InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why should I write a disclaimer for something I don't want? ~_~


Chapter Three



*Miroku's POV*


I led Sango on the boat and to our cabin then left her there grumbling. "Hey Captain, how's it goin?" Kari one of the few women captains I knew turned to me with a smile.

"Hello Miroku. I thought I saw your name when I glanced at the register. Are you really married now?" she asked.

"No, that was just so me and my lady can share a cabin. She unfortunately would rather have her on room." I pouted.

"Don't worry, she'll come around. I did."

"Anyway I was wondering how fast can you get me to Inuyasha's Island?"

"Lucky for you we've got some cargo that has to be rushed. We'll be there by tomorrow night. It's late and I got work to do. Come talk to me tomorrow or something."


*Sango's POV*


Miroku led me to the cabin we'd share and left. The cabin was medium in size, looking around I saw two trunks in the corner. Opening one I found some kimono's that we're probably for me, unless Miroku is a cross dresser. The other trunk was filled with Miroku's clothing. Sighing I surveyed the bed. I was pleased to see it was bigger than the average bed you'd find on a boat, but still to small for two adults. It was a bit stuffy in the room so I went up to the deck.

Any thoughts I might have had of escaping were dashed as watched land receded into the distance. Sighing I pushed some hair out of my face and looked up to see if I could spot some of my favorite constellations. But dark ominous looking clouds covered the sky. I felt someone come up behind me. "The captain says there's gonna be a storm soon, a bad one. We'd better go inside." It was Miroku he took my arm and pulled me back to our cabin.

"Whatever," I muttered. When we got to the cabin Miroku began to undress. I turned quickly towards the wall. "Warn a girl next time." Miroku just laughed.

"I get the wall." He said and climbed into the bed. I crossed my arms and stared at him. "Aren't you going to change clothes?" he asked innocently.

"Was I wearing night clothes when you kidnapped me?" he shook his head. "Then I have nothing to change into. Besides I wouldn't change clothes in the same room as you if my life depended on it."

"You don't trust me?" asked Miroku with a puppy dogface.

"No." I reluctantly climbed into the bed doing my best not to make contact with Miroku. I had just dozed off when the boat began to rock and I almost fell out of the bed. Frantic I grabbed onto the nearest thing so I wouldn't fall. Unfortunately the nearest thing was Miroku. I grabbed onto his shirt pulling myself close.

"So you do like me." He smiled.


*Miroku's POV*


It was sweet torture lying there with Sango right beside me and I couldn't touch her. I did promise to leave her alone and I'm a man of my word. Most of the time anyway. I thought someone up above must have been looking out for me when the boat started to rock and Sango grabbed onto me to keep from falling off of the bed. "So you do like me." I said smiling. Sango huffed and left go only to fall off the bed. I laughed and helped her back up.

"It's not funny." She said.

"But it is." I answered still laughing. "I'll keep you in the bed if you trust me." I put my arm around her waist and pulled her back against my chest.

"I trust a hungry lion not to eat me more than I trust you not to grope me." Said Sango trying to wiggle free.

"Sit still." I commanded. "In case you've forgotten I've kidnapped you. Which makes you my captive and you'll do as I say got it?" She nodded. "Good. Now go to sleep." I closed my eyes and got comfortable, but I didn't go to sleep. I laid still until her breathing became even and I was sure she was asleep. I pulled her a little closer, buried my face in her hair and went to sleep.


*Sango's POV*


I awoke in the middle of the night wrapped in Miroku's arms. Some time while I was sleep I'd turned toward him and was tucked against his chest. Carefully I untangled myself from his arms and climbed out of bed. We were still rocking but gently now. It was raining gently but I went up on deck anyway. I only slipped once or twice making my way to the rail. "Beautiful night isn't it?" I turned to see a woman with boyish short hair and big hazel eyes.

"It is." I answered. "I'm Sango."

"I'm Kari the captain. Your traveling with Miroku right?" she asked.

"Yes. My brother stole his family heirloom and he kidnapped me to get it back." I shook my head. "Frankly I think the whole thing is stupid. Houshi will never use or sell the staff and Luction is no longer teased about being named after our great grandfather."

"Most likely Miroku could have gotten it back himself with no violence. But I figure he saw you and decided to do it the hard way." She looked out a the sky. "You should go back inside before you catch a cold."

"Bye." I smiled and went back to the cabin. Glancing at Miroku to see if he was still asleep I climbed back into the bed. Lying on my side facing Miroku I resisted the urge to snuggle up against him for all of ten seconds. It's been so long since I've had someone to snuggle up with that I forgot how good it felt.



Well what do you think? Have you read Moving On yet? I thought of this song that sorta kinda goes with Moving On I'm gonna try and post it when I post this. Don't forget to review. ^_^