InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Contest! ❯ Contest! ( Chapter 1 )

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Hey people! I have decided that I'm not good at writing and you are so if you like you can do my contest. All you have to do is take my idea and write a story and send it to me. If you post it please send the story to me and tell me. As far as what it can and can not have, I don't care. It can be any pairing, any rating, and lenght.
Oh yeah this has to be a Inuyasha fanfic.

The thing you have to go by:

Inuyasha is in big trouble and bad people are after him. The only way he can hide himself is to become the body guard of the princess Kagome.

As for every thing else. Anything goes. You can write who's after him and how he becomes Kagome's body guard. Well here you go. Do what you want with it. Oh and when you're done with it send it to Enjoy. ja ne