InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cry of Desperation From a Hot Spring ❯ Poor Mopey Inuyasha ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What a disaster for poor Inuyasha. Will his heart ever be mended? Maybe these extra little chappies will answer some of your questions. This chapter has a lot of Inuyasha going from missing, to hating, then back to missing his friends. Mostly just in the beginning so bare with me folks. You have to understand that he would have mixed feelings about this whole thing.

Disclaimer: you people already know I’m poor, why would you try to make me say it again? Oh well, I own nothing, you happy?

Up high in the tree, he sat sulking. This would be his only time to rest in nearly a week since it happened. Inuyasha tried not to think about his heartache, but every time he sat still, his heart grew heavy. That’s why he tried to keep moving as long as his strength would still carry him, but a week without once stopping to rest? That was enough to tire even the strongest of demons, and Inuyasha was only a half demon.

How could she? After everything they had gone through, how could she hurt him so badly?

He tried to make the best of the situation. “She won’t have the chance to sit me ever again. If I just annoyed her in the slightest, she would sit me so many times that I would make a hole in the ground. Those were some of the few times that I ever broke any bones. I never told her that, she probably wouldn’t have stopped even if I had.”

He started thinking back in disgust at all the times she sat him for little or no reason. “She’s lucky that I heal quickly or we would have been in a lot of trouble. All I said was that I liked the bento box she brought last week better than this one, and she got so mad at me that she sat me about a dozen times. I learned later that the first bento box was one her mom made and the one I didn’t like was hers.”

“We ended up being attacked by a dragon demon the very next day. It was all I could do to keep from passing out from the pain of three broken ribs and a sprained wrist, it was my right wrist too. I could barely lift that monster of a sword.”

‘She was always so cold about it too. I can‘t remember onetime that she apologized, ever.’ “Damn it, sometimes I hate that wench. Why do I have to feel like this? I wish things had just stayed the way they were.”

Inuyasha looked up into the clouds; he saw one that almost resembled the shape of Sango’s signature weapon. ‘I wonder how Sango’s taking all of this. She was hurt pretty badly too. She never had to see them together though. I hope she never does.’

“Miroku was supposed to be a friend, some friend he turned out to be. I wish we never met that backstabbing monk!!”

Inuyasha was not going to let them ruin the rest of his day. He finally decided it was time to find another priestess or someone else who’s able to sense jewel shards. He would find and kill Naraku, alone if he had to. He didn’t need a whiny little wench following behind him, and he didn’t need a backstabbing pervert of a monk either. The only ones he might really miss were Lady Kaede and Sango, and of course Shippo.

“I don’t care how long it takes now. Who cares if that bastard’s wind tunnel takes him?”

Deep down inside he felt a little guilty for saying that. Miroku had indeed been his friend. Even though he was angry now, it wouldn’t last. Inuyasha was not the type to hold on to grudges. Even if he didn’t open up about his emotions, come right out and tell people he forgave them, it didn’t mean he held onto the hate or anger. They always underestimated him in that way. They thought he was filled with hate for the world around him. ‘I sure forgave Kagome enough times.’

Inuyasha jumped down from the tree. He turned to look out over the horizon. It was a beautiful day. Birds were singing, flowers grew all around him, and the skyline had an eerie glow, signifying that the day was soon to end. He caught the sent of the flowers as the wind shifted his way, but despite all the beauty that surrounded him, he still missed the beauty that was lost.


Inuyasha reluctantly turned from the sight that would have caused Kagome to sigh, and Inuyasha to huff that she was wasting time staring at something so useless. He let out a sigh of relief as a new sent caught his attention. It was the sent of the wolf demon Kouga. Normally he would have been pissed to sense the demon so close, but now he welcomed the distraction.

He jumped into the air, and almost flew across that same sky that he had been admiring earlier. It was exhilarating to be free of the burden of Kagome grabbing onto his shoulders or Shippo digging his claws into his back to hang on. Not having the others to slow him down might work to his advantage, or be his downfall. He wasn’t sure yet. He just knew he had to find kouga. The distraction was welcome. Maybe he would ask if they could work together.

At that thought, Inuyasha let out a sharp bark of laughter. “Am I really that lonely for my friends that I would join one of my past enemies? Not that Kouga would ever help me.”

To tell the truth Inuyasha and Kouga had come to an unspoken understanding. They always fought over Kagome, but neither would let anything happen to her. The few times they did manage to work together, it was only to protect her.

Inuyasha was broken from his thoughts by the sound of a whirlwind stopping right in front of him.

“Hey mutt, where’s Kagome? Tell me you didn’t let something….” He broke off his line of questioning when he saw the sullen look on Inuyasha’s face.

“Kagome’s fine, and don’t call me mutt.” Inuyasha spoke in such a calm voice that he almost didn’t recognize it himself.

Kouga just stared at him in disbelief. ‘Normally he would have bitten my head off after calling him a mutt, but he barely acted like he cared. I can see it just behind his eyes, it’s almost like he’s is in pain.’

“You can gloat if you want to, but it means you’ll be hurting too. Kagome, she-she she decided that she would be better off with the monk rather than being with either of us.” ‘Damn, that was hard to finally admit to him, but it actually felt good confiding in Kouga. He’s in the same boat as I am.’

“Inuyasha, did you do something to make her mad at you?”

Inuyasha just stared at a spot on the ground that all of a sudden he seemed to find fascinating. He couldn’t meet Kouga’s gaze. He knew that he said something that made her angry, but was that what had driven her into another man’s arms or was it already beginning to happen and he was too blind to see it?

“I’ll have to go see this for myself. Later mu… Inuyasha.” Kouga sped off in a blur of dust and debris.

‘I should have started a fight with him. Now I’ll have to find some other distraction.’ Inuyasha went along his way, searching for anything that would keep his mind from wondering back to his lost love.

There it was the sent of something else. This distraction was indeed a welcome change. “What is this feeling? I’ve never felt anything like this before. This sent is almost intoxicating.”

Inuyasha ran through the forest, searching for this special sent that caught his attention. Then he saw her, wading in the river, which was up to her waste. She had a furry tail like Sesshomaru, but she didn’t have the special demon markings on her face and hands. That was a great thing considering where those markings come from. Every member of Inuyasha’s family had those markings, the full blooded demons at least. That meant that she was fair game.

Inuyasha snapped out of this line of thinking when he realized what was going through his head. ‘I can’t get involved with another woman right now; I’m still nursing my wounds. What if she ends up hurting me too?’

He just then realized that he had been staring at a very nude female dog demon. He turned away to hide the blush that had been slowly creeping across his face.

Let’s find out who this demon is, and how she’ll react to Inuyasha wanting to be her mate, oh, and spying on her in the nude. The rating still stands; I won’t put a lemon in here. So don’t ask. I’ll show what happens to Sango in future chappies too, even though I don’t usually like her in ficies. If you guys didn't like this you only have yourselves to blame. I asked for feedback on what you want to happen from this chapter on, but only a handful of people sent reviews. Shame on you, after all my begging. Well, it's not to late; you can still review and let me know what Sango should do.