InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Ten
*Miroku's POV*
"So, do you have anything special planned for today?" asked Sango after a short moment of tense silence.
"Actually I thought we'd go and meet Inuyasha," I said gulping the last of my eggs.
"But I thought he didn't like humans?" asked Sango looking adorably puzzled.
"True," said I. "However I would like for him to know what you look like. That way if he ever happens upon you and we're not together he won't mistake you for and intruder and do to you whatever it is that he does to intruders."
"What does he do to intruders?" asked Sango slowly as though she wasn't sure if she really wanted to know.
"I'm afraid I've never asked," I said slightly embarrassed. "I fear the answer."
*Sango's POV*
He was afraid to know what this Inuyasha character did to his intruders? "Is he really so powerful a demon as this? Are you afraid he will do to you what he does to other intruders?" I asked Miroku. To my surprise he started laughing. His husky appealing laugh surprised me as much as I think my laugh surprised him.
"No, no, no, It's nothing like that," he said "Inuyasha is a gruff easily insulted creature. And he does not much like questions, so I try not to ask very many." He laughed again. "So are you finish with your breakfast? As you can tell from last night it's quite a trek across the island to Inuyasha's cabin."
"Yes, I'm done," I pushed my empty plate aside. "I'm sure you think the walk will do me good seeing as I'm so fat and all," I said grinning wickedly.
"Now, now Sango, we've been over this. Really I should forbid you to go. You ate so little I'm afraid you'll drop from exhaustion before we even get out of the house." We both laughed, and then he stood and walked over to me. "Shall we go?" he asked offering me his arm. I stared at his arm for a moment. I might as well, no need to ruin a perfectly good moment by being rude. Besides what could it hurt?
"Yes, we shall," I said standing and taking his arm. I shortly found myself tucked rather close to Miroku's side as he led me away from the house. I rolled my eyes but didn't pull away. "So how did you meet this Inuyasha if he so despises humans?" I asked.
*Miroku's POV*
"Well," I said thoughtfully. "I don't think he always felt that way. I met Inuyasha when a beautiful young woman summoned me to exercise what she said was an evil demon from her home. The evil demon turned out to be Inuyasha trying to win back said woman who had inexplicably scorned him. We fought of course but found ourselves each other's equals and so after tiring ourselves out we went out for a drink together. Inuyasha can hold his liquor well but once he reaches his limit, he tells all, and I mean all. Anyway somehow we ended up as friends."
"So he dislikes all humans just because he got dumped by one girl?" asked Sango disgustedly. "That is so stupid."
"Hell hath no fury like a hanyou scorned," quoted Miroku. "There's more to the story though, he really loved her. I can't tell you more than that or Inuyasha will 'snap my neck like a twig'" he rolled his eyes. We laughed and continued joking and laughing on our journey to the other side of the island.
However when we reached the cabin there was no one there. "Inuyasha!" Miroku called knocking on the door. "Hmm, maybe he's around the back. Stay here, I'll go check." Miroku ran around the back and I sat down on the steps to the porch. A few moments later I heard a thump behind me and whirled quickly. In the shadows at the far corner of the porch a pair of fierce gold eyes glared at me.
"What are you doing on my island human?" he snarled. I backed away slowly and as I did he took a menacing step forward. Again I stepped back and he stepped forward. As we continued our menacing dance he slowly emerged into the light. My eyes rapidly cataloged his appearance as my brain scrambled for something to do. Long silver hair that gleamed in the sun. Clothes of red cloth. Long slender fingers that ended in deadly claws. Beautiful but menacing golden eyes. Ears like a dogs. Soon I had reached the end of the porch and was pressed up against the railing. What now? I had no weapons with which to protect myself and I could retreat no farther he was slowly coming closer. Where is that fool monk when I need him! "Do you know what I do to humans who dare set foot on my island?” I shook my head no. "Well your about to find out," he lunged and I jumped barely making it high enough to go over his head.
"Make no mistake demon," I told him. "I am no ordinary mortal. I am descended from the greatest demon hunters of all time and I have been trained in the art."
"Bullshit," he laughed a grating horrible sound. "Demon hunters are a dying breed no one does that anymore. Besides if you're a demon hunter why don't you defend yourself?" he lunged again and again I dodged. "Because I have no weapon, and since you are a friend of the monks I'd rather not hurt you."
"Hurt me?" he laughed. "A mere human like you hurt me?" He lunged again and again I dodged but this time he caught me by my hair. "Time to die human," his hand closed around my throat and I did the only thing I could think to do.
A/N: well this chapter's been a long time coming. Sry it took so long and for those of you who read my other fics I'll do my best to have new chapters coming soon. I luv all of you, thanks for the emails and reviews and thanks to those of you who add me on your myspace.
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