InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chained ❯ Sesshomaru's Voice and Kagome's Kiss ( Chapter 57 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A\N: Okay, so I am still experiencing writers block (believe it or not) but it’s fading in and out so I managed to get this chapter out.

Maybe it has something to do with what a good mood I’m in but I decided that I don’t think I’m gonna kill Kagome or anything like that just yet.

This doesn’t really have much to do with anything, but the song I was listening to while I was writing this was Angels or Devils by Dishwalla, so that’s my music of choice for this (even though it doesn’t exactly fit in with the plot of this chapter at all) and I guess it earns some credit for getting me in the right mood to write. ^_^

Anyway, can’t talk right now really, but this is gonna be the last update for today, so I hope you all enjoy it!


~Avarwen~   ~*~   Sesshomaru’s Voice and Kagome’s Kiss

Sesshomaru opened the door to the monk’s room hoping to locate his brother.

He had, by chance, scented upon the wind the smells of the horse youkai’s, as well as the two females he knew his brother had traveled with at one time, and he knew Inuyasha would likely want to be the first to greet them.

The smell had been faint when he had first tasted it, and so he had left it for nearly half an hour, knowing it would take that long before the horses would even get close. He could sense rain and miasma drawing closer, and he did not want to risk Inuyasha being out in the open any longer than he had to.

Despite his former protests that he would never allow anyone to get close to him, he knew he had already failed that thrice over, and he was beginning to accept it.

After all, if you were going to fail at something, then it was best not to waste time making even more of a fool of yourself by denying it. He had failed the moment he had allowed Jaken to follow him. He had, of course, not been aware he was failing until Rin had joined him as well, and then he had tried to avoid it again, but who better to seal this new fate of his than his younger sibling in a great deal of need?

Whether he had hated him once or not was not an issue-- instincts told him to protect his younger brother, and so protect him he did. It wasn’t a conscious decision at first, but it wasn’t one he could take back now either.

And he found that he didn’t really want to anyway.

Especially once he stepped into the room and caught sight of said younger brother, sitting on the floor next to the monks slightly raised futon, his head resting next to the monks arm and his eyes shut tight.

He couldn’t help but smile at the sight, watching as the two’s breathing rose and fell in sync, which was saying something since the monk’s had formerly been incredibly shallow and worn.

It did not occur to him until later that Inuyasha might be tired because he was, however unconsciously, using his youki’s aura to feed energy to the monk.

It was a dangerous task for a human to accept, but Inuyasha was only half-demon, and the ningen was definitely stronger than most... all in all, the effect seemed to be quite pleasing.

He debated leaving the two to rest for a while longer before deciding against it.

If the other two arrived while they were asleep, there was no telling what hell would break loose when they were all reunited later.

Approaching the two slowly, he gently shook Inuyasha’s shoulder, trying to wake him.

The effect this had was slightly startling.

Inuyasha shot straight up, his hand immediately flying toward the hilt of Tetsusaiga, and he immediately jumped to a defensive stance over Miroku.

Sesshomaru was a little surprised, but did not let it show as he silently allowed Inuyasha to get his bearings, while beside him Miroku waked in a much smoother and more acceptable fashion, his eyes sliding open slowly, before moving to fix on the two brother’s before him.

He blinked in confusion as Inuyasha glared at Sesshomaru.

‘Dammit all, why’d you have to go and wake me up like that!’ He snarled. ‘I could’ve killed you!’

Sesshomaru cocked an eyebrow. ‘I seriously doubt that little brother. You were as tense as a rabbit caught out of it’s hole, and just as confused. I doubt you would have been able to land a blow.’

Inuyasha growled slightly in agitation, mumbling something about arrogant bastard youkai under his breath. Sesshomaru frowned slightly at him and then held up a hand to silence his profane rant, which Inuyasha grudgingly obeyed.

‘If you have quite finished, little brother, I thought you would be interested to know that the other remaining two of your companions are on their way.’

Inuyasha and Miroku’s eyes both widened in surprise.

‘Sango and Kagome?’ Miroku asked, slowly raising himself into a sitting position, and looking much better than he had since he had arrived here. Sesshomaru stared at him a moment, before nodding.

‘Indeed. The slayer and the miko should be here within moments, if I am not mistaken.’

Inuyasha couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

‘You mean you knew they were coming and you are only just now telling us? What the fuck is wrong with you?’ He demanded, bending down and gathering up Miroku, surprising both the monk and Sesshomaru, before turning and heading toward the door.

Sesshomaru decided to leave that to rest for the moment and followed behind them as Inuyasha weaved his way down the many intricate hallways and finally outside into the grounds.

At some point in time Kirara showed up, walking quietly along beside Inuyasha until they reached outside, and then she transformed into the large fire-cat version of herself Sesshomaru was used to, and allowed Inuyasha to gingerly rest the monk along her back.

Miroku didn’t complain at the treatment, his eyes scanning the trees for these “horses” Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had spoken of, since his first and only encounter with them he had been unconscious.

Inuyasha didn’t bother to correct him, turning his eyes toward the side instead, before coming to rest on two tiny pinpricks of light that were coming ever closer.

‘There!’ He said, pointing as Miroku whirled around in confusion, his eyes squinting in the general direction Inuyasha was pointing, but, being the weak human eyes that they were, were unable to make out anything for several more minutes.

Finally the light reached his eyes, while Inuyasha and Sesshomaru could already make out the general shape of the horses as they grew larger and larger with every passing moment, before suddenly, his a blaze of orange and white light, the two creatures landed before them, hard enough to leave a substantial crater in the ground before them.

A small curse was issued from one of the riders as she quickly slid from the horse’s back, barely managing to catch herself before she hit the ground.

Dark eyes lifted and looked up from behind wind-tossed bangs, moving from Sesshomaru, to Inuyasha, and instantly brightened slightly as the slayer straightened and approached him slowly.

Inuyasha felt a strange lump rise in his throat as the girl came up and gave him a small hug, causing his cheeks to flame beat red before she abruptly pulled away, smiling warmly at him.

‘It’s good to see you again, Inuyasha.’ She said softly, clearly understanding that, not only did he had no idea what to say or how to react to her, but he was incredibly anxious to see Kagome. Just as she was to see Miroku. It was a silent understanding that passed between them. They could greet properly later and ask whatever questions they may have then, but for now they didn’t need to do that. It was more important for them to be with their mates.

And Sesshomaru again found himself being slightly amazed at just how easily the small group communicated without words. It was a very admirable and useful gift, and one he was fairly certain he would never posses. Actually, he wasn’t even certain if it was the entire group, or simply Inuyasha who produced and shared this ability with others, since he had seen the boy react in similar ways with Kohaku.

Sango turned slowly away from him, offering Sesshomaru a low and respectful bow, which he responded to with a small inclination of his head, before turning his gaze toward the fire-cat.

Sango followed his gaze, and her eyes immediately lit up as they saw Miroku and Kirara there, both looking slightly strained but better than she had ever seen them in a long time.

Barely keeping her joy in check, Sango quickly ran over to his side and threw her arms around him, Kirara letting out a small growl of both welcome and happiness as well as slight discomfort at the sudden added weight as Miroku caught the taijiya flying into his arms with nearly enough strength to send them both toppling off.

‘Miroku!’ She cried as his arms wrapped about her shoulders, her own tightly latched around his waist.

‘Sango...’ Miroku returned, still slightly shocked at the intimate contact she had initiated. Her ass was within perfect reaching distance from here, but he quickly quenched the urge to touch it. This was most definitely not the time for that.

‘I missed you so much...’ She said, burying her face in the front of his robes.

Inuyasha watched the two embrace with a small sad smile on his face, before turning away, not wishing to intrude on their privacy any longer.

A small noise from the horses drew his attention toward them, thinking they’d want some food or shelter or something.

He was completely stunned when his eyes fell upon a second figure, slowly sliding down from the back of one of the horses, and immediately he froze up completely.

The figure was incredibly skinny, her legs trembling beneath her weight, and her hair and clothes hanging dirty and tattered about her, but there was no doubt about who it was.

For the second time that night dark eyes lifted, and Inuyasha felt his stomach tighten as they scanned from Sesshomaru to Sango and Miroku and then finally came to rest on him.

For a moment nothing happened as their gazes locked, the world seeming to narrow down and be blocked out until there was nothing but the two of them.

Kagome took a small step forward, her leg trembling beneath her, and her eyes wide, eyebrows turned up at the centre as though she did not believe this was real, and was afraid that he would disappear at any second.

‘Inuyasha...’ She said softly, her voice cracked and wavering, the word coming out almost as a question.

Inuyasha stared at her, silent for several seconds as the feeling of uncertainty surrounded him as well, and a sense of deja-vu overflowed him as he again got a flashback to the well.

“What are you doing here? I told you never to return!” His memory echoed around in his mind as his voice resounded gently in the night air.

‘Kagome...’ incredibly soft, a whisper that youkai would like have trouble hearing, but Kagome seemed to hear it nonetheless.

Her eyes filled with tears and then, just as at the well, she suddenly began running toward him, incredibly fast for a person who seemed to have been starved for so long they could barely stand, flinging herself at his chest in a way not unlike Sango had just done... in a way not unlike she had done on that day at the well...

‘Inuyasha!’ She all but sobbed as her arms clamped around his chest, tight enough to force the air from his lungs and make his body go rigid with discomfort for a second.

He pushed it away as he uncertainly put his arms around her.

And somehow that felt right-- righter than it had ever felt with Kikyo, when it was of his own will or of her own that they embraced. It just seemed natural this way -- Kagome trying to break all the ribs in his body with her embrace, and his arms trying to pull her closer and encourage her in that task, trying to remember the feel and scent of her as their bodies and minds began to welcome back what used to be familiar territory.

He tightened his arms around her, pulling her closer against him (if that were even possible) and staring in a rather stunned way, eyes glazed slightly with surprise, at the spot she had stood at moments before.

‘Amaya said you weren’t coming yet...’ He said softly, his voice still holding that uncertainty, though now not from being unsure how to react, but from being afraid that, as Kagome had been afraid, this was not real.

Kagome sniffed against his chest. ‘She wasn’t going to, but Sango wouldn’t leave without me, and I didn’t think I could’ve lasted much longer there anyway...’ She sniffled again, and then pulled back to look up at him with wide tear-filled eyes, just studying his face, searching his eyes for several minutes, and, as he stared down into the watery and unreadable dark pools of her own, he couldn’t help but wonder what she saw there...

After a moment her eyes seemed to fill with both pain and joy and she crushed herself against him again. ‘Oh Inuyasha!’ She said, her voice filled with tears as she buried her face in his chest. ‘I was so scared I’d lost you... I... I thought I’d never see you again...’ She confessed against his fire-rat haori, the tears soaking into the material as he stared down at her, his own eyes becoming soft and sad with grief remembered and renewed.

‘I know.’ He said softly, bringing one of his hands to rest upon the grown of her matted head. Not that he cared. He had seen far worse. Hell, he had been far worse on more than one occasion in his life. A little dirt couldn’t get in his way then, and it couldn’t get in his way now. Nor could a lot of dirt. And, almost as if he was attempting to defy said dirt, he buried his face against her hair, loving the fact that, underneath, past all the filthy and blood and the faint traces of those shampoos and perfumes she used that had all but disappeared, she still smelled the same. ‘I thought I’d lost you too.’ He said.

He could feel tears forming in his own eyes, and he buried his face against her neck, feeling her pulse beating strongly and soundly and very much alive against his lips as he again tasted her scent here.

Kagome let out a small noise that seemed somewhere between a hiccup and a sob and turned her face to burrow against his cheek, and he turned, meeting her halfway, and pressed their lips together.

It wasn’t an entirely intentional thing for Inuyasha since he still did not consider it his right but more of a privelage to be allowed to kiss Kagome, and the fact that he helped initiate it was startling to both miko and hanyou’s minds.

For a moment they stared at each other, their lips barely brushing, then Kagome’s eyes fluttered closed, and she leaned forward, pressing their lips even tighter together.

Inuyasha’s ears shot straight up on his head in surprise at this, and his first instinct was to pull away, to pull back and stop degrading this beautiful creature before him with his unworthy touches.

But Kagome wasn’t pulling away-- she had initiated the continuation, and Inuyasha, despite the more prude and pitifully degraded part of his mind screaming protests, did not really want to pull away anyway.

Because this was right-- even more right than the embrace had been, and before he could stop himself, he found himself pressing forward, deepening the kiss, and this was new to both of them as the small world of swirling blue darkness they had created around them continued on its way without interruption-- Inuyasha actually responding in a good way to such a simple touch, and Kagome brought her arms up to wrap around his neck, pulling him down closer to her, and Inuyasha went willingly, his mind and soul still aching for more of her touch-- more of her taste.

However, before they could carry on with this too long, their moment was interrupted as Sesshomaru cleared his throat rather loudly.

‘If you two are going to continue down this path, then I suggest you find yourselves a room. If not, there is a storm coming, and we all must return inside anyway.’ He said, his voice slicing through their own little haven of nothingness, and bringing the rest of the world back into view and hearing range at a rather rapid pace as the two pulled their lips away from one another (though both refused to release the other) and glanced over at Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha let out a small huff as his cheeks again flamed bright red, and Kagome looked at him, his ears pinned back in annoyance and embarrasment, then at Sesshomaru, who was staring coldly at him. Her eyes met with the lord of the Western lands’ and she could see the small traces of amusement glittering just beneath the surface.

She let out a small laugh-- something she hadn’t done in a very, very long time, and hadn’t ever really expected to ever do again, and Inuyasha’s ears pinned tighter to his head as he looked at her in confusion.

Kagome shook her head by way of explanation, and Inuyasha glared, letting out a small “Keh” of annoyance. She quickly silenced him with another kiss, not nearly as deep as before, but still enough to effectively silence him, and unpin his ears from his head as they again shot up in surprise-- an action she found incredibly amusing, but avoided saying anything as she pulled back, away from him, their bodies loosing contact for all of a moment, before she reached down and quickly laced her fingers within his own.

Inuyasha stared down at their clasped hands for a moment, then looked up at her.

He could see the pain in her eyes from all that had happened-- all that was yet to happen-- and the indignant anger at what had been done and was going to be done. But more than that, more importantly, he could see the joy-- the love and happiness and... total completeness there, shining so clearly for him to see, yet he was certain it would be hidden to others unless they looked very hard for it.

He supposed the reason it was so clear to him was because... it was the same thing that he was feeling... exactly.

He was complete now when he had not been before, he felt happiness in places that had been missing if for so long, and he was... loved... in a way he had never been loved before.

Not by his mother, father or brother, for, while he was certain they all loved him a great deal (at least now), it was still a paternal and fraternal thing, and not at all like this in so many ways.

Not by Sango or Miroku or Shippo or Kirara, because they were all his friends, and the love they had for him was just that-- love between friends. It was exactly the same way he felt towards them.

And not by Kikyo either. He had thought, at one time, that what he was feeling from her and with her was love, but he could tell now it was not. Kikyo, despite her purity and former goodness, had been selfish. It was subtle, but it was there nonetheless, and she he been willing to let it overcome her and hurt him with it so that “they” could be happy. According to her the only way to free her from the duty of a priestess was to get rid of the Shikon jewel, and the only way to do that was to turn him human. He hadn’t wanted to be human though-- it was exactly the opposite of what he had wanted, but that hadn’t mattered. It didn’t matter that there were lots of other half-demons who would have been glad to make such a wish, it had to be him. And he had been willing to do that for her, because he had thought he had loved her. But then she had died, and become more tainted and twisted than he had ever thought. He had never truly realised the spite and scorn that a human could possess until Kikyo had died.

And he realised that, if she truly felt such things toward him-- if she was truly willing to hurt him over and over again like this-- there was no way in hell she ever could have loved him.

Nor he her.

He wasn’t sure what had attracted him to her after the jewel became out of the question, but he knew he had at least been attracted to if not in love with her.

But after she had died that attraction had developed more into a sense of duty, which she abused so much it had dwindled down to... nothing.

This feeling to protect her was all but gone, and anything else he had felt for her had fled him the moment she had kidnapped him from Naraku.

And he didn’t want her anymore.

He wanted Kagome.

Because, as he looked at her, even covered in dirt and blood and slime and other gross things like that, even with her hair matted and looking more out of control than Rin’s, even with her eyes darkened with pain and sadness and her skin decorated with bruises and cuts, he still found her to be more beautiful than the stars themselves.

Because he loved her.

And Kikyo didn’t matter anymore. ~*~  

A/N: Well there you go!

I am seriously all out of things to say (IT’S A MIRACLE!) so I guess I’ll just anxiously await the reviews and see what everyone thinks... o.o