InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demon's Seeker ❯ Battling the Enemy ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 14- Battling the Enemy
Kagome reached the top of the stairs and calmly walked in to find her nemesis calmly sitting with his back against the wall, he seemed surprised that she had made it this far.
“So. You're Naraku.” she said, he seemed just as she had imagined, cold hearted and uncaring, as though someone had cut his heart out, he gave a small laugh as he stood up, she stood her ground as demons burst from his back, and his arms turned into what looked like scorpion claws.
She burned a demon part that came after her, she began to battle when suddenly Naraku had hold of her, she reached into her pocket and held the jewel tightly, blowing Naraku away from her, she laughed and brought out a charm and threw it at him as she jumped in the air avoiding another part of his slimy body, but in doing so her charm missed and he wrapped one of his tentacles around her ankle.
She cried out as the she crashed to the ground and the jewel fell out of her hand rolling away, she tried to reach for it but the tentacle around her ankle tightened and Naraku began to walk towards it, Kagome began to panic.
`He can't have it! I did not go through hell and back just to lose the jewel! No way, no how!' she thought and with that thought her aura pushed him back and she grabbed the jewel and blew him into the wall, she gasped as a tentacle wrapped around her neck.
`I….can't….breath!' she thought as she desperately pulled at the tentacle when she saw Naraku standing in front of her, he grabbed the jewel from Kagome, and Kagome groaned as he slammed her into the wall a smirk on his face.
“So it seems this is the end of Seeker, finally. For almost five hundred years I've searched for the jewel, but every damned time, your incarnations would stop me, but when you weren't born within the last fifty years I thought it would be wise to steal the jewel.
“But that fool of a father that you had was smart, he somehow knew who I was and when I killed him he hid the jewel in the one place that he knew I could never set foot, that damned shrine.
“And so I thought it was your sister that was the reincarnation of all those who had kept me from the jewel so I kidnapped her, but then you showed up and I realized my mistake, I of course realized your true identity immediately.” he laughed, Kagome growled pulling at the tentacle around her throat.
“That's why you sent the demon, knowing that Sesshomaru and I would attack at the same time…you somehow made sure that I pulled out that death charm, and at the last moment you spirited him to the castle and put him under your power!” she cried as his tentacle tightened around her neck.
“Clever girl, yes I did, I knew I had to drive a wedge between you and that hanyou or I would never be able to get the jewel from you, and hatred works it course so well sometimes, except the damned boy fell in love!” he growled tightening around her neck.
“Love? Ha…Naraku you've lost your mind…Inuyasha hates me because he still holds me responsible for your actions…all in all I'd say that your plan worked quite well….except for one itsy bitsy thing.” she hissed, her hand reaching into her pocket and grabbing a fire charm.
“Oh, and what might that be?” he asked, she smirked and threw the charm onto his face, he screamed his hands going to his face, the jewel falling out of his hand, she fell to the ground as he let go.
“You forgot who I am…I don't let anyone hurt my family…and especially the man I love.” she growled, he laughed as his demon body parts began to destroy the building, a large cinder block fell onto him crushing him.
Kagome grabbed the jewel before a piece of rubble fell on it, she looked at the pink jewel and sighed, debris was falling around her as she looked at the jewel that had caused her parents' death; she winced as a nasty piece of debris scratched her across the face.
`Jewel, please make sure that all my friends are safe…and happy…if nothing else…make sure Inuyasha is happy…' she cried out as a large beam of wood hit her in the back and knocked her to the ground, the jewel rolled out of her hand and burst into dust.
`He's dead…I finally avenged mom and dad's death…Kikyo…I did it…I finally did it after three years of fighting I can finally rest…I don't have to fight anymore…I …can…be…normal….' Kagome thought as she blacked out, she heard the rest of the building collapse on top of her, but she found she didn't care.
* * * *
“Where is she? She said she would be here soon!” Inuyasha growled as he looked at the house, Sango shook her head in worry. Kikyo and Sesshomaru had shown up not being able to stay away.
“Inuyasha, she'll be fine, she's grown into a strong woman…I couldn't be prouder of her if I tried.” Kikyo said encouragingly. And then they heard it, a distance rumble, Sango screamed.
“Oh, my god! The building! It's collapsing!” Sango screamed, Kikyo screamed and tried to go into the building but Kakeromoro, who had come with her, held her back as Sesshomaru held Inuyasha back.
“Let go! Let me go, dammit! Kagome is in there! She could be killed! I said let go!” Inuyasha cried, but Sesshomaru remained solid, Kikyo had given up and was no sobbing into Kakeromoro's chest now.
“NO! NO! I don't want to lose her! I love her! She's my little sister!” she sobbed.
“She gave up her life so that we would all be safe.” Sesshomaru said softly, Inuyasha growled.
“I didn't want that! I would rather live with being hunted than lose her! I don't give a damn about being safe as long as I can be with her!” Inuyasha cried turning to look at his brother angrily. “I love her! I love her!” he screamed to the sky as the tears came unbidden, but not unwanted.