InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dance on ice ❯ who she is ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dance on ice

Chapter12 Who she is

Sorry for beeing so damn late, by the way this story will have max25 chapters, and Addiction the same. I will update ' 1 out of 12', 'Addiction' and 'Dance on ice' parallel .

After I finish the stories though, I fear I will dedicate myself to something different.

Still writing, but different!

Anyway have fun!


,,Please...please, let..." a twelve year old girl cried to the man in front of her.

,,Please what Kagome?" he chuckled sardonically.

,,Please let you out of this. Why , my dear, you wished to be here in the first place remember?"

Walking towards her, he smiled evilly as each step of him, made her take one back, and back, and back, until she had nowhere to go, she had reached a wall.

,,Remember my sweet? Remember how you asked me to become like your mother?" he whispered chuckling darkly as tears started to cascade down her face.

Stepping near her , he let his hands trail her body, up and down, kneading the flesh of her young and candid breasts. Rising her shirt so he could look down at the peaky mounds he slowly brought his lips down to them, whispering

against her skin.

,,Too bad, your mother was a whore."

Letting his tongue lick her skin, he brought his hands to her inner thighs, about to rip her panties when he felt it.

The bitter taste of salt. Her tears...looking up at her he saw her closed eyes and abruptly released her, walking out of the room, but still calling after her.

,,The only way for me to leave your life is for you to win the Olimpics. Do it and shall give you your freedom."


Sesshoumaru couldn't believe what he had just heard. He noticed a long time ago she was no longer talking of Inuyasha but of someone else, and now he couldn't help but think that it was her father.

What impressed him most though, was that she hid it, and not even that, but that she hid it well.

Hugging her to him even tighter, he leaned back, letting her cry herself to a light and shaky sleep, which he watched over for the whole night, thinking not only about her past but about what she had done today.

She was a miko, no doubt about it, and by nature she was his enemy , but he'd be damned if he'd give her up.


Opening her eyes Kagome was instantly met by a very strange and a very well known feeling.

The strange thing, she felt as if she was relieved, as if some part of her which was hidden now finaly came into light.

The very well known thing...Sesshoumaru's chest. You know, the one with great abs, smooth skin, the one who demanded to be touched. Yeah, that one!

Kagome tried to remember, remember why she was there in the first place, what Sesshoumaru was doing in her room and more precisely, why she felt so free.

As if the world no longer owned her, but she owned the world. Looking up at the angelic and peaceful face of her,...her,

what was he to her? Her friend, no, friend's don't kiss eachother, not like they had.

Strangers, no , they were no strangers, they had never been.

Mate. 4 letters so short, and yet so full of meaning. That's who he was ... her mate. Thinking of the time when they would separate a sudden feeling of emptyness washed over her.

Looking up at him again, she was met by gold. Calm, will and it couldn't be...he couln't.


He had felt her, felt her aura wake throughout the night, felt her powers grow and grow, not stopping. He couldn't help but smile , smile to himself at seeing just who his mate was.

And as far as he could tell, she was the strongest miko ever.

And now, now she was looking up at him with her blue diamond eyes, confusion reflecting itself in them.She didn't remember he was sure of that, but yet reading her aura, he saw the knowledge there...and he saw something else, something he had never, seen or felt.

Looking down at her he saw her blush, and smirked . He still had the same effect on her.

Deciding it was time she knew, he pulled her up more firmly against his chest making her blush crimson.


,,As much as I would love to continue this, we have something to discuss." he told her calmly, his tone soft, but still passive.

,,You hentai." Kagome hit his arm, angryly, or at least faking anger.

,,You told me about your father." Sesshoumaru interrupted.

Looking up at him, the anger immediately dissipated, recognizing the truth in his eyes.

did." she whispered shakily, never once leaving

his eyes.

,,You are a miko." he stated again.

Shock briefly flashed through her eyes, before understanding replaced it.

know. But I didn't know until..." she started

quickly, being silenced by one of his fingers at her lips.

Bringing his lips right in front of hers, he pried his finger off her lips gently, whispering a soft ''I know'' before brushing his lips on hers, noticing each time how much she began to relax.

Slowly he let his tongue trace her lips, making a small gasp come from her, letting him explore her mouth. This time the kiss held much more than just passion and hunger, no it held promises, sweet promises of the future.

,,We will have to train your powers." he told her seriously, trying to ignore the butterfly kisses her lips brought to his.

,,We do?" she asked, worry evident in her voice.

He smiled as he realised at what her worry was directed. She was worried for him.

am the strongest Youkai alive Kagome . And

you are my mate. You would never hurt me, even if you could. "he told her trying not to admitt to himself what he had just done.

He had just...

,,You trust me ?" she asked, an unbelieving smile on her soft features. Nodding, he received her tight hug , welcoming it with his own.

,,Kagome." he interrupted after some while, hearing a light sigh escpape her lips...

,,Yes.." she murmured against his ear, enjoying the way he suddenly breathed in.

,,I'm not going to leave. I'll be here for you."

Pulling back, tears burning in her eyes, she nodded , burrying her head in the crock of his neck.


The miko of the Shikon no Tama.

Naraku will be pleased to know that Inuyasha can get to her. Very pleased indeed.