InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ The Ties that Bind ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok I'm back and I truly apologize that it has been so long! Classes overwhelmed me and then I was sick and now I'm sick again. Oh well- what can you do? Review responses at the end!
You know I forget to tell everyone something interesting that happened to me over Christmas Break. I went to Orlando with my family- especially my two nephews (kawaii!). I was walking around Epcot when I saw a guy who had very long, straight, white hair. He was in his upper 20s or early 30s I thought. It was so weird. It was not a dream because I don't dream in anime and my family saw it too. My jaw seriously dropped. I thought I'd share.
Important note: To keep characters straight, I have posted a basic list of my characters on my webpage if you go to written works and scroll down a bit. There is a link on my author page, but they won't let me post an address.
Condition of the Souls: Phase 2
Chapter 15: The Ties That Bind
“I live for those who love me,
Whose hearts are kind and true;
For the Heaven that smiles above me,
And awaits my spirit too;
For all human ties that bind me,
For the task by God assigned me,
For the bright hopes yet to find me,
And the good that I can do.” - George Linnaeus Banks
Kagome's eyes widen as she sees the defeated smile on Shippo's face. She delicately turns to face Nobu, who is helping Miyoko set the table. “Nobu,” she asks, “is your family very large?”
He shuffles his feet and nervously pushes a plate around on the table. “Well, not too large...”
Miyoko sees his reaction and laughs hysterically. She adds with a wink, “The family is not huge but they are always loud, even by human standards!” She mockingly covers her ears with her hands and makes a horrible face.
Kaiya, who had been going to the kitchen, turns around and shakes her head at Miyoko. “Mi, stop teasing Nobu. If you don't, you'll hear from me.” The older kitsune raises her eyebrow and looks her daughter in the eye. Mi glares for a moment before backing down. Kaiya's face and posture lighten. “Thank you, Mi. Besides, I know how much you like Nobu's family, as we all do.” Mi nods and goes to finish setting the table.
Kaiya's green eyes light up when she sees five people walk proudly into the room. Leading the way, Sorano, the eldest female with silvery white hair pulled back in a modest bun, intrepidly walks up to Kaiya and embraces her in a surprisingly strong hug. The older woman is obviously in wonderful physical shape and the gleam in her warm, chocolate brown eyes indicates that her mental faculties are as sharp as ever.
Kaiya smiles warmly. “Welcome, Sorano-san. We are so pleased that you and your family could join us for dinner.”
Sorano's smile warms further. “I am also pleased to be here, Kaiya-san. Thank you for your gracious invitation.”
The man walks up behind her and whispers loudly in her ear. “Mother, you don't have to be so formal with them. We all get together so frequently…”
Sorano's smile fades as she turns to face her grown-up son, who has hair as black as midnight and eyes the color of caramel. His hair is cut short, with medium length bangs hanging over his forehead. A few mischievous locks of hair manage to stick out, making him look younger than he is. Sorano tries to brush down the unruly hair, but fails. She looks him in the eye. “Taro, you were my first born and I love you, but you need to learn more respect and humility. Even your hair refuses to be tamed.”
Taro sweatdrops. “Mother, we have this conversation almost every day.”
Sorano's voice becomes louder. “Yet somehow you still fail to listen.”
Michi, Taro's wife, steps between the two. “Mother, I apologize for his behavior, but please let us not spoil this evening. May we continue this discussion at home?” She pulls her shoulder length golden brown hair over one shoulder nervously and casts her dark blue eyes down at her feet in a humble bow.
Sorano turns back to Taro. “At least your wife can shown proper respect, so that your children might not be as unruly as you are.”
He asks, “Don't you mean were instead of are, Mother?”
She shoots him a look, but luckily 6 year old Jiro walks up to his grandmother and hugs her leg. “Gramma, do not be mad at Dad, please.” His deep blue eyes and dark brown hair suit his pale face as he looks up at her in a picture of complete innocence.
Sorano smiles at Jiro and picks him up. She glares at her son for a moment longer before playing with a delighted Jiro.
Jiro's 9 year old sister, Hana, watches the entire familial display with obvious curiosity. Her caramel eyes that she got from her father match the golden hair that she inherited from her mother. Her eyes shine with momentary mirth as she tries to be very mature. Then a silly smile lights her face as she spots her friend, Miyoko. After the disagreement ends, she streaks to the table to talk to Mi. Breathlessly and excitedly, she gushes, “Mi! It's so good to see you! Tell me everything that has been happening in your life!”
Mi's smile is genuine, but her eyes reveal a bit of annoyance at babysitting the younger girl. For a moment her shoulders slump, but then she sees Kagome watching the reunion from the sidelines. Mi's eyes light up in mischief as she turns to her younger friend. “Well, nothing much is happening I suppose. Of course you know my brother is off training with Kado.” Hana nods intently and Mi smiles, beckoning secretively. “Guess who I met today?”
Shippo's excellent hearing picks up upon the conversation and decides that he needs to introduce Kagome before the uproar at the appearance of the miko of legend begins. He arrives at Kagome's side in half an instant and gestures to get everyone's attention. “Everyone! Please welcome to our table, the infamous Higurashi Kagome!” At this, Kagome turns bright red as everyone's eyes glue themselves to her.
Suddenly feeling rather self-conscious, she waves. “Greetings, everyone. Thank you for having me.” She bows and when she looks up, Sorano is examining her. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, madam.”
Sorano evidently finds what she is searching for in Kagome's face. She smiles and embraces the girl with a hug. “No, dear, it is I who is honored to meet you. After all the stories that Shippo has spun over the years, it is wonderful to discover that at least most of his stories are true.”
Kagome smiles. “I cannot say exactly what he has told you, but I can reassure you that at least some of the unbelievable sounding things are indeed true.” She pauses for a moment. In that instant, Kagome's stomach quietly rumbles and she turns slightly red.
Shippo intercedes. “Sorano, may we continue this at the table? I am sure that Kagome is starving, as are the rest of us.” The youkai smile wider, as they had heard Kagome's stomach protest. Still, they remain quiet.
Sorano nods. “That would be acceptable. Let us eat.”
After dinner, they sit around and drink tea. The kids are for once interested in the adult's conversations, so they do not wreak havoc around the house. Shippo looks gently at Kagome. “Kagome, there's something that you need to know, if you have not already figured it out. Sorano and her family are Miroku and Sango's descendents.”
Kagome nods, as she had begun to suspect when the family did not hide their youkai forms around the family. “I did wonder.”
Sorano sighs. “My dearly departed husband's family was a more direct line than mine, but both of our families are branches of their family. However, his family is the most direct line still in existence, so they kept in close contact with Shippo and Sesshoumaru. Both of these noble youkai,” She slightly bows her head to Shippo before continuing, “have graciously taught us about our ancestors and our heritage in addition to protecting us.”
Kagome asks, “What about the other branches of the family?”
“They may know bits and pieces, but most of them don't believe it. We see them on holidays and sometimes on other occasions, but we are not as close, because they think that we need CAT scans. Distant cousins have sometimes intermarried and if they marry into this part of the family, as I did, they become keenly aware that the stories are true. I remember my parents telling me the tales, but laughing at the end as if it was a family joke. It's their loss and I feel privileged to know the truth. After all, seeing Shippo, Sesshoumaru and you completely validates the story.”
Kagome smiles. “It's strange to hear you talk about it as if the story was finished when to me, it's still current. I guess that's the time-traveler's curse, neh?”
Shippo sighs and smiles as he looks deliberately into Kagome's eyes. “We shall see, don't you think?”
Kagome looks at him in surprise. “We, Shippo?”
“Yes, I did mean we, Kagome.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “How do I say this? I have not yet been back in time. When I asked if I could go with you, Goshinboku told me that I could not help you back in the Sengoku Jidai. Remember how he mentioned that you had to be mature? At that time, I was not yet mature in my skills or my body as I am now. Although I do not know my part in the coming battle, Goshinboku told me that I would at least once go to the time of the four souls with you and meet my counterpart, Kane. I named my son in his honor.”
Kagome's mouth is wide open in shock, but to her credit, she recovers. “So where is your son?”
“He's training with Kado, Sesshoumaru's son. Kane is also Mi's fraternal twin. She was born first. Trust me, she'll never allow any of us to forget it.”
Kagome is busy processing the first parts of Shippo's story. “Sesshoumaru has a son? But… how can that be when he did not take a mate? He did not seem to place much importance on continuing the family line.” Her mind drifts to the impassive youkai that she has known. Then, her mind remembers the concern and happiness of a certain white-haired youkai child. “He hates weakness and I would imagine that he would see having a family or love as a form of ultimate weakness.”
Shippo nods. “I understand. It was a tough road for him to walk, but I know that he believes that the struggle was worth what he gained. Still, it is not my story to tell and even if it was, I could not tell you. It is too relevant to the `current' past.”
Kagome nods and racks her brain for another question. “Why don't you train Kane yourself?”
“I do, but there are things that Kado and Sesshoumaru can teach him better than I can. Besides, we are not as affluent as Sesshoumaru and Kado. I actually have to work.”
Miyoko sighs and Kagome looks at her. “Mi-chan, you miss Kane, don't you?”
“Yes I do, Kagome-san. I wish I could train with him instead of learning to be the human stereotype of a perfect wife.”
Kaiya jumps in. “Mi, dear, not this conversation again! Kin is a wonderful youkai; you are very lucky!”
Miyoko's voice burns as if it is acid. “Well I would not know that, now would I? Just because he'll be the eastern taiyoukai doesn't make him wonderful, Mother!”
Kagome gasps and looks to Shippo for explanation. He nods and explains, “My family was closely related to the Eastern ruling family and his father sought us when they heard that we had a daughter. The marriage was arranged. That is the way that it is generally done.”
Miyoko growls. “Your marriage wasn't, father!”
“No, it wasn't because I was not lucky enough to have living parents to make the plans for me!” He calms his voice. “I was simply lucky to meet your mother and have her not turn me away.” He gently pats Kaiya's leg. He looks at Miyoko again. “The day that you and Kin will meet draws nearer. What is it now? A few weeks away? You must be nervous, Mi. It will all work out for the best. Please trust your old dad, alright?” Mi nods and silently goes off to bed. Shippo turns back to Kagome. “Any more questions, Kagome?”
“What about Kirara? What happened to her?”
Shippo sighs. “She's alive, but is on vacation. Her mate recently passed away in a car accident. She has a humanoid form that she was unable to take before, but it was necessary in this day and age. Believe it or not, there are youkai scientists working to make the lives of youkai easier in a world that either believes that they are monsters or that they simply do not and have never existed.”
“What has happened to all the youkai? I always wondered why I never saw any.”
“Obviously, we are around and live normal lives. Some are rich and some are not so rich. None that I know of could be classified as poor. As humans changed, we had to go into hiding. Their weapons' technology increased with their prejudice against us. The prejudice led to overt discrimination and now after so many years, denial. But humans will be humans, no offense meant towards you, Kagome or any of the rest of you.” The humans nod.
After a split-second, Kagome laughs. “No offense taken, Shippo. I understand and sometimes share the sentiment!”
Review responses: Ok no one reviewed this chapter specifically, but thanks to Angelstars for reassuring me. You're the best!
K005, Shawna and iire- thanks for the reviews. Iire, I disagree when you say it's OOC and most changes I feel I can attribute to age differences between the anime and my story. Glad you enjoyed it regardless.
Name meanings-
Kaiya- forgiveness, son- Kane and Miyoko- beautiful generations child,
Kado- gateway,
Sorano- of the sky, Taro- first born male, Michi- righteous, Nobu- expansion or truth, youngest Jiro- second son, and Hana- Jap-flower, blossom; Hebrew- flower, graceful, merciful
Kin- golden
Ages (3.333333 human years per youkai year)
Kado- (60)18
Miyoko and Kane (43.333- fraternal) and Nobu- 13
Souta- about 12
Hana- 9
Jiro- 6
That's it for now and I will be back as soon as I can, everyone! Please review!
AngelStars- Thanks for reviewing. I totally understand. I have not been the best about reviewing lately, nor have I been very good at simply updating, so I apologize for that.
SetsunaFanGirl- Thank you for warning me about the couple of case pronoun errors. You could not have known, but originally, the first 5 chapters were written from Kagome's pov, not the omniscient author pov, so when I changed it to be more accurate, I went back first, I fixed everything. Then, my computer's hard drive failed, so I had to do it again and I unfortunately was not as through as I was the first time (subsequent times have been even harder). That's why I need to know about those typos. But when it comes to italics, those are internal thoughts and thus are always subjective. I put a large author's note to explain that. Also, I had no beta and so errors will almost always occur. I hope that you can understand that. Thank you for telling me.