InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crazy ❯ Crazy ( Chapter 1 )

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Title: Crazy
Author: c2t2
Rating: G
Genre: Depending on how you read it, either angst, humor, or fluff. Quasi-poetry.
Characters/pairings: Kouga/Kagome, mentions Kag/Inu
Summary: They say he knows nothing about her.
Notes: I'm strangely attached to this one, so I'd actually prefer that you hold off on the criticism.
Thanks to Actual-Dionysius for helping me beat it into shape.
They keep on asking why he loves her.
They say that he knows nothing about her.
He tells them that they must be crazy.
The moment he saw her, he knew she was beautiful.
When she warned her friends about his shards, he realized she had extraordinary powers.
When he stole her and leapt off the cliff, she screamed and he knew she was afraid.
The moment they were back on level ground, they were attacked, and she began to berate him. This proved that she was crazy.
When she stood up to him to save the fox-child, she proved she had some loyalty. When she ran, saving the kitsune by putting herself at the mercy of the angry pack, she proved she was loyal to the death.
When he tried to claim her, she struck him, and he knew she was impulsive. Then she chastised him again, so he learned she had a temper.
When she agreed to help, even though he had kidnapped her, he knew she was forgiving.
When she ignored the harpies, shrieking when they leapt up the mountain, she proved again that she was afraid of heights, not demons.
She was clearly insane.
When she grabbed a discarded bow and arrow and joined the battle, he knew that she was brave.
When she saved one of his men, she showed she was compassionate, and when her single arrow tore the bird-demon in half, she confirmed that she was powerful.
When she saw the hanyou, her expression proved beyond any doubt that she was in love.
When she stood against the man she loved for his sake, costing herself the dog's goodwill and two jewel shards, he knew she was completely out of her mind.
They keep asking him why he loves her. They say that he knows nothing about her.
He just tells them it's because she's crazy... and apparently, so is he.