InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Challenge Destiny: By Air ❯ To Soar Through the Air Once More ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha and all characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I don't own them and am not making any money from this.

Written for Challenge Destiny: By Air. Originally posted August 27, 2011.

Title: To Soar Through the Air Once More
By Air #10 Fly Away With Me
Author: ananova
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Universe: Post Canon
Word Count: 261
Summary: Elated by Kagome's answer, Inuyasha takes off on a run through the treetops.
Warnings: None

Inuyasha continued to stare at her. “Yes?” he asked, slightly disbelieving.

Kagome nodded her head, before reaching out and embracing him. “Yes,” she repeated again.

“Yes!” He stood suddenly, bringing her with him and lifting her into the air before twirling her around, her delighted laughter filling his ears. He stopped as quickly as he had started spinning, and gently set her down before turning and offering her his back. “Come on,” he said, a grin stretching across his face as she climbed on and adjusted her grip, then he took off, racing towards the forest.

Running as fast as he could he leaped up into the trees, climbing higher and higher until he was racing across the treetops. Kagome laughed as they soared through the air, just the two of them, flying away into the night. She had missed this, this feeling that she always felt when he carried her on his back. It always seemed like they were flying when they traveled like this, especially when it was just the two of them. She decided to just sit back and enjoy the experience, hopefully she would be able to convince Inuyasha to do this again sometime.

A huge grin settled on Inuyasha's face as he heard her laughter. He had always been aware of how much she enjoyed this, almost as much as he did. He always felt better when she was this close to him. So he continued to run, soaring through the air, content to share the experience with the one he loved.

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