InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Darkness upon us ❯ Journey Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Note: I do not own inuyasha or any of the characters in the actual anime, but i do own any characters that i MYSELF made up.


The sun was setting, as two white haired demons walked through the desert sands. The two demons had been traveling for days, on their
way back to their base from a hunt.Suddenly the younger demon spoke up, "Sesshomaru, I cant beleive that we have been searching for months
and we still cant find any trace of Naraku!"
"Well Inuyasha, we must be patient, Naraku is watching us at all times and you cant let him see you getting frustrated." Sesshomaru seemed
very calm, but Inuyasha could tell that his brother was bothered.

"Well Sesshomaru, I cant stand this war any freiking longer! Naraku has avoided us at all causes, and anytime we do confront him he runs
away before the battle even starts!" Sesshomaru thought it over and knew that his brother had a very good point. They had confronted Naraku
many times before, but everytime they draw their swords he vanishes and sends another one of his minions to fight them.
"Inuyasha, I know, it is not easy for me either, besides, someone has been giving out information on the bases that we have had! I am
tired of searching the base every day, and every night trying to find clues as to who is the traitor in my damned base!" sesshomaru yelled.

Inuyasha was about to say something to calm his brother but they both suddenly heard screams of terror in the direction they were headed in.
"Sesshomaru, did you hear that? Somethings going down, I think we should go see what it is."
Sesshomaru nodded and the brothers dashed off into the direction of the screams.


"A Sango! one of them got my leg!" Kagome yelled, as the three slayers stood back to back trying to fight off the horde of demons that,
had come out of nowhere two hours ago and destroyed their village, and everyone there.
"Kagome hold on, we have to finish off these demons before they kill us!" Rin cried.
A demon came from above to swallow the trio whole, but all of a sudden a blast of great energy destroyed all the demons, and the remains
of the demons without leaving a scratch on the girls.

"wh-what was that!? It came out of nowhere" said Sango. Two white haired demons walked out of the smoke, the younger looking one sheathing his sword.
"Hey are you guys alright? It took a lot of concentration to keep my blast from hitting you." The older demon stepped up and said
"My name is Sesshomaru, and this is my brother Inuyasha, what are your names?"
The three women looked at eachother and then Kagome spoke up "My name is Kagome, these are my sisters Sango and Rin.
Inuyasha came up to Kagome and grabbed her leg, "hey, it looks like one of those demons clawed you pretty bad, why dont you guys come
back to our base so we can bandage you up and fix your wepons?"

The three women looked at eachother and then nodded at the brothers.


As the group was walking through the sands towards the base of the brothers, Kagome and Inuyasha were talking the whole time.
"So you are a dog demon? So can you transform into your full demon form at any time you want?" Kagome asked.
"Well, yeah, but I dont really transform unless I really need to, it can cause a lot of damage, plus, I get my fur all sandy", at this Kagome laughed
considering the demon had pretty long hair that reached his thighs.
"So, if you and your brother are demon lords of the west, then your father must have been even more powerful to be able to hold his lands together."
Inuyasha looked into the sky and thought about what Kagome said, he had not really talked about his father unless it was with Sesshomaru or Ezima, but even then
they only talked about what his old battle plans used to be.

Inuyasha said "Yeah, my father was very powerful, even more powerful than me and my brother, but he left a long time ago on a journey to find his brother.
He left when I was about fifty and Sesshomaru was one hundred years old. Our mother stayed with us, but when the big war of the sanctuaries started,
she was captured by the dragon demon lord of the north. Granted, mother was powerful, but the lord pormised to keep the western lands under his
portection if she went and became his slave."

Sesshomaru cut in "The dragon lord's name is Inigamo. He is very powerful, but does not like when people challenge him. When he took our mother,
I went to hunt him down, but it ended in me nearly dying from his deadly wepon, Dmora. After my father left, the lands went in chaos, and an enemy of all lands
came to high power, Naraku. He first went to the weakest of all the lords, the lord of the east, only because tiger demons trust their own, no matter the circumstances.
One by one, Naraku turned the Tiger demon empire to his side. Granted the tiger demons arent very powerful, they had vast numbers. Naraku finally turned
all of the tiger lords most trusted men to his side, and over threw the tiger lord of the east. Naraku now had a vast army, and the hugest amount of land in Japan.
Naraku went after the Panther lord of the south next, and the Panther lord was very powerful, considering his empire had many generals.
Naraku knew he could not persude the generals of the army, but decided to do the next best thing, he coated the whole lands with miasma.
Now the generals would not join Naraku, but the vast number of soldiers would do anything to save their own lives. Naraku did this to every part of land, and
made every soldier attack their general untill Naraku controlled the whole panther army. The panther lord surrendered to Naraku right away, and now serves Naraku.
In a month Nraku had conquered two very powerful empires of demon lords, and merged them into one giant empire."

Inuyasha came back into the story "but no one knows how Naraku came to high power in the first place, he was just an ordinary human, but all of a sudden
he had become a very powerful demon."

Sesshomaru nodded "Naraku's intentions were to come after the western lands next, but he knew our father was more powerful than the two demon lords he conquered.
So Naraku, decided to go to the middlelands, the point where all the lands met in one place, but a different land was made. The mountainlands.
Now, though the mountainlands are very small, and the army there was in very small numbers, the lord that was there was very powerful, and he only had one hundred thousand
toughened strong soldiers there. Those soldiers were stronger than ten of me combined. Now Naraku was stumped on how to gain control of a very powerful empire, even though it was small.
So he did what he knew to do best, he lied.
Naraku disguised himself as a Gorilla demon, to fit in as the other mountainland demons, and went into the lords palace as a messenger.
The Lord was transed by Naraku's disguise, and he thought he was a beautiful female. That night, Naraku followed the demon lord into his chambers, and
when the Demon lord was at his weakest, Naraku cut his heart out, and ate it. Naraku had taken control of that small but powerful empire, and
set up his base there. The gorrila demons gaurd him as he makes his plans to come take control of the northern and western lands, and we have absolutley no time to
come up with a plan to stop him."

Kagome, Sango, and Rin, looked at eachother and shivered, they had never heard of this Naraku until now, but this was the first time they were ever scared of a demon.
"So, what are we going to do to stop this Naraku person, I mean it seems to me that he is very powerful if he is able to take full control of three powerful empires,
and merge them into one huge empire, and then have a huge army of three powerful types of demons in it, ready to attack at any time." said Kagome.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome and said "for now, we dont need to worry about that, we need to get your leg bandaged, and then go over our battle plans, because Sesshomaru and I
are planning to go to the Northern lands and make a treaty with Inigamo."
Kagome nodded and looked at the sand the rest of the way to the base.

A few hours later, the group came to a halt. They were staring at air and then all of a sudden, a bunch of gears were heard shifting around and a door opened out of nowhere.
"Welcome back my lords." Said a Demon.