InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Diary ❯ Secrets Revealed ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We could only wish that we all owned Inuyasha and the others, but, sadly, they are all owned by their rightful owners. I do own Derek, Dan, Meg & Melissa (Inuyasha's girlfriend) though.
Dear Diary
Chapter 27 - Secrets Revealed
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Sango's POV
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Oh my fucking god.
One of my best friends was famous.
She was a superstar.
She could sing?!
I sat there with my mouth wide open as she fixed her hair again, pulling the beret back to cover one of her eyes. She looked bloody hot in those tight clothes, leaving barely anything left for the imagination in her figure. All the right curves in the right places.
Shit… What the fuck am I saying?!
Kagome was laughing as she finally finished putting the beret on, effectively hiding her real identity. I looked at Rin and Sesshomaru, watching his smirk grow as her mouth and eyes went wider and wider. Sesshomaru chuckled as the bodyguard started looking at Kagome with the upmost confused expression.
“Its okay Meg,” she said, turning and hugging the guard tightly around the waist, “I do know these people. Surprisingly enough, I go to school here now.”
“NANI!” the guard shrieked, pushing Kagome away a little, “All this time you have been here. KAGOME!!”
Everyone, even Kagome herself, cringed as the guard screamed the last part, her voice rising too high for our liking.
Then something hit me.
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Kagome's POV
“Kagome?” Sango called, standing and coming towards me quickly, “can I talk to you for a min?”
“In a sec Sango,” I reply over my shoulder, getting ready to try calming Meg down.
No,” Sango exclaims strongly, “now!”
I look at her with a really confused expression, wondering what the hell was wrong with her. I was here undercover and yet she suddenly needed to talk to me…
Couldn't it wait?
I looked in her eyes quickly, wondering what was about to happen.
Something flared. Something deep inside her jade green eyes flared and called for my attention.
I sighed.
This obviously couldn't wait.
I walked away from the small group, leaving a very confused looking Meg. Sango walked beside me for a while, waiting till we were out of the earshot of the others before talking.
“Kagome,” she said quietly, “has anything happened in the last few weeks? Anything that would make something happen to you?”
“Ah. No. Not that I can think of.”
“Start thinking harder then,” she mumbled, just load enough for me to hear, “because something had seriously fucked up your scent. You are starting to smell like you have demon blood in you now!”
“Don't yell at me,” she whines, cringing away slightly, “its not my fault. I thought you would have known the cause or something.”
“How the hell can you even tell?” I ask, lowering my voice to a whine, “is there anyway besides my scent that you can tell?”
“It's the scent,” she said, turning away slightly, “as well as the way that you are acting. You cringe when someone yells to loud around you, you bound away from any threats instantly, you hardly even touch the Shikon Jewel anymore. And that's just what I can think of now.”
She walked away, leaving me shocked and standing there. It took me a while to realise what she was really talking about.
I had been cringing, even without meaning to.
And I had bounded away in the past, mostly from Inuyasha and Derek.
But the scariest thing was about the Shikon. I was its protector and yet I hardly touched it anymore.
I grabbed the jewel out from under my shirt, holding it in the palm of my hand. So many thoughts were running through my head, leaving me hardly any chance to ask them to myself. Sighing, I looked away from it, not wanting to be dragged into a daydream by the pink swirling jewel's centre like I have many times before.
Meg was waiting for me, a few meters away from me. I smiled and waved to her, letting her know that I was alright. She waved back and walked slowly back to Sesshomaru and the now full group.
Inuyasha, Miroku, Souta, Shippo and Ayame had come back from where ever the hell it was that they were, leaving me with no real chance to talk to Sango again.
I walked over and sat with them, knowing that I would be able to show the real me in a little.
For now I was just happy enough to leave it with Rin and Sango.
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Miroku's POV
It was a little odd at first to have the famous Kagome Higurashi sitting with us, seeing as so many people had already gone past and asked for her to sign something.
Yet she didn't seemed fazed by it at all.
She just signed whatever was thrust into her face, putting personal messages on most things and waiting for them all to leave again before smiling at us.
Something about her was familiar.
Something that I just couldn't put my finger on.
What was it?!
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Rin's POV
Sango and I could both tell that Miroku was getting slightly annoyed by something, yet we didn't both trying to figure it out. He was leaning against Sango and she was happy enough, knowing that the guy she had liked for ages was finally realising that he liked her.
Took the damn leech long enough.
I smiled as I snuggled further into Sesshomaru-sama's grasp, loving the way that he was sitting behind me. Something with the singing had made him open his eyes, and whatever it was, I was so thankful for it.
I knew that he was of superior youkai blood. I knew that he was Inuyasha's half-brother. I knew that he was like the rest of us sometimes, putting on a face to stop the world from seeing the truth.
But I also knew that he was lonely.
Like me.
But now that I had the chance to change that… I would.
With everything in my power.
I will force the loneliness from both our lives.
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Hey guys
Sozz it has taken me so long to get this finished… I drew blank for so long its sorta embarrassing.
Ummm, I know that this chappy is prob gonna confuse half you guys but it is pretty much Kagome showing herself to Sango and Rin then finding out from Sango that she is possibly gaining some youkai/hanyou powers. Sesshomaru is now courting Rin and Sango and Miroku are dating, Kagome and Inuyasha as well.
Hope the next chapter is easier to write than this one…
R&R plz