InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demon Song ❯ Kagura's freedom ( Chapter 1 )

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Demon song

By Kaze No Ryu

Disclaimer: me no own, u no sue

Chapter 1 Kagura's freedom

Inu yasha and Kagura had been at each other's throats for nearly a half-hour, and Kagura had managed to give Inu-yasha subtle hints during the battle. For instance, that Naraku had her heart in his grasp and could kill her at any time. Also that if she was killed by a kind hearted person (no matter how cruel they may appear [for instance Inu-yasha])

Than her soul could reincarnate and she would rest in peace, instead being eternally tormented if she were to die of old age or if Naraku killed her. Kagura wanted to die, and be free of Naraku's control, but Naraku would know if she tried to let Inu-yasha kill her, and Inu-yasha was too weak and slow to kill her. There was only one chance for Inu-yasha to beat her. He started to whisper in another language so softly that he was barely moving his lips. Only the demons and Kagome could hear and understand what he was singing.

"hontou ni taisetsu na mono igai subete sutete

shimaetara ii no ni ne genjitsu wa tada zankoku de"

As Inu-yasha sang he started to faintly glow. 2 blue stripes began to form on each of his cheeks and each arm just above the wrists. His eyes turned blue with golden pupils, and his claws and fangs grew slightly longer. Whenever Inu-yasha would transform before now, he would get 1 jagged stripe on each cheek because his demon blood was completely overriding his human blood, and his eyes would turn red because his mind wasn't used to his demon instincts and he would go into a bloodlust. What most people ( human or demon) don't know is that human energy is much stronger than demon energy, ( I'm taking this Idea from Yu Yu Hakusho which I don't own either.) they just can't access it fully, but a combination of demon and human energy is the most powerful in existence. Unfortunately on normal circumstances a hanyou is unable to fully merge his or her 2 separate energies, and 1 always lies dormant, but Inu-yasha can merge his energies.

"sona toki itsu datte me o tojireba

waratteru kimi ga iri"

Inu-yasha charged Kagura still singing the song. He was starting to sing a little louder, and the others should have been able to here him, but they could not, they could however tell that he was saying something because his lips were moving.

"itsuka eien no nemuri tsuku hi made

dou ka sono egao ga taema naku aru you ni"

Kagura's winds were strong enough to force back every one else, but Inu-yasha was actually moving faster than Sesshoumaru would run, despite the high winds.

"hito wa minna kanashii kara

wasurete yuku ikimono dakedo"

"This is impossible! How are you moving this fast?!" shouted Kagura as she attempted to run from him, but soon Inu-yasha was in front of her still singing his song. Inu-yasha slashed Kagura's shoulder, and the winds stopped as she fell to the ground.

"aisubeki mono no tame ai o

kureru mono no tame dekiru koto"

Sang Inu-yasha as he bent over Kagura. Inu-yasha pulled back his arm in order to kill Kagura. Naraku was holding Kagura's heart, and saw it crack, and knew that she was dying. He ran out of his castle as Inu-yasha prepared to strike.

"Thank you" Kagura whispered to Inu-yasha, and he killed her. Kagura's body and her heart faded into dust and Naraku screamed in outrage.

"Kagura!!You did this on purpose! how dare you allow him to kill you?!" he screamed. Inu-yasha spoke to Naraku very loudly, though still only the demons and Kagome could hear him.

"Kagura did not allow me to kill her. She could not stand against me. I overpowered her. Now her soul can rest in peace, and you can no longer control her." As Inu-yasha spoke he started to glow, and his features returned to normal. With that Naraku fled and his castle evaporated.

"Kagura's finally free." Kag said, (I'm going to call Kagome Kag, and Inu-yasha Inu, unless there being used in conversation.) and Sango and Miroku wondered what had been said by Inu.