InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Start of Phase 2: Adding More to the Mix ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm back! Sorry it took so long, everyone! I was in Florida and then classes began. Work is already beginning to pile up in this 8 week term, but regardless… here it is! It's not as long as I had hoped, but it works. I appreciate any and all comments made but since I need to go to bed now, I'm going to respond in more depth next time I update. Thanks again for reading, everyone!
Condition of the Souls: Phase 2
Chapter 14: Adding More to the Mix
“Analogies decide nothing that is true, but they can make one feel more at home.” - Sigmund Freud
Kagome opens her eyes and finds herself standing in the middle of the courtyard at home. Instinctively, she looks around in front of her to be sure that no one saw her unusual arrival. Her heart jumps into her throat at she sees something colorful by the entrance stairs, but then she releases her tension when she realizes that the person that she saw was walking down the stairs and obviously had not noticed at all.
Suddenly, she feels pressure on her right shoulder. She sweatdrops, because she had neglected to check the area behind her for strangers. Slowly, she turns around to see a familiar, wrinkled face- the face of her grandfather. At first she startles, but then she begins yelling at him. “Jii-chan! Why did you scare me like that?! I was afraid that someone would have seen me come back!”
Jii-chan is blown backwards by her accusations. He holds himself upright with his broom until her tirade ends. Sheepishly, he scratches his head. “Sheesh, I'm sorry, Kagome. I just wanted to greet you. You can't imagine how surprised I was to see you popping in the courtyard. You almost gave me a heart attack, girl.” He smiles. “I must admit that I'm glad to see you. So how did you come back here without the well?”
She sighs. “It's a long story. I'll explain when Souta gets back from school so I only have to explain this once. Thank you for greeting me, but please excuse me, I'm going to go take a bath.” She leaves him with his mouth hanging open. Reluctantly, he returns to sweeping.
That evening, Kagome sits down to dinner with her family. Her mother had made oden in honor of Kagome's return home, so after Kagome had finished obsessing and eating, they finally convinced her to tell her tale, minus the part about Inuyasha blaming her for what happened to Kikyo. Now the story is over and they sit in a moment of incredulous silence.
Kagome's mother is the first to speak. “Well, Kagome, you've had quite a journey. If we had not seen all that we have seen, I would be a bit skeptical, but I know that you are telling us the truth. Still, Kagome, I am a little jealous. I wish that I could go with you to help you.”
Kagome smiles warmly at her mother, “Well, thank you.”
Jii-chan joins in the fun. “I would love to show those youkai our power. I could give you some on-the-job training, Souta, and you too, Kagome.” Kagome mutely nods as Souta practically launches out of his chair in excitement. In the back of her mind, Kagome sighs and feels relieved that nothing too horrible has occurred in this time period… yet. After all, she knows that her family lacks the training and would likely hinder her more than help her.
Kagome's mother notices that she's staring off into space and tries to bring her back into the conversation. “So what does Inuyasha think about all this?”
Kagome's eyes widen and she looks down at the table for a moment before carefully responding in a hopefully carefree manner. “Oh you know him- he's always ready to go fight and hopefully kill Naraku.” They all nod. She opens her mouth, but doesn't say anything. Then, she manages to smile at all of them. “Thank you for listening. I'm tired and my mind is still spinning. May I please go for a walk?” They nod. She picks up her plate and washes it off before quietly slipping out the front door.
The sun hasn't completely set yet and so she walks to Goshinboku to look out over the city. Cars rumble past and a few people walk past on the street below. She looks up and sees a waxing crescent moon shining about 30 degrees above the horizon. Everything around her seems peaceful, but in her heart, she does not feel peaceful at all. Inside, she feels as if she is living in shock. Part of her is glad to be home, really at home in her own time. She relaxes until she hears rustling in the trees behind her.
She turns around to face the strange noise and discover what it is. Looking up at the trees, she smiles. “Souta, is that you up there trying to spy on me? Or are you trying to play a prank on me? Come on out and go inside! Mama will not be pleased that you are playing in trees at this hour of the evening. Shouldn't you be doing your homework?” She gets a bit frustrated. “Are you deaf? Souta!”
Souta pokes his head out of the door with an annoyed look on his face. “Sis, stop yelling already. I can hear you and I am in here. For your information, my homework is finished, not that it matters because it's Friday night. I won't mention how much homework that you need to do.”
“Oh ok. Don't scare me like that, you little mutant! You know I graduated a few months ago!”
He laughs at her. “Oh I'm a little mutant, am I? I should share that insult with Mom… And just so you know, I mentioned the schoolwork to make sure that you don't get too stuck in the past!”
“Very funny!”
“Are you afraid of the dark now too, Kagome?”
She stomps her foot in aggravation. “Nooo… stop being obnoxious and just go play your video games!”
He sticks his tongue out at her. “Make me!” She stomps at him in a joking manner. He shrugs. “Just kidding. I was going in anyways because I'm at a critical point and I'm on pause. I don't want Jii-chan to try and do something to it. I haven't saved up to this point.”
“You go save it. Good luck!” He salutes and closes the door. She looks up into the trees and sighs. “It must be the wind.”
Then a young soprano voice replies. “There isn't much wind tonight, so that can't be the cause.”
Another voice that's lower whispers, “There's always a little bit of wind, Miyoko. Besides, you just blew our cover.” Then the speaker's tone becomes quite annoyed. “Now we have to reveal ourselves and apologize. You are always getting me into trouble!”
The young voice now known to belong to a young girl named Miyoko answers her friend. “We were being rude. It is unkind to watch someone without their knowledge.”
“Doesn't stop you most of the time. You know what your father told you but you still decided to come on anyways. When will you grow up?”
Miyoko laughs. “When will you grow up? I *am* older than you are, so as your elder you should trust me.”
“No way! You aren't my elder and you don't even act older so you don't deserve that respect.”
Kagome laughs slightly at the exchange. “Excuse me, would you two please come down? I would like to meet you both very much.”
Leaves fall to the ground from a short, but still old tree, and two children, who appear to be about 13, land on their feet in front of Kagome. The girl speaks first, just beating her male companion. “My name is Miyoko, but then you already know that. This crazy guy over here is my friend, Nobu.” Her dark red hair blows in the breeze and her impish dark blue eyes peer from behind long bangs.
“I am pleased to meet you both. My name is Higurashi Kagome. The guy that I was fighting with was my younger brother, Souta. Are you too related?”
They look at each other. Nobu, with hair as black as midnight and eyes of golden-green hazel, answers this time. “No, we are not related, but our families have been friends for a long time.”
“Oh I see,” Kagome says. “You two fought like brother and sister, so I wasn't sure. So, why come watch our little shrine? Not that much happens around here.”
Miyoko smiles. “I wouldn't say that.” Nobu smacks his forehead.
Kagome feels slightly alarmed. After all, what had they seen? Suddenly becoming very serious, Kagome looks them both straight in the eye. “What have you seen here that is so interesting?”
Nobu looks at Miyoko with disgust. “Now we have to tell her. My father will not be happy with me. Your father will blame me for not keeping you in line. They will all blame me for what you have done, as usual. Your father asked us to make sure that things happened in their own time, baka!”
Miyoko shrugs off his concerns. “You worry too much. The time is right and I will make sure that my father will not blame anyone. He'll be so happy that we brought her with us! Come on, haven't you seen how his eyes lit up when he talked about how this day would come? It's time. Besides, this'll make it easier for her.”
Nobu shakes his head. “You will be the death of me. You better calm down and stop being a pain or no one will ever mate you, betrothal or no betrothal!”
Miyoko shoots back, “Well you better stop being such a scaredy-cat if you're going to take your place as the first-born son!”
Kagome places a hand on each of the youth's shoulders to get their attention. “Excuse me- how do you know me and what on Earth are you talking about?” Then she feels a familiar feeling and looks down to see something that she was not ready to see.
Back at her parents' home, Miyoko laughs at how pale Kagome had been when the young miko could see through the young youkai's disguise. Miyoko continues, “Mom, you should've seen it! It was priceless!”
Her mother, Kaiya, sighs. “Yes, dear. I'm sure that it was funny, but you shouldn't have revealed yourselves at all, not yet.” She turns to Kagome. “No offense, Kagome, but there was a rule not to contact you until you had contacted us. Unfortunately, Miyoko can be rash, but she does have the best of intentions, most of the time. We made the rule absolute, but her father told her the fuller reasoning and so she made up her own mind. They saw you pop in the middle of the courtyard and so she knew that it was time. I'm surprised that she waited as long as she did.”
Miyoko pouts. “Mom, don't talk about me like I'm not here.”
“Sorry dear, I just needed to explain the situation to Kagome here. Now please go be a good girl and finish setting the table for me.”
“Is everyone going to be here?”
“Nobu's family and Kagome will be our only guests, as far as I know. Still, you never can tell these days.”
“When will Dad get home? Is my brother coming back for the occasion?”
“I don't know when your father will get here, sweetie. You will see your brother in a few days. He's busy training with Kado- you know that.”
Kagome jumps in. “Miyoko? When is it your turn to be trained?”
Miyoko sighs. “After my brother's done training… but my training will be less intensive, because I'm a girl.”
Her mother pipes in. “Yes, but you have your other training, too, Mi.”
Miyoko rolls her eyes and grumbles, “Training to cater to a pompous pain…”
“Mi, you are being rude. Kagome, please forgive her. She feels persecuted because she is betrothed to a kind, honorable youkai. Besides, your brother would be betrothed too… if there was someone…”
“But there isn't. Only I am so singularly blessed.”
“I haven't heard you use that word before.”
“I read it somewhere, so don't worry. It won't change my predicament!”
They all hear loud humming coming from outside the door. The door opens and the youkai of the house enters with his arms full of packages. He drops his human disguise and barrier with a sigh of relief. Then, he places the packages on a nearby table and takes off his coat. Still facing the door, he greets everyone. “Good evening, family… and Nobu. I trust you are all well.” He sighs and stops for a moment. “Dear, there is a strange, but familiar scent in here. Did Mi do something crazy and take something from the shrine area?”
“Yes dear, she did, in a way. But it's more a case of something following her home.”
The male youkai freezes in his routine. “You mean she's… it's time and true?” He turns around with glee. “Kagome? You're here?” A large kitsune charges at Kagome and she immediately identifies who it is. She can see his sparkling light blue eyes, unchanged by age. His clothes are larger and more modern, but all in all, there is no mistaking it.
“Shippo-ch, err, Shippo! It's so wonderful to see you! Inutaisho-sama mentioned that there would be surprises waiting for me. I guess this is part of it, huh?”
He nods and smiles. Miyoko looks on with glee in her green eyes. “Yes, that is so and there's more to tell you than you could imagine.”
Kagome sighs as she realizes that her mind is about to expand with new knowledge once more. “Alright, try me. Let's hear it.”
A large amount of noise comes from behind the door and Shippo sighs. “I wish that they could have been late as usual. I could have explained a little bit more. Oh, I apologize Kagome, but this home is about to become chaotic.”
“Nobu's family is here.”
Name meanings for new names- Miyoko- beautiful generations child, Nobu- expansion or truth, Kaiya- forgiveness, Kado- gateway
Ok, so I am on a roll. The next part will be crazy to write, but it'll be fun. I'll remind everyone of the character list and I'll add to it so that everyone can keep all the characters straight… Thanks everyone! You are all the best!