InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Always Darkest before the Dawn: Part 3 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I've been so bad about updating that I tried extra hard to get another chapter up soon, because I left another cliffhanger to try and get people to review. *throws hands up* I tried but it didn't happen. Instead, I finished a huge project, wrote a 20 page paper and studied for two exams. But classes are over and I have some time to write now. I know you are all excited!
Review responses:
Angelstars- I'm sorry that the chapter was sad, but it was for a reason. It'll all pan out. Thank you for giving me my 50th review on this story (or the 50th on!
InusDemoness- Thanks for the comments. I'm glad that you liked the plot. First of all, the reason that it changes from sentence to sentence is that I change from internal thoughts to description- italics, which maybe don't show up as readily on your screen, symbolize those internal thoughts. Originally, this story was written completely from Kagome's perspective, but because I wanted to focus on others later, I changed it. I didn't want to leap around too much in the beginning because I already thought people would whine about the story moving too slowly. I feel it was a tradeoff that may be later evaluated. I'm about to move into another phase, shifting gears if you will, and the others will have more of a say. But I'm glad that you like the idea at least…
ILoveInu!- Thanks for reviewing and giving your honest opinion about the story. Now about your comments- 1) In the eighth episode, she *is* wearing a bathing suit, something I had forgotten so I'm glad you pointed that out. Still, he wasn't sitting there right with her- it still wasn't that ok for him to be watching and she never explained what it was. I changed it anyway- also because I didn't like how that part of the scene turned out. 2) Inuyasha and the rings… I didn't say that he really cared about the rings, but that he was just whining about it. That's how I saw him teasing her about it. I went go back and make that more clear, tho. 3) Acting childish in front of his parents- at that one part, I imagine that he almost forgets that they are there. 4) Yes I may have a lot to learn and I may not be an English major, but I feel that most of what you feel is unforgivable ooc-ness is mostly our differing interpretations of the characters. (Besides, if we all write in English or any language other than Japanese, we already cross the boundary of something all the characters wouldn't do.) Yes there are boundaries for interpretation but in most cases, that's what makes fanfiction fan fiction. If you dislike it and disagree with me so much, don't read it- the rest of it will be based on what happened so they will seem more occ, because they'll change according to what happens. I will try to keep your warnings in mind tho.
At that moment, both look up to see Kikyo standing before them with her arrow ready to fire in her bow. Kagome stands up to confront her. “Kikyo, where is Inuyasha?”
Kikyo's face remains impassive. “He is back in the Sengoku Jidai. He went back to find everyone else. We had a lovely talk, thank you for asking. But I digress… I warned you that this was not finished. Now, give me the pendant that rightfully belongs to me.”
Chapter 13: Always Darkest before the Dawn: Part 3
The wind whips around the group and dark clouds roll in from the northwest. A thunderstorm brews in the vicinity. Kagome's eyes widen instinctively, but she does not move. Only a gust of cold, whistling wind answers Kikyo's request.
Kikyo, obviously annoyed, continues her speech. “Yes, reincarnate, I will take the burden that rightfully belongs to me.”
Inutaisho majestically stands with a sigh. “Hello, Kikyo-san. As you have already surmised, I am Inutaisho, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's father. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. Now, listen- it's not a good idea for you to take the pendant from Kagome.”
Kagome bites her lip for a moment and then takes a confident step forward to give her own reasons. “Kikyo, Nozomi gave it to me. If it was meant for you, wouldn't she have given it to you in the first place?”
Kikyo answers, “No, she wouldn't have given it to me. Her prejudice overrides her common sense so I am here to correct that blatant mistake.”
Inutaisho shakes his head. “Nozomi certainly isn't perfect, as she will willingly admit, but I know for a fact that she is not like that.”
Kikyo narrows her eyes. “Maybe you only see what you want to see. She says that she embraces tolerance, but she is a fraud.”
Inutaisho counters, “I know her quite well, Kikyo-san. You were not the only one that she taught.” His golden eyes flash slightly. “Although Nozomi is prone to mistakes, this is not one of them. There are other reasons for her choices. This is Kagome's quest. You had your own mission and it is time for her to fulfill hers. There are things that you don't know…”
“I know enough!” Before anyone could stop her, Kikyo rushes at Kagome and touches her fingertips to the pendant. A spilt-second later, a bright, golden light expands from the pendant. In her shock, Kagome silently calls out for Inuyasha. Inutaisho mumbles a spell under his breath as everything around them seems to fade for a moment. A blinding white light shines right in their eyes and instinctively, they close their eyes.
Everyone opens their eyes to find themselves surrounded with light blue light. As Kagome looks down, she almost falls down when she sees that she is not standing on anything in particular. On the other side of the space, Kikyo examines her surroundings. Her sometimes unexpressive eyes widen in curiosity. Inutaisho completes the triangle.
For a moment, no one knows what to say. Kagome and Kikyo both freeze, almost forgetting what had happened before they had come to this place. A ghostly memory of Kikyo touching the pendant causes Kagome's memories to solidify in her mind's eye. She reaches for the pendant around her neck, but can't find it. The necklace is in the center of the space.
Her eye notices a bit of smoke swirling behind Inutaisho. Within the murky depths, a familiar figure becomes more apparent, the form of Inuyasha. She wants to call out to him, but she finds that her voice is stuck. Kikyo notices the new arrival and finds it difficult to speak for a moment as well. Their throats clear and they speak his name at the same time.
Inuyasha doesn't move from his crouched position. Inutaisho shakes his head and sighs. “Ladies, he can neither hear you nor see you. A barrier is around him for the moment. There are important matters to discuss.”
Kagome throws a lingering glance at Inuyasha, but turns her attention back to Inutaisho. “Where are we, Inutaisho-sama? What is this place?”
“This is Equilibrium. It is not a place, not a place as we define place. It is a state of mind, a state of being, but it's not a place. This is where everything is in balance. That's why you do not stand on anything in particular. Here, time does not pass. That is why I brought you here.”
Kikyo sighs. “I remember hearing about Equilibrium, but only as a joke.”
“It is quite real. So is what just happened in the garden. Kikyo-san, do you know what would have happened had I not brought you to Equilibrium?” She elegantly raises an eyebrow at him. “You believe that you would have the pendant and that you would be on your way to wherever. I can show you what will happen. Nothing can reverse what occurred now.”
In their heads, Kagome and Kikyo see the garden with Inutaisho and Kagome sitting down to talk. Then they see the conversation and finally the moment when Kikyo's fingers touched the pendant. Light purple light encases Kikyo's body as she pulls the necklace from Kagome's neck with a jerk. Both women fall to the ground in slow motion.
Kikyo's head jerks around. As her eyes go wide in fright, she glares at Inutaisho, who stands in the same place with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Kikyo shouts at him, “You knew this would happen to me!”
He quietly answers. “You didn't listen to me. I told you that there was more than you knew about that pendant. Yet you chose to take it without all the information.”
Kikyo closes her eyes in pain for a moment as she tries to protect herself, although she does not let go of the pendant. “Did she know?”
“No, she does not know. But even so, please be at peace. When you let go of your anger, the pain will end. Then you will be set free from yourself.”
After a few moment, Kikyo begins to smile, but then holds herself back for a moment. “What about Inuyasha?”
Inutaisho sighs. “He will miss you very much, but are you really who you were when you were alive? Inuyasha can get revenge for you, but he will never forget his first love. I never forgot mine.” Inutaisho stops for a moment, but he knows that Kikyo is listening. “You must set both of yourselves free. By holding on, you give in to Naraku's plot. He must rejoice in your torn soul.”
Kikyo is taken aback. “How did you know about that?”
Inutaisho sighs and answers, “A little bird told me. But even so, is holding on to the pain worth it? You cannot stay now no matter what.”
“You're right.” She begins to shine a light purple, then clasps her hands together in prayer. “Please let him hear me. Inuyasha, I'm sorry. I love you… goodbye Inu…ya…sha.” Blinding white light explodes from the place where Kikyo sits.
Meanwhile, tears flow unbidden down Kagome's cheeks. As the light fades, her eyes search for Kikyo. All that remains is the pendant. Kagome cries harder and buries her face in the ground for the suffering that Kikyo endured.
The vision ends and Kagome and Kikyo try not to look at each other. Neither can speak. Inutaisho speaks for them. “That is what will happen, no matter what. I wanted to give you more time to think and also to say goodbye to Inuyasha.”
Kikyo nods. “That is the truth behind the pendant?” He nods. “So this was a trick?”
Inutaisho shakes his head. “No, this was not a trick. Kagome needs the necklace. You had your own burden to endure.”
“I had… but I have not had a burden recently, you mean. You imply that I no longer belong there.”
“It was more than an implication, Kikyo-san. Putting rationalizations aside, isn't it the truth? It must be hard for you to accept but people only have a certain time to spend in their lives. The dead are not meant to come back. The dead and the living should not coexist.” Kikyo's eyes darken and flash. Inutaisho recognizes this. “You have heard that before, haven't you?”
“There was a monk that believed that I was a demon. I used his own weapon against him in order to get him to leave me alone. I had almost found a peaceful life in that village, but I was forced to leave. Still, I never could forget his accusations. The words echoed through my head as I walked along.”
“Did it bother you because you knew it to be true?”
All of a sudden, Kikyo shows her inner conflict. “Oh, I don't know anymore. I'm just tired.”
“You should be tired.”
“I am. I am also ready to rest. I believe that the monk was correct. Whether he was right or not, my time here is ended.”
Inutaisho bows to her in thanks. “Thank you, Kikyo-san. I knew that you would be reasonable and make the right choice.”
Kikyo nods back to him before looking at Kagome. “I apologize for taking the pendant…. Kagome.” Kagome's eyes snap open as she hears Kagome call her by her name for the first time. “Good luck to you and please take care of Inuyasha for me. He will need someone to subdue him. He does care for you; he wouldn't stop worrying about you when he left Nozomi's village with me. Also, please be with my little sister, Kaede. She was always there for me and she is getting older. Good luck with… your quest. I will watch over you.” A slight grin crosses Kikyo's face. “If you don't complete your mission successfully, I'll come back and start shooting arrows at your head!” Kagome looks slightly alarmed. “It was a joke, Kagome. But you will do as I have asked, won't you?”
Kagome opens her mouth, but does not respond. Slowly she smiles as she sees the real Kikyo shine through the half-dead Kikyo. “Kikyo, I will do as you have asked. Thank you and good luck.”
The barrier pops and Inuyasha can now see them and hear them. He does not immediately see a crying Kagome, who is still partially hidden by the mist. He can only see Kikyo. He looks around. “Kikyo, where are we? Did you get us lost in time?”
“No, Inuyasha. I am here to say goodbye. Through my anger and stupidity, I destroyed any possibility of remaining with you on Earth. I must return the land of the dead. There is no other choice.”
Inuyasha's eyes open wide and he begins to feel afraid. “You can't go. What happened? Who did this to you? Whoever did, I swear that I will…”
She hushes him. “It's not important, Inuyasha. What is important is that it was my fault. I underestimated my knowledge and my purpose on Earth now. I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you and your friends. Please don't blame anyone for this; if anyone, please blame me. I do love you Inuyasha and I set you free. Please do not mourn me.”
Inuyasha gives her a stubborn look as he tries to come to her. “Yeah right, Kikyo. You can do something about this. You don't have to go. I'll find a way to keep you…”
She holds up her hand to stop him from coming to hug her. “No, don't come nearer. Also, I don't want you to find a way to keep me here. I want to go. I'll miss you more than you can know, but I need to rest now, Inuyasha. Don't you understand? If you do love me, you will try to understand and to be happy for me.”
Inuyasha has a heart-broken look on his face. “But that's not fair. Of course I love you, Kikyo. You just can't go.”
“Yes I can and I must. Please forgive me for leaving you like this. I will always be with you, Inuyasha. Please believe that. Enjoy your life for both of us. I love you. Goodbye, dearest Inuyasha.” A tear runs down her cheek as she begins to disappear.
Inuyasha runs towards her, only to find that she is already gone. He collapses in the spot and screams her name. He begins looking around in protest, assuring himself under his breath that she is still there, that she could not have left him. All he knows is that his love has left him and there was nothing that he can do about it. What makes it worse is he has no idea who to blame. It was then that he sees Kagome crying for both of them. He blinks for a moment. “Kagome, what are you…” He sees his father. “Father, you too? Why are you here?”
Inutaisho speaks gently. “Kikyo touched the pendant and lost her `life', Inuyasha.”
“But that does not make sense! It was just a stupid pendant made from the Goshinboku! I can't believe that!”
Kagome agrees. “But it's true, Inuyasha.”
“What is that pendant, Kagome? How could you let her touch it, knowing what would happen to her? You allowed this to happen!”
Kagome shakes her head. “No, I didn't allow anything. Inuyasha, I didn't know.”
Inutaisho steps between them. “She didn't know, Inuyasha. I knew and I warned Kikyo, but she would not listen to me. She acknowledged it at the end. She asked you not to blame anyone for her fate. Did you not hear her?”
Their appeals fall on deaf dog ears. Inuyasha no longer wishes to listen to them. Kagome's tears fall into nothingness as his rage increases. A white light shines from behind Inuyasha. He hears Kikyo's voice in his head. “It was my fault, Inuyasha. Do not blame them. Remember what I said.” Then the white light speeds away and hits Kagome in the chest, causing her to fall into a light coma. Her body falls backwards and glistening tears still drip from her closed eyelids.
Inuyasha screams in protest as he realizes what has happened. He runs to Kagome's side and bawls. He closes his eyes in an attempt to calm himself. Then he looks down at Kagome and growls. “How could you, Kagome? You let this happen to me! I hate you! You selfish bitch, you just wanted your stupid soul back! Answer me, Kagome! Come on wench, what do you have to say?”
Inutaisho walks over and picks up his son. He comes between him and Kagome's unconscious body. “She's in a coma, Inuyasha. She can't hear you. Nor should she hear you. Those words are totally irrational and incorrect. I know that you are grieving, but you should not take out your frustrations on your young friend there. She has done nothing but cry for you and your loss. Don't you see the tears still wetting her cheeks? Those were for you and Kikyo. She had nothing to do with what happened. She tried to stop Kikyo. She had no idea. Blame me, but I warned Kikyo, who chose to ignore me.”
Inuyasha glares at his father. “So she went back in time and you two conspired to kill Kikyo so that she wouldn't be in the way. Kagome only wanted the pendant that rightfully belonged to Kikyo in the first place. I see. It was all a set-up and you even brain-washed Kikyo somehow using the power of that necklace. You two are too much. You deserve to die for what you've done. I believe that I will…”
Inutaisho rolls his eyes. “I was afraid that you would take this badly, but I didn't know that it would make you this irrational. Time will show you the truth of the matter. You will heal and I hope that she can forgive you for this. I will take care of her, but I must insist that you go back to your rightful time. You will only upset her when she wakes up. Goodbye, my son. I pray that you will heal and see the truth.”
Inuyasha disappears and Inutaisho picks up Kagome and takes her back to his home to take care of her. As he goes, he thinks to himself. Poor Kagome, it will hard for her to endure Inuyasha's insults when she goes back. I don't know what I should do with her. I can't send her to that time and it is not yet time for her to return to Nozomi. But, she could go home to her family. Yes, going back to the future could give her some hope.
A few days later:
Kagome wakes up in a beautifully decorated room. As she opens her eyes, she recognizes it as the room that Inutaisho let her use the time that she and Inuyasha stayed there. Suddenly, the memories of a few days before rush through her mind. She holds her head in her hands as she realizes that Inuyasha blames her for the loss of Kikyo. She hears a door open and lifts her head.
Inutaisho comes in and sits down beside her. “How are you feeling, Kagome? You have slept for a few days, but the shock of getting the rest of your soul back and hearing those horrible words from Inuyasha caused you to fall into a coma. I knew that you would awaken. You look better.”
“I feel fine, for the most part.” She remains silent for a moment before sitting up and rubbing her head and then her stomach. “My head is killing me.” She sees Inutaisho's sympathetic look and stops. “My stomach turns over when I think about Inuyasha and what he thinks about me now.”
“You should have heard what he said after you fell into the coma. He thinks that we plotted to kill Kikyo when you came back to see me.” Kagome covers her eyes with her hands. “But don't you worry, Kagome, I'll find a way to show him what really happened.”
She lifts her head from her hands. “Is that possible?”
He nods. “Yes, it is.” She stares straight ahead and he continues. “Remember that this was Kikyo's free choice. She wanted to be free and to do the right thing. She also chose to touch the pendant after hearing my warnings. Besides, now that she's gone, Inuyasha can truly mourn her passing. He is free to mourn and eventually, he will be free to love again too. He does care and now he must find that for himself.”
Kagome thinks for a moment. “I cannot give up now. I'm in too deep. I have love and my mission. Eventually, he might love me. But I will make sure that Kikyo's sacrifice is not in vain. Remembering that, I can face the world and endure his blame until he sees the truth. I'm just not ready yet.”
“I understand, Kagome. Good for you. I'm proud of you. You need not return to him yet. I have another idea. You should go home, to the future and get in touch with everyone who will fight with us in that time period. Besides, you miss your family, don't you? They will be happy to know that you will have work to do in your own time, won't they? Besides, some interesting surprises are waiting for you there.”
“What kind of surprises, Inutaisho-sama?”
“You'll just have to wait and see, Kagome. First, get in touch with Sesshoumaru and he will be in touch with the others.”
“How will I get in touch with Sesshoumaru?”
“Use your powers to search for him, Kagome.”
She gives him a puzzled looks. “But I'm not that powerful, Inutaisho-sama.”
“You can do it. Your powers will have increased now that you have the rest of your soul back.”
Her lips form an o. “I understand. I will look forward to it, Inutaisho-sama. Thank you for your help.”
He smirks. “Anytime. Literally.”
She groans and shoos him out so that she can get ready to go.
That's the end of this chapter everyone! I know I'm looking forward to writing the next bit. This next chapter moves into the second phase of this story. The first phase set up the initial background and characters. In the next phase, the future plays a part and truths are discovered about Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's hearts heal and become more open to love. Miroku and Sango will get some time alone, so some romance will be blooming there too. There may be a third phase, but I'm not sure how that will play out yet. Anyways, keep on reading!