InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos Happens ❯ Kikyo and Naraku Appear ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



I don't own Inuyasha

Chapter 6

After Kouga left, Sango and Miroku were still shocked from what happen.

"Guys what happen I want to know." Shippo asked

"Shippo you are still to young to understand all of this stuff we'll tell you when you're older" Sango told the little fox.

The Gang started walking down the path when Kagome sense Jewel shards.

" How Many do you sense Kagome" Inuyasha asked

"About five or more"

When Inuyasha and Kagome found where the shards were, they couldn't believe who they saw.

" Kikyo" they both said (A/N: Sango and Miroku are off somewhere else)

"Inuyasha come with me. We shall go to hell together" Kikyo said. (A/N: DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE KIKYO! Sorry kinda hate Kikyo)

"No Kikyo I m not going with you, I love someone else" Inuyasha said.

"It's her isn't it" Kikyo said while pointing at Kagome.

"Kikyo it's none of your concern who I love"

Kikyo then took out her bow and arrow and aimed it at Inuyasha.

"If I can't have you no one will"

Kikyo then shot her arrow at Inuyasha. Inuyasha was ready to feel the pain but it never came. He look to see the arrow was shot into Kagome. Kikyo then disappeared.

"KAGOME! NO! Why did you do that."

" Because Inuyasha you always save my life and I thought I should save you"

Kagome then fell asleep.

" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

"Huh! Who's there!"

"Inuyasha now that Kikyo has knocked Kagome unconscious I will be taking her away from you"

"Naraku! You Bastard, you made Kikyo do this didn't you!" Inuyasha yelled.

"No Inuyasha she did this on her own free will. Now hand over Kagome and I might give you a less painful death."

"No I'll never give Kagome to you"

"Ok then well do this the hard way"

Naraku then started running towards Inuyasha with his claws ready to stab Inuyasha, but Inuyasha took out he's Tessaiga (sp?).

"Naraku you will pay for hurting Kagome. Kaze no Kizu!"

All Naraku did was grin. He than ran to Kagome picked her up and started walking away"

"Naraku you Bastard give back Kagome or else"

"Or else what? If you take one more step I'll her right now. If you want to save her meet me at my castle and bring the shikon shard.(A/N: Kagome put the jewel shards in her backpack.)

Naraku then disappeared.

` Naraku you Bastard I will save Kagome and then I will kill you'

With that Inuyasha ran to find the others.

Karen(me): Hahahaha cliffhanger. Oh well just read the next chapter to find out what Inuyasha does. PLZ REVIEW