InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demonic Seduction ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fluffy: Howdy, all. This is my first fic, so please be nice.
“What did you say?” asked a very pissed off Sesshomaru.
“You heard me. I want you to seduce a woman,” said an old man behind a solid mahogany desk. “Gods, Sesshomaru. Will you control your temper?”
Sesshomaru had a vein popping on his head but they went away as he started to calm down. “Sorry, Toto-sai. I just can't believe what the hell you're asking me to do. First of all, I quit the Agency months ago and you call right out of the blue asking me for a favor when you owe me so many favors it's pathetic. Second of all, you ask me to do something as trivial as seducing a woman. I choose whom I seduce. Not some lousy society that I quit from ten months ago.”
“Might it help you say yes if I told you that the woman you are to seduce is a beauty?”
“What you consider beautiful and what I consider beautiful are two different things. For all I know, she could be a shriveled old crone.”
“I doubt that. Informants tell me that she has long, black hair and large, blue eyes with a hint of silver in them. She also has a well-proportioned body. So, what do you think?”
The description started to remind him of someone he didn't want to be reminded of. `No. It's not her. I know it. There are tons of girls that look like that. It can't possibly be-'
“Sesshomaru, what am I going to do with you? I am just about to tell you her name.”
“Sorry, wasn't paying attention. Continue.”
“Anyway, just so you know her, her name is Kagome Higurashi.”
Sesshomaru suddenly felt like killing the man. `How could he do this shit to me! I did everything he asked and now he asks me to do this stuff! What did I do to deserve this!'
“Uh-huh. Continue.”
“It turns out she came back from a four year trip with her father, Ryu Higurashi, in Egypt.”
`Oh, shit. Why don't you just rip off my endowment! I would call you merciful! Dammit! Tell me what I did, Please. I can't promise never to screw another woman as long as I live but I can promise not to do it as often. Just please tell me!'
“Sesshomaru! Pay attention, for God's sake!” Toto-sai yelled as he hit Sesshomaru with a huge wooden mallet. Sesshomaru's head was throbbing like crazy from the pain.
“May I ask what that was for?”
“For being stupid.”
“That isn't a reason!”
“Shut up and listen. Now, Ryu Higurashi is accused of stealing a very rare jewel called the Shikon Jewel from an ancient pyramid. This jewel is a very important national treasure. Legend says that whoever holds it will have his or her wish come true. If the legend holds true, who knows what will happen.”
“What does this have to do with seducing Kagome?”
“Let me finish! Now, Ryu disappeared suddenly without a trace. We believe that Kagome might have something to do with his disappearance. Your job is to seduce Kagome enough to get some information about either Ryu's or the jewel's whereabouts.”
“So, you just want me to seduce her, get the information, and dump her like trash?”
“Save for the dumping like trash, exactly.”
`Oh, boy. This will end in me going crazy. I'll decline this whole thing.'
Sesshomaru would usually be happy to seduce a woman. He would be ecstatic to do so. That was one of the reasons he was one of the most famous rakes in all of Kyoto. (A.N. There were other reasons, but they will not be told.) But now, he wasn't so sure. Kagome before had jilted him. He didn't know if he wanted to go through that again.
`Hold on! This could be your chance to get back at her. She left in the wake, so why not do the same to her? If you seduce the living hell out of her, get the info, and dump her like yesterday's laundry, she'll be crushed. Come on. think about it. Living with the shame or feeling the pride of felling Kagome. Come on, it won't be bad at all.'
Put it that way, and the bait was bitten. On Sesshomaru's gorgeous features, a smile that did not bode well for Kagome Higurashi appeared.
“Very well, Toto-sai. I accept.”
Fluffy: Uh-oh. I am not sure what will happen. This is just one of the stories that popped into my head. See what happens later on. If there are any more mistakes, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read and review. No flames. Me and my muse don't like it.