InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crystal Tamer ❯ Chapter 3 - Options ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The ride back to the original colony complex, in Sesshomaru's opinion, seemed to have taken forever. Since he'd boarded the transport shuttle, he'd had a strange sense of dread washing over him. He tried to assure himself that everything was going to be all right, that he'd get there in time. Yet, for some reason, he couldn't shake it. The closer he drew to where he'd grown up, the stronger the feeling grew. Something was going to happen and soon. He just knew it.

* * *

InuTaisho stood patiently at the transport terminal as he waited for Sesshomaru. He knew what had sent his youngest son into a downward spiral of depression. He had seen the letter on the boy's bedroom floor, the forgotten letter from Sesshomaru. Why Sesshomaru had felt the need to send such a cruel and harsh letter to his twelve-year-old son, InuTaisho couldn't even begin to guess. His oldest always had the strangest reasons for doing things.

Of course . . . so did he. InuTaisho knew more about his sons than anyone realized. To all outward appearances, it seemed as if he showered his youngest son with all of the love and affection that he possessed. That Sesshomaru received none of it. It simply wasn't true. Each boy needed something different from him. Each child has his own strengths that needed to be cultured and nurtured. After all, both boys had lost much in their lives. They had just been too young at the time to fully realize what it was that they had lost.

“Master InuTaisho?”

The iridescent-haired male turned his head to see a young youkai soldier standing behind him, a young youkai of wolf origins. His blue eyes and dark hair were the greatest physical indications. His scent had told InuTaisho more. Of course, the youth, along with two others had escorted him to the transport terminal. Time was of the essence, after all.

“Hai, Lieutenant Wolf?”

“The transport will be arriving in the next minute. Ginta and Hakkaku have gone to our own transport to get it ready. And we've heard from Shinsei and TsukuYouMaru.”

“You have? What did they say?”

InuTaisho's heart leapt into his throat at hearing the young male say those words. Leaving Inuyasha in the hospital wing on his own had been a truly difficult decision but one that InuTaisho had made nonetheless. Inuyasha had been unconscious and still in surgery when he had.

“That he's in a recovery room and doing well,” the wolf replied. “He hasn't regained consciousness, though. From their expressions, I daresay there's more that they wanted to say but they're not going to over an open communications line.”

“Makes sense,” InuTaisho nodded, feeling a small amount of relief. Before he could say more, the transport carrying his oldest son arrived and Sesshomaru was walking towards him. They were quickly ushered back to their transport and on their way back. InuTaisho just prayed that Shinsei and TsukuYouMaru had good news for him. The last thing his family needed was any more bad news.

* * *

“Are you sure?” InuTaisho wrung his hands together, glancing through the glass into the next room. His youngest son slept in that room, Sesshomaru at his side. TsukuYouMaru nodded.

“Hai, I'm sure, Tai. His vocal chords have been severely damaged from the suicide attempt. If his full vocal potential is ever going to be realized, we need to do this procedure and right away. It's for his own good.”

The procedure the bat youkai was speaking of was considered to be a simple and common procedure. While his son remained unconscious, they would wheel him into an operating room and hook him up to several wires, some of them resting where he'd sustained his most serious injuries. Some would be to monitor his heart, some to monitor his brain activity but the rest would be to assist Inuyasha's demon to heal the damage the boy had inflicted upon himself. The success rate for such a procedure had become phenomenal. Still, the prospect of having his son undergo such a procedure frightened InuTaisho for reasons he couldn't identify.

'Still, the boy has potential. And he's needed. I need him. I can't afford to lose him. I can't.'

“Very well,” he nodded. “Let's do it.”

TsukuYouMaru smiled. He then nodded to his assistant, his hanyou daughter, Shiori.

“We'll begin immediately.”

* * *

“Are you sure everything's going according to plan?”

The transmission crackled some but the person's expression on the other end never wavered.

“Hai,” came the reply. “The youkai won't be able to use their secret weapon when the big battle comes. I guarantee it.”

“Keep us updated on your progress.”

The screen went blank at that moment, and the man leaned back in his chair. A sneer crossed his face as he did so.

'It won't be long now. The youkai won't know what hit them.'

Somewhere, in the distance, an explosion could be heard . . .