InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Always Darkest before the Dawn: Part 2 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok everyone- I'm back. It was midterms and classes and everything- I kept writing little bits but then another test or term paper would sneak up on me. Here's the good news- I think I'm back on track. I'm also working on a webpage for my fanfiction- I've been meaning to do it and I have an opportunity in my Computer Science class. So that'll be exciting. If anyone knows of any particular pics that I should use, please tell me so that I can!
Review responses:
Angelstars: Thank you for telling about the part so that I could clarify that point. I don't really hate her either, but she does confuse me sometimes. I finally saw the second movie and I agree with you. That was strange. It was an enjoyable movie to watch, though. Oh well… here's another part for you. Sorry it took so long!
jess: Thank you so much for your review. I do sometimes get a little frustrated, but you cheered me up so much. I really appreciate it. I only hope that I can continue to write and meet your expectations! Thank you again!
Desha- Thanks so much for reading and for casting your vote!
Ruia Motou- I'm so glad that you're enjoying it. Thank you for voting!
Last time:
Kagome and Inuyasha went back to meet Nozomi. She welcomes them warmly and answers their questions. Also, she gives Kagome a pendant made out of wood. Kikyo comes in and insists that necklace is hers. Nozomi orders her out of the house, but Kikyo appeals to Inuyasha and asks him to come with her. He complies without a word and leaves Kagome alone with Nozomi. Thus, Kagome prepares to return to the Sengoku Jidai alone.
Kikyo and Inuyasha talk about Nozomi and travel back to the Sengoku Jidai, where Kikyo leaves him on his own. Inuyasha feels guilty about leaving Kagome and walking back to the village on his own. He wonders where she is and whether she will forgive him.
Chapter 12: Always Darkest before the Dawn: Part 2
Nozomi calls back to Kagome. “Where are you going?”
Kagome turns around with a questioning look on her face. “I'm going to Goshinboku-jii-chan, of course.” She looks off into the distance and her shoulders slump at the thought of the distance. “It's not close, but I can make it.”
Nozomi comes down to where Kagome is and shakes her head. “I should've told you before, but you don't need to walk so far. That pendant is made from the wood of the Goshinboku. You don't need anything else to travel through time.”
Kagome's eyes open wide as she picks up the necklace from its resting place on her chest. Cocking her head to one side, she examines it as if she has never seen it before. Then she raises her eyes to Nozomi's. “But I don't know the spell, how can I?”
The older woman raises her hand to clear up the problem. “Kagome, I can say it for you. Listen to the words and try to remember them. We'll work on this another time.” Kagome raises her eyebrow and Nozomi's smile increases. “Ok, let's get you on your way!”
Kagome, still clutching the pendant for dear life, opens her eyes to see Inutaisho's extensive manor stretching out before her, only ironically, they appear to be upside down. She sweatdrops as she looks up to see herself caught in a tree. The manicured grounds glisten as if a spring afternoon squall has come and gone. The humid air moves with a light, clean-smelling breeze as Kagome tries to hold on to the slippery branches. Her moment of struggle causes her to fall to the ground, although thankfully she manages to land on her rear instead on landing on her head.
She sighs and rubs her sore posterior. Looking down at her pendant, she scowls lightly and thinks that she prefers traveling with Goshinboku's help. Her hand grasps the pendant and she lightly wonders what to do. She is not sure where to find Inutaisho and she doesn't want to be mistaken for an enemy.
A deep voice from behind her murmurs, “You're back.”
Kagome visibly jumps in surprise. She gets off the ground and turns around to face a smiling Inutaisho, who has his arms raised to show that he didn't mean to frighten her. “Sorry, Kagome-san. I didn't mean to frighten you. Welcome back!”
The adrenaline still pumping through her veins keeps her body in a state of alertness, yet she sighs to try and calm herself down. A couple deep breaths somewhat return the extremely fragile peace that she feels in her mind and heart. “Thank you, Inutaisho-sama and good afternoon. I appreciate your hospitality once again.” Inutaisho nods, but doesn't say anything in response. Kagome nervously shifts from one foot to the other as she waits for his inevitable question. She inwardly sighs, because she's not sure that she wants to tell his father what happened at Nozomi's. She looks up at him but he doesn't act any more curious than normal. Finally, she gives up. “Aren't you going to ask me where Inuyasha is?”
He calmly replies, “I simply knew that you would explain in your own time. I didn't want to press you as that might make you more nervous. Did he do something ridiculous?” Inutaisho pats her shoulder in a comforting, fatherly way. “You can tell me; I'll try not to let the fact that I'm his father get in the way… too much. Paternal instincts you know…” He winks.
Kagome forcibly laughs. “Right.”
He shakes his head. “Don't push yourself too much, Kagome-san.”
At that moment, a white blur pounces on Kagome. She finds herself on her back on the ground with Sess-kun beaming down at her. “Kagome-nee-chan!! I'm so glad that you're back!” Inutaisho walks up behind his son and gently places his claw on Sess-kun's shoulders. The younger youkai's eyes widen in instant understanding. He backs away with a priceless, sheepish expression on his innocent face.
As the young miko gets up and brushes herself off, she hesitates a moment in remembrance of what transpired between Sesshoumaru and herself in the forest- how he mistook her for someone else and irrationally attacked her. Inutaisho raises his eyebrow, but does not say anything because his eldest son is mercifully clueless. Kagome recovers as she remembers that this is Sess-kun. Looking down into his warm, happy yellow eyes, she brilliantly smiles back.
Kagome and Inutaisho share a bit of silent laughter. Inutaisho nods just slightly before turning back to his son. “So, you found us, did you?”
Sess-kun grins. “Hai!” He looks around the immediate area and then gives Kagome a questioning look. “I found you both, but that's all. So where's Inuyasha?”
Both Kagome and Inutaisho sweatdrop. He recovers before she does and tactfully answers, “We didn't want him to be with his mother when she's pregnant with him. We aren't sure of the possible negative side effects; prolonged exposure could be quite dangerous. Speaking of Inuyasha, could you do me a favor, as the responsible big brother that you will be? Would you mind watching over Mika for me while I visit with Kagome-san?”
Sess-kun gets a little testy for a moment, but then complies somewhat happily, because he loves Mika so much. As he leaves, he calls out, “Father, please find out when he can come back, because I want to play with him again, ok?” Inutaisho nods his assent and Sess-kun runs off in the direction of the main house.
Kagome smiles after the kid and then looks at Inutaisho with a teasing and questioning look in her eye. “I thought that spell that you put on the two of them was enough to protect them.”
Inutaisho winks at her. “Well, yes, that's true, but I had to tell him something, now didn't I?”
Kagome shrugs. Taking a deep breath, she turns her mind back to the subject that they had been discussing before the tangent.
Inutaisho gently prompts. “So, please tell me what happened, if you're comfortable.” She doesn't answer, so he tries another approach. “So you went back in time and met Nozomi, Masuyo, Rai and Kane, didn't you? What did you think of the time period?”
Kagome's eyes light up for a moment. “Well, I just met Nozomi actually. She seems very talented and intelligent. I'm just not…”
Inutaisho contradicts her. “Don't beat yourself up. You have your own talents and strengths.”
She blushes. “Ok, you're right. I have to stop doing that. If I keep saying things like that, someday I might come to believe it- or worse, others might also believe it.” She looks away. “I have this strong desire to be humble sometimes… and there are other times when I let my pride get the better of me. I do have my own strengths, but there are times…”
He nods and looks her straight in the eye. “Pride can no doubt be a bad thing, but if you doubt yourself too much, it will make it much harder to succeed in your appointed task, Kagome-san.”
She doesn't know how to respond, so she nods obediently. Finally she finds her tongue. “So, what was I talking about- the past? It was incredibly beautiful and fascinating; it reminded me of the Sengoku Jidai, but better in a way.” In her mind's eye, Kagome remembers the way that the past was different. “You know what else? I hadn't expected the topography and vegetation to be as different as they were.”
“Yes, I was amazed too, but remember that mountains become hills and valleys over time due to erosion. Besides, the forest was younger back then. That also makes a difference. It was a long time ago, no matter how long it takes you to get there.” He winks at her.
She giggles. “That's very true. I'm just thankful that I'm not the only one who noticed something like that.” She racks her brain for more information. “Also, all the inhabitants seemed to be living together rather peacefully- at least the ones I saw did.”
Inutaisho's youkai lips turn upwards slightly at the corners. “Yes, they are lucky. I admit that I wish this time could be like that. If I showed any more overt favoritism to humans, I would be facing an inquiry courtesy of the other taiyoukai. They're afraid of humans gaining political power and threatening taiyoukai rule. They want the humans to live primitive lives without being educated.”
Kagome nods with a sad, introspective look in her eyes. “Knowledge is power, isn't it? If they knew any better and believed in their own power, they could be somewhat dangerous. I understand. I've studied such revolutions, as I'm sure that you have as well.”
“Not as much as you have, but yes, I have. What is sad is that in the Northern and Southern lands, hatred, fear and prejudice already rule in that time. No matter how hard the four souls tried to convince the leaders of the other lands that their way of thinking was limited and inaccurate, they found no way to maintain the fragile peace between humans and youkai in all the lands.”
Kagome nods and adds, “Ideals are dangerous in a way. They can be twisted to mean whatever leaders want them to mean. Still, there is no other way to get people to work together as willingly as they do when they work toward a common goal, no matter how negative that goal may be. After all, there's safety in numbers and if they are not taught to think for themselves, their minds are vulnerable.” He nods and sadly sighs.
She smiles sadly as he guides her into a beautifully manicured rose garden. The humid air moves with each short gust of wind that lifts up the clean smell of fertile soil. In the center of the garden, there is a white gazebo. Inutaisho gestures for her to sit down, so that they may talk.
A warm feeling of comfort passes through her heart and all of a sudden, she feels as if she can tell Inutaisho and fulfill her purpose in coming to this time. “Inutaisho-sama, I did enjoy meeting Nozomi, but…” Her voice fades out slightly.
“The afternoon didn't end up as I had planned.” Her voice cracks on the last word, but luckily a surge of frustration overrides her hesitancy. “Inutaisho-sama, as Nozomi was telling us about the pendant…” She lightly caresses the piece of carved wood with her fingertips. “Kikyo came and demanded that I give her the necklace. Then, when Nozomi asked her to leave, Kikyo asked Inuyasha to come with her. He left without a word.”
He gently asks, “Kikyo is the one who sealed Inuyasha?”
Kagome nods and looks away. A couple of furry animals scamper up in the tree. A solitary leaf floats down, obviously falling prey to the animals' games. Kagome reaches out as if to grasp the leaf, but changes her mind and lowers her arm to her side. “Yes, the one from whom I am supposedly reincarnated…”
“Does the idea of being reincarnated bother you or is the thought that you could come from that particular individual?”
“The whole thing is unnerving to me, Inutaisho-sama. I'm not me- I'm just a replica, a reproduction.”
“I can understand that, but would you allow me to tell you something?” She nods. “You are most definitely you and no one else. Your soul is your own, too. Most people are relatively familiar with the process of reincarnation, but they don't mentally grasp it correctly. First, if you are reincarnated from anyone, it's Nozomi, not Kikyo. Also, your soul is your own, but there is part of Nozomi's soul with yours. It is intertwined, but they are different.” Kagome thinks for a moment and nods. “Does that make you feel any better?”
Kagome nods. “Yes, actually it does. I am me and I am not connected to Kikyo as much as people like to believe. Inuyasha, for one… at first that's who he saw when he looked at me. I don't think it's quite that extreme now, especially since she is walking all over creation.”
“Don't give up, Kagome-san. Eventually he'll be able to see you as your own person. What matters is truth, not perceptions…”
“Even if his perceptions, though false, change the way I live my life? There was a time when I almost gave up being around him because he had chosen Kikyo over me. Although Inuyasha and I have grown closer, she is always there between us because of that. I knew that when I came back to him. It was too late; I only wanted to see Inuyasha and to be near him.”
Inutaisho smiles at her a places his hand over hers. “You really love him, don't you?” Kagome turns bright red. Inutaisho reassures her as she tries to pull her hand away from underneath his. “It's ok, Kagome-san. I think that it's wonderful. I won't tell him.”
Her bangs hide her eyes. “There are times when this all feels doomed and hopeless.”
“Love isn't easy, Kagome-san. I found that too, with both Sess-kun and Inuyasha's mothers. I know that Inuyasha loves you, otherwise I would not have given you that ring. I can tell by the way that he looks at you and acts in your presence.”
Kagome half-smiles. “Maybe he does, but if so, he happens to love her more.”
“Maybe, but I think not. He is young yet and has a lot to learn. Just wait and see. You have a mission- who knows what will happen?”
“You know, don't you?”
He smiles. “Of course I do.” Then he laughs to show that he's kidding. “No, I don't know exactly what will happen. Inuyasha is much like my brother was.” Kagome's curiosity is piqued, but he silences her. “There's not time to explain right now, but I promise I'll tell you next time that we talk.”
She sighs and shakes her head. “Older brother- so was he anything like Sesshoumaru?”
Inutaisho smiles slightly. “So you're willing to talk about my older son? Please tell me about his relationship with Inuyasha and your friends. Is he a good taiyoukai? What did he do that made you tense up earlier around Sess-kun?”
Kagome sweatdrops. “You don't want to know.”
“Is it really that bad? Please tell me. I would really like to know- it's important.”
“Well, his lands seem to be in order as far as I can tell. He keeps trying to kill Inuyasha to get Tessaiga and now he has Toujikin, the sword that broke Tessaiga's blade. He agreed to help us only to protect his lands. Most of all, he says he hates humans and hanyou and yet he allows a little girl to travel around with him.”
Inutaisho sighs. “This saddens me, but there's more, isn't there?”
“Did you get mind-reading lessons from Nozomi?”
“No, but call it father's intuition.”
She shakes her head in frustration. “He got a ring from you that he put on but when I went to find him in the forest, he attacked me and didn't remember who I was. As he was about to strike, lights from my ring and his ring protected me from his attack. Then he woke up and refused to explain. He apologized, but was more cynical about humans than he was before, especially miko it seemed.”
Inutaisho sighs, but nods in understanding.
Perplexed, Kagome looks at him.
“I'm sorry, but I can't explain until Sesshoumaru remembers.”
Kagome sighs deeply and mutters how annoyed she is that she keeps hearing that she'll find out something later.
At that moment, both look up to see Kikyo standing before them with her arrow ready to fire in her bow. Kagome stands up to confront her. “Kikyo, where is Inuyasha?”
Kikyo's face remains impassive. “He is back in the Sengoku Jidai. He went back to find everyone else. We had a lovely talk, thank you for asking. But I digress… I warned you that this was not finished. Now, give me the pendant that rightfully belongs to me.”
Final poll results:
3 -Two youkai mates (one who would die)
3 -Rin as mate and stays alive
2 -One hanyou mate (who would die), one youkai mate
1 -One youkai mate
0 -One human mate (who would die), one youkai mate
I've decided to write it as two youkai mates. I'm sorry to those who wanted it with Rin, but I just don't think that I can write that. That's one of the reasons it was not originally an option; I guess I never should have made it an option. Anyways, thanks to all of you who voted!
Anyways, stay tuned for the next part, which is Always Darkest Before the Dawn, Part 3! Please review everyone, if you want!