InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Official Declaration of War ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok here's the next chapter.
Phase 2
Chapter 19: Official Declaration of War
"Nothing is so strong as gentleness and nothing is so gentle as real strength."- Ralph W. Sockman
Everyone sits and eats their meal. Inuyasha finishes his meal nearby, but does not move to join the group until a familiar scent causes him to leap to his feet. He bounds back to the rest and finds that Sesshoumaru has already informed the rest of the unwelcome presence.
Inuyasha casts a wary eye around the clearing and gutturally vocalizes, “Naraku…”
A familiar white baboon outfit appears, seemingly complete with the evil being inside it. Inuyasha raises his hackles and snarls. Naraku looks at him with amusement dancing in his eyes. He cursorily examines the group. His eyes focus on the proud Lord of the Western Lands. “So, Sesshoumaru, you have done the impossible and joined forces with your weak hanyou of a brother.”
Sesshoumaru does not move. He responds, “Naraku, you have done the impossible and have come out of hiding.”
“I was not in hiding. I was in the midst of preparations. You must understand- being a taiyoukai and all- the daily pressures of ruling. Of course, your reign will end soon…” He shrugs. Sesshoumaru does not grace the evil hanyou with a response.
Naraku moves on to a new target. “Inuyasha, how is the time traveling going? I hear that there is trouble in paradise. I must give you my most heartfelt,” he pauses to grin sarcastically, “condolences for the loss of Kikyo. It is a horrible thing to die in such a manner, especially at the hands of your second choice and your father.”
Inuyasha growls. “Do not speak of Kikyo. Her name should never come out of your lips. Do not speak of that wench as a second choice. She is nothing.”
Naraku smiles. “But you will protect her, won't you? That shows where your loyalties lie. Do not deny it; I can understand. They were and are desirable and useful women,” he says conspiratorially.
Inuyasha rolls his eyes. “Kikyo was, but get this straight- I protect that girl only out of honor.” Kagome closes her eyes in frustration, but does not feel surprised by his response.
Naraku moves on to her as he sees her reaction. “Kagome, dear, why do you put up with him? Why don't you go home to your time and stay there? Let the stubborn fool do it on his own. I'll leave your friends alone if you do.”
“As if that would be a bargain even if I could trust you, Naraku.”
Naraku comes a bit closer, but she backs off to maintain a fair distance. He stops and grins. “Inuyasha doesn't believe you, does he? He is so blinded by his love for Kikyo that he won't even listen to you. Why do you bother to stay?”
“I have a mission, Naraku, and I will continue it.”
His lips curve upwards in a taunting smile. “Would you continue if your friends would get hurt?”
She gestures to those around her. “We are all here and are prepared.”
“No, you misunderstand. Your friends in the future would not be as prepared, would they? How would you like for them to be exposed for what they really are, Kagome, or how would you like any of them to be tortured to death as experimental subjects for our efforts?” He glances at Sango with a cruel look, “What about Kohaku?”
The blood drains from the two women's faces. Kagome ventures, “You know where....”
“You took us right to them and they took us to others. I must thank you for your efforts. You were quite useful. Would you like a tip?'
Kagome feels slightly sick. Her wit intact, she answers, “No, keep the change. You've done enough.”
“I do so hate to hurt people,” Naraku continues. They glare at his lie. “If you do not cease your futile efforts, I'm afraid that I must attack on all fronts.”
Kagome bravely responds, “Your warning only means that we are a threat to you, which we are. We accepted that we would be fighting a difficult battle at the beginning.”
He applauds her comment in a fake manner. “Stubborn as always, never giving up even when you know better- just like your beloved Inuyasha. I thought that you might be smarter than that.”
Sesshoumaru comments, “Although that is true about them, there is no reason not to fight.” He cracks his whip and the puppet falls to the ground in two pieces.
Inuyasha grumbles, “What a waste of time!”
Kagome comments, “No, it's not completely a waste of time. Now we know that the war has truly begun. We can expect his countermeasures and prepare. We need to find any allies that we can wherever and whenever we can. First, I'll go back to the future for a moment and warn everyone there. They need to be aware of the increasing danger.” She grabs her bag and begins to run towards Goshinboku. When she gets there, someone familiar is waiting for her. “Inuyasha…”
He leans against a nearby tree and regards her. “I told you that I would protect you. It's dangerous there and we can't have you getting hurt.”
Kagome shakes her head and nods, but inside feels happy. “Alright, Inuyasha, let's go.” To Goshinboku, she says, “Hello Goshinboku. How are you?”
“Hello, Kagome. I'm fine. It's good to see you. Hello, Inuyasha.”
The hanyou responds, “What no insults for my stupidity or remarks about how I'm wrong and she's right?”
The tree simply says, “Nope.”
Inuyasha grumbles, “Well, you're pretty much the only one then.”
The ancient tree does not respond to Inuyasha's statement and says, “Kagome, do you want to try to spell on your own? Remember the difference that I told you about forward and backward and the names of the times?” She nods. “Ok, give it a try.”
She sighs and concentrates. Then she realizes something is missing. She turns to Inuyasha and starts, “Inuyasha, if you are coming, we need to… hold hands.”
He bristles, but reluctantly gives her his hand. Then he tenses and tries to make the hand holding have as little skin contact as possible. She sighs, but pushes those thoughts of her head to do the spell. To her amazement and joy, she successfully performs the spell.
She dashes into the house and sees Nobu and Miyoko playing video games with Souta. Inuyasha walks in behind her. Souta pauses the game and excitedly greets Inuyasha. “Inu-no-nii-chan! You've come to visit me!” Inuyasha shrugs and gives an insincere smile. “These are my new friends, Nobu and Miyoko.”
The two look up at him and smile knowingly at him. Miyoko appears to be as human as Nobu as they chorus, “Hello, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha glances at them before letting out a keh and going back outside. Kagome shakes her head after him and gives them an exasperated smile. “Hey, everyone. It's so good to see you again. Nobu, Miyoko, don't mind Inuyasha. You know why he's being a pain.”
Miyoko gives her a cheeky smile. “Not that he isn't a pain most of the time, right, Kagome?”
Kagome nods and quietly agrees. “Indeed. Shippo left little out, didn't he? What have you told Souta?”
Nobu smiles and replies, “Some, but not all. We haven't had time to tell him everything. He still won't believe that Inuyasha is a pain. He idolizes that guy.”
Souta objects to the comment, “I do not! Inu-no-nii-chan is just cool. You weren't there, so you don't know. Why would my sister fall for someone who's not cool?”
Kagome sweatdrops and thinks how this is getting a little too close to home and a little out of hand. She says aloud, “Enough about all that- there are important things to talk about besides that.”
Souta whispers to his new friends, “I told you that she wouldn't deny it.” They nod in assent and Nobu forks over a little cash. They turn to Miyoko.
She says, “Souta, you bet me that Inuyasha wouldn't come back with her. I win, so we're even.”
Kagome grimaces. Now they are betting on my love life- nonexistent though it seems at the moment. “Souta, stop that or I'll tell Mom that you're gambling!”
Souta narrows his eyes. “Betting about little things like that isn't exactly gambling.”
“Explain that to Mom.”
He sighs and the others give him sympathetic looks. “Oh alright, you spoilsport.”
Kagome turns to Miyoko. “Can you tell your father something for me? Go home now and tell him that Naraku has officially declared war on all of us in all time periods. You must all be very careful and warn everyone that you know- you know what I mean. This is extremely important.”
A voice in the door replies, “What is important?” They turn and notice Shippo, also in his human disguise, at the door with Inuyasha peering in behind him.
Kagome smiles in relief. “Naraku has officially declared war on us in all times, Shippo. We must be more careful. They know where your family and your friends' families are.” Inuyasha turns and stares at the mature youkai before him as Shippo's disguise falls away. Miyoko also allows her true attributes to show. Inuyasha glances back and forth between the two of them with his jaw practically glued to the floor.
Meanwhile, Shippo's smile evaporates as Kagome's news sinks in. He sets his mouth in a grim line of acceptance. “I remember that confrontation. Alright, but let Miyoko carry the message. Let me come with you and Inuyasha.”
Kagome looks at Shippo for a moment before realization dawns on her. Meanwhile, Inuyasha looks at his old friend, completely confused. “But you can't… Goshinboku told you…”
“Told me that I couldn't go as I was. I wasn't old enough. Kane is my counterpart, Inuyasha. I was just too young in the Sengoku Jidai. If you don't believe me, when we go and see Nozomi, ask her and let her tell you.”
Kagome nods and throws her hands up into the air. “Alright. There is little time to argue. Let's go. Come on Inuyasha.” She consults with the tree to be sure of the incantation and then holds Shippo's and Inuyasha's hand takes them back to Inutaisho's time.
Sorry this one is not as long as the other ones, but those were pretty long. Please review. I may update if no one reviews, but I reserve the right not to. I'm begging people you, say something and review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been a little obnoxious about the lack of reviews- surely you can understand my frustration, but I didn't need to take it out on you. I write this story for all of you who have been loyal from the beginning and to all those new. It's about getting the story out there and getting it read, not about how many reviews that it gets. I was convicted about this yesterday and I just had to say something, so I apologize.