him. He really thinks that I love him.” “So you would be willing to give up your happiness just to make him happy?”

Kagome brought out of her thoughts by Hojo, who was calling her name. “Huh? Wha? What were you saying Hojo?”

“I said I can’t wait till you get back. I have a surprise for you.” “Listen Hojo I’m sorry bu…..huh? Hello? Hojo? Oh man something caused the power to go out.

She heard something going on outside so she decided to go out and see what was going on. Once outside she spotted four figures fighting each other in her yard.

Bu the looks of it she deduced they were all demons by their speed. She walked a little closer to hear what was being said.

As soon as she moved close enough there just had to be a branch that she stepped on and they all stopped to look towards her. She froze all four of them ran towards her.

She then turned and bolted for the door. But two of them grabbed her before she could open the door and get into the safety of her home then took off.

The last thing she remembered was one of them saying, “He should be very pleased.”

Kagome woke up several hours later. She tried to stretch out and realized that she couldn’t because she was chained to a throne like chair.

She tried tugging on them but couldn’t get out. She looked around at her surroundings and thought to herself, ‘Oh boy. What kind of mess have I gotten myself into now. I think Sango jinxed me earlier with that comment of hers.’

She seen nothing but a table, a bunch of chairs, and a lot of doors. She screamed and hoped for someone to come unchain her and to also not kill her in the process but the more she thought about the last part the more she thought it was likely that was what they were going to do to her.

As she was thinking this a door opened behind her and in came….A dog?

Well that’s all for now. Hope you guys liked it. Please review.

Ja ne for now,

~*Star Fire Kagome~*