InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cotton Candy ❯ Cotton Candy ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Cotton CandyGenre: Inuyasha RomancePairing: Could be anyone, but for me it's Inuyasha and KagomeRating: PGAuthor: Do I really have to answer this??

I’ve always believed that a first kiss should be like cotton candy: sweet and fluffy. kiss fit that description perfectly; he was gentle, almost chaste. The love in his kiss was so strong it was unbelievable. t the same time, there was a longing behind it, a carnal feeling not unlike lust.He held me close, but not so tight that our hips touched. His lips barely touched mine at first, then became bolder.Everything about his movements, from the gentle touch of his lips to the strong hold of his arms, told me I was safe and loved.