InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Meeting Mika ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok I know it has been forever and a day- or longer than that actually. I'm sorry about that, everyone. I have had the worst writer's block on this story- and my other ones as a matter of fact (although I managed to finish Impurity of Selfishness if you haven't read that!)! I also began to get a little overwhelmed with how long this story might end up being… Oh well. <sigh> When I saw the new opening for Inuyasha, the one with Grip by Every Little Thing, I feared that the entire premise of my story might be completely overturned, so I waited… and I still don't know. I'll do my best to work in those new developments as they come along. That's the way it is, neh?
Special thanks to Jupiter's Light, inulover, Angelstars, ChibiJenn, caj-trixie and Kagome-Inuyasha for reviewing! I appreciate it so much. You are always an inspiration and a push to write faster, although it will not seem like it this time.
Previously on CotS…
Finally, she's ready for dinner. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and smiles. She turns around a couple of times and admires the beautiful piece of clothing. Suddenly, another reflection appears behind her in the mirror.
“Kagome-nee-chan looks very beautiful!” Sesshoumaru hugs her from behind. His head only comes up to my elbow- what a change from the tall youkai that he will become. She exhales and laughs just a little bit. When we return, I know that I will give him strange looks and he will think that I have lost my mind. She hugs the young demon back. “It's time for dinner. A servant was going to come, but no, I wanted to come get you. May I, uh, escort you to the table, Kagome-nee-chan?”
She smiles brightly at him. “You are very kind, Sess-kun. I would be delighted if you would escort me to dinner.” She makes a little bow and he giggles.
Pt 5: A Lovely Little Dinner
“The human understanding, when any proposition has been once laid down … forces everything else to add fresh support and confirmation.” - Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, 1620
“Love to faults is always blind.” William Blake, Poems, 1791-1792
“Truth springs from argument among friends.” Philosopher David Hume, 1711-1776
She glances down at the young youkai and is again amazed. This is Sesshoumaru, the Lord of the Western Lands… he is being kind to me, a human. He hates humans with a passion in the future, but now he seems so different. Amazing… I wonder what could have happened to make him change so much… As his fit of giggles ends, he straightens, pulls himself up to his full height and offers her the crook of his arm. She tries to link arms with him, but in order to do that, she would have to stoop. Instead, she holds out her hand in a hopefully graceful manner. He takes her hand and blushes slightly; he looks up at her in apology but her eyes only shine amusement, not reproach. He sighs, relieved and now full of confidence again. His eyes sparkle and he begins to lead her out of the room and down the stairs. As she sneaks a peek at him, he does not seem embarrassed about the height difference anymore. They go down the hallway and turn into the first room on the right.
As they enter, Kagome is amazed by the tasteful décor of the room. In the center of the room, a large round table covered in an immaculate white tablecloth waits for well-dressed nobility to sit down and be served. White wax candles create the mood for the evening as their light paints shadows on the walls. Inutaisho tends to a beautiful but still familiar woman who is already seated at the table. After a split-second, Kagome finally realizes who this woman must be. She must be Inuyasha's mother, Mika. That means new moon… what an appropriate name considering what the new moon means for Inuyasha. A wry smile appears on her face. Yes, I almost didn't recognize her from this distance… but then again, I have never really met her. I remember that youkai that tricked Inuyasha into believing that she was his mother in order that Sesshoumaru find out where Inutaisho's grave site was…The illusion didn't do her beauty justice. At the internal comment about Sesshoumaru, Kagome looks down at the space next to her. Sess-kun isn't there!
Where on Earth did he get off to, I wonder? Oh he's just a kid… then she notices a white blur heading towards Mika. Sess-kun hugs Mika's arm to him and smiles at her. Oh that's right. He adores her. It's still amazing to believe that he doesn't despise either of us. It contradicts almost everything I have ever seen or heard about Sesshoumaru back in Inuyasha's time.
Inutaisho beckons to Kagome with a gentle wave. “Kagome-san, please come over here and meet my wife, Mika.”
She hurries over, or as fast as she wants to in the borrowed outfit. Suddenly feeling a little awkward and out-of-place with these beautiful people, she fears that she will stumble. To her relief, she doesn't miss a step. As she gets nearer, they all begin to smile at her. Kagome bows gently to Mika. “Hello, thank you for allowing me to stay in your home, Mika-sama. My name is Higurashi Kagome and I'm very pleased to finally meet you.”
Her eyes sparkle and she reaches out a delicate hand to her. “Kagome-san, welcome. My husband has already told me a little bit about you and I am also honored to meet you… a time-traveler and a friend of my son,” she places her other hand on her swelling belly, “Inuyasha.”
Sess-kun pats her stomach in response and looks at Mika wonderingly. “Is Inuyasha really in there?”
The older woman smiles and winks at Kagome. “Of course he's in there, growing safe and strong. You're going to be a wonderful big brother and help a lot, aren't you, Sess-kun?”
He nods impatiently. “Yes, I'll protect my little brother… no one would dare hurt him.”
At that moment, the hanyou of the moment dashes in the room in search of food. As his bare feet slide across the cool marble floor, his still wet hair sticks together and drips on the marble floor behind him. As his feet slide and his lateral motion decreases, he almost falls flat on his face. Luckily, his hanyou reflexes allow him to quickly regain his balance. Still, his face drops into a scowl until he lays eyes on the lovely pregnant woman in the center of our circle.
Staring in absolute shock, he takes an unconscious step forward. His surprise comes from the fact that in his rush to get to dinner on time, he forgot that his mother was here, alive and well. Quietly, Inutaisho begins muttering some words under his breath while placing a gentle hand on Mika's arm. Curiously, Kagome looks up at him in surprise, but he doesn't seem to notice. As the confused hanyou comes nearer, Inutaisho finishes his chant and winks at everyone else before gesturing for Inuyasha to join the circle.
Inuyasha nods and only has eyes for one person at the moment. “Mother,” he manages to whisper.
She smiles and drinks in the sight of him. “Yes, it's me, my dear Inuyasha. You're so big- grown up and at the same time…” She pats her bulge and looks at Inutaisho. “Can I touch him?”
The father nods. “Yes, you may touch each other; I put a spell on you and the fetus to protect you all from the time paradox. It is safe.”
Kagome's eyes widen in surprise. “Is that truly possible?”
Inuyasha mumbles, “Who cares?” Then he unabashedly gives his mother a huge hug.
Inutaisho smiles and then turns to answer Kagome. “Yes, it's possible. The spell is quite simple really. Oh well, if we are all ready, shall we begin dinner?” Inuyasha very reluctantly separates from Mika and everyone heads to their seats. After a quick prayer of thanks, they begin to consume the fabulous feast.
When no one begins talking, Inutaisho takes the initiative. “So, shall I tell you a little bit about the Shikon no Tama and its origins? Some of this you may know; some of it you may not know. Either way, I might as well start from the beginning. Is that acceptable to you both? Sess-kun, you should pay close attention as well.” They nod, but remain silent. “Of course you know that the Shikon no Tama literally means the Jewel of the Four Souls. Then again, what are the four souls? They are the four spiritual elements- untamed strength, harmony, mystery and happiness. When these four aspects come together as one, they become the soul, or the heart of the physical body. Yuu comes from Yuuki or courage. Shin is from shitashi, or close friendship. Chi roots from chie or wisdom. Lastly, Ai is from Aijou or love and affection. Is this clear so far?” They nod yes. “Good…when these four elements are gathered together unexpectedly in times of chaos, a Shikon no Tama may be created.”
He takes a deep breath. “What is not commonly known or rather has been forgotten is that there were originally four souls who literally came together to bring the people and youkai together so that we could live in peace and harmony. The first four meant to protect; their union was a symbol of how youkai and humans, two different species, could work together and have a mutually beneficial existence on the Earth. The pure hearts, or these souls who possessed this original condition, had good intentions, but power tends to corrupt and even the promise of power is potent enough to darken the heart. Initially, many youkai and humans intermarried, but over time, each side began to despise the other. The rulers' powers could not contain the growing evil. I'm not sure what happened after that; you'll have to find out. What I do know is that the growing evil was the reason for the barrier that protects and hides this castle. This place was not meant to be a fortress, but was meant to be a gathering place for all. Unfortunately, desperate times called for desperate measures. The world was not ready for the dream of the original four.”
He sighs tragically. “Since that time, youkai have grown to hate humans more and have begun to see them only as prey and worthless vermin. Consequently, the humans believe that youkai are emotionless monsters that must be exterminated at all costs. It has become a vicious cycle, but neither side is free from guilt. The balance has been broken and it needs to be restored. That is our mission and our dream.”
Kagome nods and asks, “I thought that our mission was to defeat Naraku because he was behind all the changes in the time stream. Is he somehow responsible for youkai hating humans and visa versa?”
Inutaisho scratches his chin in deep thought. “I'm not sure. I think the inherent nature of the issue would've been enough to be a mission, but if Naraku is as devious as you have told me concerning Inuyasha and Kikyo, I wouldn't be surprised if he went back, fanned the flames of the conflict and used it to his advantage. Since the damage is done, it is difficult to see what caused what exactly. We need to be careful not to overlook anything and not to assume causation in every case.” He goes silent for a moment as he eats some more. “I don't know what else to say. There are more important issues that you will face, but the time is not right to reveal the pertinent information.” The lord gladly delves into his meal.
Inuyasha looks up from his almost-finished meal. “Wait a second! You won't even tell us everything that we need to know? You're going to hold back useful information? Why does everyone keep doing that?”
Kagome whacks him over the head quickly. “Inuyasha, please be respectful to your father. He's been very kind to us, to you! He doesn't deserve to be badgered like this, so be quiet and finish your meal! I'm sure that he has a very good reason for withholding information. He's on our side after all, baka!”
Inuyasha growls, but he thinks for a moment and relents. “Ok, you're right.” Inuyasha bows his head to his father. “Forgive me, Father, for my words.”
Inutaisho, who is now almost finished eating, nods at Inuyasha and Kagome. “I understand your frustrations, my son. I know that you understand, although you want to pretend not to care. Kagome-san is quite correct, Inuyasha. I do have a good reason for not telling you now. The information will not help you at this point; in fact, there is nothing that you can do with it now. The information is not yet pertinent, but when it is, I will tell you immediately. Please be patient, my son. All will come in good time.”
The hanyou gets a look on his face that says I'm-not-the-least-bit-patient, but he luckily remains silent and nods respectfully. Mika tries not to giggle at the stubbornness of her son. Kagome catches her eye and they mischievously smile at each other.
Inutaisho finishes and pulls three little boxes out with flair. “These are gifts for you, Kagome and Inuyasha. There is also one for Sesshoumaru in the future; could you please give it to him for me?”
Both of them get up and reverently take the boxes from him. Inuyasha's is in silver wrapping paper and Kagome's is wrapped in purple wrapping paper. Kagome allows Inuyasha to open his present first. He tears through the paper with his claws and opens the little box to peer at a silver ring in the shape of a moon that is shaded to show all its phases. Kagome gasps in surprise and smiles. Inuyasha looks at it questioningly and pokes at it with his index finger.
Inutaisho smiles slightly. “This ring shows your lineage, Inuyasha. It marks you as my son. It also will increase your ability to control your demon blood and increase the amount of power that you can use while still remaining completely yourself. With time and training, you will learn how to harness its powers.” Inuyasha gets a huge grin on his face and starts to celebrate, but he looks around at everyone and holds in his excitement. Then, he gets up to shake hands with his father. “Thank you, Father, for the gift. I will do my best to make the most of this opportunity.” Inutaisho smiles at the restraint of his son and watches silently as Inuyasha puts the ring on his left fourth finger.
Now everyone's eyes turn to Kagome. She gently opens the wrapped box, not tearing the paper nearly as much as Inuyasha did. The young miko also finds a ring box in her hand. She opens it to find a simple, but exquisite silver and sapphire ring. The gem is dark, but brilliant and reflects the light beautifully. The silver frames the stone well and she finds herself gasping in surprise. She looks up in shock. “Thank you so much, Inutaisho-sama. This is gorgeous. I don't deserve such a lavish gift.”
“You've been a good friend to my son, probably to both of my sons. You are an extraordinary person, Kagome-san. I'm sorry that my gift has no powers to give you, but it did belong to my mother. I brought it back to her from the future; she would want you to have it.”
Mika looks closer at the ring and smiles. “Yes, I think she would like that, dear. Kagome-san, I have a gift for you too. You've been very sweet to take care of my son and to care for him as you do.” She takes a bracelet off her wrist and passes it to Kagome's waiting hands. “This is the matching bracelet to the ring. Come here and I'll tell you a secret.” Kagome nods silently and walks towards her. Mika whispers in her ear so that no one else can hear her words, not even with youkai or hanyou heightened hearing. “These were meant for the woman who will become Inuyasha's wife. There is also a set here in the castle for the one who will be Sesshoumaru's mate someday. Inutaisho and I know who you are, please don't ask me how, dear, but we approve. It'll work out somehow in the end. Take heart and have faith in love.” She pulls Kagome into a warm embrace and the young miko fights back the threatening tears. As the two women finally pull away from each other, Mika lightly pushes Kagome's chin up with her index finger.
Looking down at the gifts, Kagome puts them on- the ring on the fourth finger of her right hand and the bracelet around her right wrist. A very curious Inuyasha finishes examining his new ring and comes over to appraise her new jewelry.
Looking from his ring to hers, he playfully scowls. “Why do you get two things and I only get one?”
She closely examines his face for clues. “Do you really care that I got two and you got one or are you just making trouble?”
“Keh, your ring and bracelet are symbols of my family too; they shouldn't belong to someone like you!”
A vein begins to pop on her forehead. “First of all, that wasn't an answer to my question. Second, your ring is a symbol of your family and it will give you power. Mine are simply ornamental! I know that are excited about your ring and want to be obnoxious, but I think you went too far. Also, what the heck do you mean by someone like me?” Her tone suddenly becomes mocking. “Would you rather wear them yourself? They would contrast well with your white hair.” She gives him a glare to drive her point home. “Besides, they aren't yours to give; it's not your decision. If your parents want to give them to me of their own free will, they must have a good reason, even if you are too dense to understand what that reason is!”
“Who says I don't understand and I am not dense, Kagome! But if you're so much smarter than I, do you know what their reasoning is?”
She shrugs lightly. “Maybe I do. What is it to you if you can't figure it out?”
Inutaisho steps between the quarreling duo with a silent reproving look. Kagome lowers her head in apology and Inuyasha sighs and looks away. “Ok, calm down, both of you. Inuyasha, we have our reasons. Someday you'll understand. For the moment, you'll just have to trust our judgment. After all, we have been around a few more years than you have.”
He looks at his son. “I know that you didn't mean what you were saying, but even as a game, some of those words were harsh towards your friend. If you're not careful, you'll have some real misunderstandings.” Inutaisho looks out the window sadly and shakes his head. The Inuyoukai lord claps his hands together. “But that does not matter at this point… there is one more thing. I have a favor to ask of you, Kagome-san.” He gently places something rectangular in her hand. A blue box rests in her right hand. “This is the gift for Sesshoumaru. Could you please give it to him for me? There is a note inside.” Sess-kun gets up and runs towards them.
“Dad, can I have it now? I'm right here!”
He picks up his son with ease considering how big Sess-kun has gotten. “Son, the time is not right. You need to get this in the future. You will still receive the gift. You need to have patience.”
“Like Inuyasha does?”
“Yes, both of you need to practice it… and here's a secret- I need to practice patience, too!” They both laugh and we smile at them- even Inuyasha cracks a grin.
After a relaxing dessert and a night of restful sleep in the castle, Inuyasha and Kagome must return home, well, they must go back to the Sengoku Jidai. As they wave to Inutaisho-sama and Sess-kun, they smile sadly that they must leave. With a sigh, the time traveling pair looks at each other, grabs each others' hands and places their free hands on Goshinboku. As the tree recites the spell and they concentrate, they find their selves out of time… and off into the future.
Ok, that's it for this chapter (which I went back and added to on 11/6/03 to fix a few things and add a few things)- not the longest chapter, but not the shortest either- I'm supposed to be studying for a math test after all! No matter… I get to tie in the Sesshoumaru thread soon which should be cool but I am always open to new ideas to work in. I should get the newer chapters up faster. Exams'll be over in a few weeks and I'll be free for the summer- until I begin working… oh joy! Anyway, thanks for reading and please REVIEW everyone! I'll update as soon as I can.