InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Darkest Fears of the Heart ❯ Darkest Fears of the Heart ( Chapter 1 )

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Dark Fears of the Heart
Kirameki Izumi
What is courage but a figment of the imagination
A hidden shadow, a cloud of vapor…
That slips past your fingertips as you try to grasp it
I wish I could say that I have this fabled quality…
But in truth, I harbor a dark terror within the depths of my soul
The fear of losing you forever
The fear of never seeing you smile again
It tortures my every waking moment
Without you here beside me…
I begin to feel lost
Like a small frightened child…
Sitting, frozen with shock and disbelief…
As my life loses all purpose and meaning
I want to protect you…
But I'm afraid I lack the strength…
That my power is too weak
I want to scream…
Rip of this calm, false mask that is my face and reveal the truth
To relieve this horrible weight from my heart
The weight of an accumulating hidden dread
A weight so unbearable…
That it's about to burst forth like a tidal wave
How can I conceal it any longer
I feel so ashamed of my helplessness
I wish I were stronger…
I wish I were closer to the man you truly deserve
I'd give anything…
My entire heart and soul
If I could just spend the rest of my life with you