InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Condition of the Souls ❯ Just Another Time Slip ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Important note- When I wrote this, I had not seen the third movie, so Inuyasha's mom's name isn't Izayoi and Inutaisho isn't showing his most serious and protective side, but he will later on. Also, my description of Inutaisho is different than the movie's.
Pt 3: Just Another Time Slip
I am so glad that I got some input! IceRayven, physicschik, Nateckwillow and Xue- I love you guys forever- as long as someone thinks that this is worth reading than I really have no problem writing it! IceRayven, I have also taken your advice and changed the name… again <sweatdrops> but I think you're right. Condition of the Souls this story shall be from now on.
Kagome wakes up early, puts on a swimsuit and runs to take a bath. She had trouble sleeping but since she went to bed early, she feels rested and as ready as she's going to be. She knows that inuyoukai hate the smell of humans so she sprays some Febreze (don't own that either) on her jeans, her shirt and the sweater that she's bringing with her.
As she begins swimming around, Inuyasha comes searching for her. His eyesight is very good and so he blushes bright red out of embarrassment when he sees her state of undress. Quickly, he turns around just as she notices his presence. She realizes that he turned around and so she forcibly stops herself mid-osuwari. In that moment, Inuyasha was beginning to cringe and prepare himself for the experience. She manages to hold her tongue. A few seconds afterwards, Inuyasha opens his eyes and realizes that she hadn't used her power. He almost turns back around but she warns him of the consequences. Lucky for him, he manages to avoid getting “osuwari”ed and walks away.
Now believing that she has complete privacy, Kagome dips down under the water and swims a few lengths to allow her mind to clear. She marvels that the water is so clear here in the Sengoku Jidai and wishes the spring was this nice in her own time. Inwardly she sighs about the negative effects of pollution caused by human innovations. She surfaces and sighs aloud in exasperation.
As she continues to think, she begins to float in the lake. It is amazing that no one really believes in youkai anymore, but they obviously exist. Still, people tend to see what they wish to see; there may be youkai yet, but are unknown because people do not believe and so therefore do not see them. But if that were true, wouldn't I have felt their presences? She remembers what Goshinboku said about Sesshoumaru and the other youkai helping her in the future and realizes that youkai must exist, somehow. She shrugs and decides to wait and see how that's possible. Before the thought completely leaves her mind, a wry smile graces her face as she speculates whether Shippo and Kirara have mates and families.
A cough and rustle in the bushes disturbs her bath. At first, she believes it be Inuyasha and gets annoyed … then she realizes that she can still see Inuyasha with his back to her in the distance. Inuyasha could not have made the sound, because the noise emanated from the other side of the lake. She sweatdrops. This better not be what… or rather whom I think that it may be. She grabs her towel and heads towards the bushes. From out of nowhere, she notices Hiraikotsu flying through the air. As the weapon nears the area, Miroku jumps up and dodges. A nerve in Kagome's head begins to pop. Sango then joins her friend. The taijiya looks at him as she shakes her head for a moment. His eyebrows go up but the young women don't attack… immediately. A split-second after he begins to relax, they both pounce on him. His eyes go swirly as they incessantly beat him. Kagome grabs a branch and whacks the lecherous religious pseudo-professional and Sango of course prefers the fists-on experience.
Shippo walks up to his friends and does not mention that they are currently attacking Miroku, instead the kitsune ignores their actions. “Kagome, Sango, Goshinboku-sama is waiting for us. The others sent me to fetch you.”
Kagome stops beating up on Miroku to look up and smile. “Fetch us indeed… as if we were sticks that you could bring back in your mouth. Besides, you're a fox, not a dog!”
He slams his fist down in the palm of his hand. “Yes, I know, but it doesn't matter... just as long as the teasing isn't from Inuyasha.” He sighs and then brightens. “But you know what? I wanted to come see where you were anyway.” Sango finally stops and leaves the monk pathetically twitching on the ground. The women both nod to the kitsune and follow him back to the tree.
Inuyasha finally turns around and leaps over to help the poor, perverted guy. Giving him a look, “Miroku, why did you do that? You can't tell me that it was worth all that trouble!”
The monk shakes his head. “Of course it was. Besides, shouldn't you be the one to know that better than rest of us? She's your girl after all!”
“Uh, well.” The dog demon sputters. “That's not true and you know it, bouzu!”
Miroku raises his eyebrow. “You're still in denial, my friend. I hope that you'll appreciate her more in the future, or in the past.”
“There is no time that is good to appreciate girls the way you do, Miroku.”
“Kagome-sama is not a girl any longer, Inuyasha. Haven't you noticed that she's become a woman, and a quite attractive one at that?”
Inuyasha doesn't want to answer Miroku's question. “Keh, so how could you so much as look at another girl when you have Sango?”
Miroku grins evilly. “Sango isn't not mine… yet. Why should I deprive myself of an opportunity like this?”
Shaking his head, Inuyasha turns in the direction of Kaede's village. “Keh, you're impossible, bouzu. Let's go.”
When Miroku and Inuyasha stroll into the vicinity of Goshinboku, they look around. Sango and Kagome, who have just noticed their arrival, throw dirty glances in Miroku's direction. In return, the monk gives them an I-am-so-abused-but-it-was-so-worth-it look on his face. Before anything could happen, Rin and Shippo run between the four friends as they chase a very tired-looking Jaken. Shippo gets close enough to the toad youkai and whacks him on the head with a branch that he found somewhere. Jaken shouts out protests, but his words are drowned out by Shippo and Rin's laughter.
Meanwhile, Kaede is sitting next to the tree and Sesshoumaru is standing nearby with his usual blank expression. Kaede smiles at Kagome and calls her over. “Kagome-chan, did ye enjoy your bath?” The young woman nods. “Are ye worried about the coming trip?”
“Hai. I am worried.”
The older miko nods. “Hai, tis true. Ye would be a fool to say otherwise. Ye are prepared then. Take my blessings and good luck.”
Kagome bows to her teacher. “Thank you very much, Kaede-baa-chan.”
Miroku walks up to her and puts his left hand on her shoulder. “May Buddha watch over you, Kagome-sama.” A vein on her forehead begins to pop as she feels a familiar hand move down south of the border.
“Hentai!” She and Sango scream in unison as they repeat the bashing that they gave him earlier.
When they're finished, Sango turns to Kagome and warmly hugs her. “Stay safe, Kagome-chan. Come back soon- we'll all miss you.”
“Continue to keep Miroku in line, please?”
Sango laughs. “But of course.”
Miroku twitches on the ground and Inuyasha walks over to him. “So, bouzu, why'd you do it?”
“Could be my last chance,” he whispers. “You should give it a try; you never know what'll happen.” Inuyasha growls and beats Miroku on the head before walking away.
The usual energy fills the air and everyone can again feel the gentle mentally nudging of the nearby plant. “Hello, everyone. Welcome back. I hope that you have rested and prepared yourselves. Kagome, how are you feeling? Did you sleep alright?”
She smiles. “I slept well enough, Goshinboku-jii-chan. I feel a little nervous, but I have faith.”
“Good for you, Kagome You can do this; have no fear. I will be with you as will Inuyasha. Speaking of the hanyou of the hour, are you ready to help her, Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha steps forward. “Yeah, yeah, I'm ready to go protect her.”
“But aren't you excited about seeing your father?” Inuyasha gives the tree a look that is not unlike one of Sesshoumaru's. The tree sighs, but continues. “Alright, as you wish, Inuyasha. Are we all ready then?” Inuyasha and Kagome nod. “Please, Kagome and Inuyasha, grab your things.” She gets her bulging yellow backpack. She put some food and clothing in the bag- just in case of an emergency. With renewed courage, she begins to head for the well, but she's stopped. “Kagome, actually, you won't use the well. Come up here next to me.”
She blushes scarlet, turns and faces the tree. “Oh, ok, sorry.”
“Well it was a natural thought, my dear. That well may have been made from my branches but you will need my help at least this time.” She nods as Inuyasha drags his body to stand next to me.
Kagome hears someone calling her name. She turns around to see Shippo and Rin running at breakneck speed to try and catch her. “Kagome, don't leave without saying goodbye to us!”
Rin reaches the older girl first and hugs her right side. “Please be careful, Kagome-nee-chan. Rin wants to play with you some more.”
Kagome notices Rin's grammar has not improved that much over the past couple years. “Of course and Rin, when I get back, there are some things that I want to teach you. I think it might please Sesshoumaru, too.”
“Yep. Just you wait and be good. Watch over Shippo for me; keep him company.”
Shippo leaps into Kagome's arms for a hug. “Come back soon, Kagome.”
“I will, Shippo.” She places him in Sango's arms and walks back next to Inuyasha. “Ok, now what do we do?”
“You will come and touch me while holding onto Inuyasha's hand for starters.”
They balk and blush as they look at each other. “What!”
The tree rationally explains. “Yes, Kagome must hold your hand, Inuyasha; otherwise you will not have enough power to travel through time.
“Tree, I thought that I had some power from when I was sealed to you!”
“Well yes, but you were only there for 50 years and Kikyo sealed you; we need her energy. Kagome's miko powers will bring out your potential and therefore allow you to travel through time. When you travel through the well on your own, you may not know it but you focus on the glimmer of her presence through the well and that is enough to allow you to travel to her time.. Also, the well works slightly differently. It is a limited mode of time transport, unlike the more pure form that you will be using with Kagome from now on. This is also one of the advantages that we have over the youkai. They cannot use this superior method.” They all stare but nod at the tree. “Anyway, enough explanations… please touch me and hold each other's hands. Both of you will concentrate on the time period; I will put pictures of it into your minds and teach you how to invoke the spell, Kagome. Eventually, you might be able to travel just by touching any wood from a time tree and invoking the spell on your own, but for now, please allow me to help you. Do you have any objections to that?”
“Oh no definitely I don't. I don't know if I will ever feel that confident with a power that dangerous.”
“Don't worry, Kagome. You'll be fine. Are you ready?” She takes a deep breath and turns around to glean some support from all my friends behind me. Everyone waves at her, except Sesshoumaru who nods. A sigh caught in her throat, she looks back to the tree and holds out her hand to Inuyasha with a nervous smile. He smiles at her and confidently grabs her hand. With their free hands, they reach out to touch Goshinboku.
They close their eyes and see the pictures projected into their minds by the tree and do their best to focus on them and reach out into time with their minds. In her heart, Kagome can hear Goshinboku chanting, but she doesn't understand any of the words. But through her eyelids, lights are flashing and yet there is no wind. She cannot quite feel the tree under her fingertips but she knows they are there. She squeezes Inuyasha's hand and he squeezes back to comfort her.
But then she opens her eyes and they are there- they are somewhen. Everything around them looks exactly the same except that all their friends are gone. Still, they feel sure that they are somewhen else.
Hesitantly, Kagome asks the tree. “Goshinboku-jii-chan, are we in the correct time period?
“Yes, my child, you made it. I am so proud of you. Congratulations!”
“I don't know why you are so proud when I didn't do anything. I didn't even understand a word of what you said.”
“You did more than you know and as for the language, we'll deal with that soon enough. I am still extremely proud of you for accomplishing this great task!”
She blushes, but Inuyasha ill temperedly yells, “Hey, what about me?”
“Oh sorry- you did well too, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha has a look on his face that says that was a little anti-climatic.
Kagome asks, “Goshinboku-jii-chan, how can we find Inutaisho? Is he in his castle?”
“Well normally, he is in his castle when he is not patrolling around his lands. Besides he needs to be there now for his wife...”
Inuyasha gets the basic idea and is ready to take off. “Alright let's go! Which direction is it, tree?” Goshinboku answers by shocking him and after receiving a few energetic currents, the hanyou drops to the ground.
The tree sighs and chastises him. “No, you can't just run off, not even you should try to find him like that. He will not understand who you are unless I tell him. You must admit that it sounds more than slightly odd. He'll need to take my word for it. Besides, he is coming here today to train his son and introduce him to me.”
Kagome raises an eyebrow in surprise. “What? He is bringing his son? You mean Sesshoumaru?”
“Yes of course, he's a good son from what I have heard from various sources and Inutaisho himself, naturally. I feel badly about what happened to his poor mother, though. That was quite unfortunate.”
Inuyasha twitches on the ground but still gets out a keh. Kagome ignores him and continues. “What about Sesshoumaru's mother, if I may ask? It seems hard to imagine Sesshoumaru caring about anything except his land.”
Inuyasha manages to get up. “Yeah, what's up with Sesshoumaru? What does he have wedged up his ass?”
“Well, you couldn't know. It all started before you were born and only got worse after your birth and after Inutaisho's death. Just watch his reaction to you when you meet him… Of course, he will not remember that he met you after you are born. I will tell Inutaisho to put a spell on him that makes sure of that. Until then, it can help impress on the young lord youkai how important the past is and how he can use nature to his advantage.”
“Keh, why didn't you ever teach me? Didn't you want to teach me too? I'm his son just like Sesshoumaru.” He pouts.
“I would have and wanted to teach you, naturally, but I couldn't because your mother didn't know about me, Inuyasha. Your father died before you were old enough to understand any of this and so he never had a chance to bring you to me, although I know that he wanted to so badly. He treasured you and Sesshoumaru so much. It would sadden him if he saw you two fighting as you do back in your time. If I were you, I wouldn't mention this for a bit.” The tree senses the inuyoukai. “Ok, please allow me to do the talking first.”
Inuyasha grumbles, “You talk too much, tree.”
Goshinboku sighs. “Keep your jaws shut, Inuyasha. Please remember that this is your father.”
Inutaisho and Sesshoumaru enter the clearing. Sesshoumaru's tail does not show and he is much shorter than they had expected him to be. Instead of his trademark deadpan expression, his face is alight with pure curiosity and joy. He looks up at his father with faithful and unconditional admiration. Inuyasha and Kagome try not to stare at this apparition too much, but instead try to keep a straight face.
Kagome looks at Inutaisho, who is taller than Sesshoumaru when he is grown up. He has a blue circle on his forehead and three red stripes on his cheeks. Like both of his sons, his hair is of course long and white. His face is shaped mostly like Sesshoumaru's but slightly wider at the temple. His golden eyes hold a gentle, loving, protective look. As he glances in Kagome and Inuyasha's direction, he smiles halfway.
Hoping that to get Inutaisho's approval, Kagome smoothes out her dress and runs her fingers through her hair. Inuyasha gives her a questioning glance, but she ignores him completely. Inutaisho and Sesshoumaru stiffen slightly as they walk towards the newcomers. Suddenly, Sesshoumaru hides a bit behind his father. Inuyasha turns to the side and tries to stifle a chuckle, but Kagome gives him a look that says finish that chuckle and you'll be sat. He wipes the smirk from his face as much as possible. Kagome understands why Inuyasha thinks Sesshoumaru's reflex was humorous, considering the strength of the Sesshoumaru that they know.
Inutaisho greets the tree with a bow and Sesshoumaru gives his father a look but follows suit. “Greetings, Goshinboku-san.”
“Greetings to you, Inutaisho-sama. Before you ask me about these unknown intruders, let me explain who they are. They are friends of mine, so please relax, both of you.” Inutaisho looks over us with a nod, but Goshinboku asks, “Inutaisho-sama, would you please do me a little favor? Could you smell this white-haired youth right here for me and tell me what you smell?”
Inutaisho sniffs the air for a moment before he stares. His eyes widening farther and farther, he moves closer to Inuyasha. As for Inuyasha, Kagome can see his eyes open further and glisten the late-afternoon light. At that moment, Kagome particularly remembers that Inuyasha has never seen his dad before.
With a quick movement, Inutaisho covers the small distance between himself and Inuyasha and gives his son a hug and does not want to let go. Inuyasha, not being used to physical affection, stiffens for a moment before losing himself in the hug.
Sesshoumaru looks wonderingly at them. Kagome waves to him and tries not to laugh a bit herself, since Sesshoumaru, the Lord of the Western Lands, who tried to kill her in his father's grave, is shyly waving back at her like a polite, hesitant little boy.
Inutaisho pulls back and brushes away a little tear. “You are my son with Mika, the son that has not been born yet. But how…”
The tree explains. “Um, if you will allow me to explain a little bit. They are time travelers from the future on a mission to protect time. This is connected with the condition of souls and the Shikon no Tama. As such, they need your expertise.”
Inutaisho nods, but still looks a little confused. “My son, why can you travel through time?”
The tree hushes Inuyasha. “Inutaisho-sama, he is able to travel through time because he was sealed to me for 50 years. The other factor was that he was sealed there by a very powerful miko, the previous reincarnation of the soul of this young woman here.”
Inutaisho nods, turns back to Sesshoumaru and gestures to his eldest son to come nearer. “My son, this is Sesshoumaru, your older brother.” The proud father puts a hand on each of their shoulders. “Sess-kun, this is your unborn younger brother… what exactly is your name, son?”
He straightens his shoulders. “I'm Inuyasha.”
Sesshoumaru looks over the hanyou and asks, “You mean the pup that my step-mother is pregnant with?” Inutaisho nods. “How is he here now?”
Inutaisho smiles. “I will be happy to explain in more detail later, Sess-kun.” He turns to Kagome, who blushes and has no idea what to say.
She smiles nervously and then bows. “Greetings, Inutaisho-sama. I am Higurashi Kagome from 21st century Tokyo.”
Inuyasha asks, “Hey, Kagome, why are you being so formal and all? It's just my dad.” He puts his arms behind his head.
“Shut up, Inuyasha- yes exactly it is your father.” She shoots him an annoyed look. “He is the Lord of the Western Lands!”
“Yeah so is Sesshoumaru but that doesn't…” The young youkai's and older inuyoukai's ears pick up and Kagome gives Inuyasha a death glare.
Inutaisho decides to ignore this strange behavior. “Welcome, Higurashi-san.”
“Uh, please call me Kagome as everyone else does, Inutaisho-sama. That goes for Sesshoumaru-sama too.” She winks at him and he smiles.
“You are a companion of Inuyasha?”
The lord steps in closer with a smirk on his face. “Nothing more?” She blushes and Inuyasha jumps out of his skin.
The hanyou stammers, “Hey, where'd you get a crazy idea like that?”
“Hmm, interesting reaction. I'll talk with you about this more later, Kagome-san.” He throws an unyoukai-like wink at me with a surprisingly bright smile. Kagome, having no idea how to respond, simply smiles back at him. Unlike Inuyasha, Inutaisho can fly and so he transforms into his demon form and carries everyone to his castle.
A/N- Yes, Sesshoumaru uses a preposition at the end of a sentence, but he's a kid. He shouldn't have perfect grammar yet, even if he is a future taiyoukai.
That's all for this part minna! Please read and tell me what you think via e-mail or reviews, if you want. I'm not living for them, but they are still appreciated. It may be a little while until I put up the next chapter. I don't this one all mapped out like I do my other one so we shall see. Later, everyone. You can check out my other fics while you wait if you want- whatever. Have a great day!